package AdventureGameModel; import*; import java.util.*; /** * Class AdventureGame. Handles all the necessary tasks to run the Adventure game. */ public class AdventureGame implements Serializable { private final String directoryName; // an attribute to store the Introductory text of the game private String helpText; // a variable to store the Help text of the game. This text is displayed when the user types "HELP"/"H" command private final HashMap<Integer, Room> rooms; // a list of all the rooms in the game private HashMap<String,String> synonyms = new HashMap<>(); // a HashMap to store synonyms of commands private final String[] actionVerbs = {"QUIT","INVENTORY","TAKE","DROP"}; // list of action verbs (other than motions) that exist in all games public Player player; // the Player of the game /** * Adventure Game Constructor * __________________________ * Initializes attributes * * @param name the name of the adventure */ public AdventureGame(String name){ this.synonyms = new HashMap<>(); this.rooms = new HashMap<>(); this.directoryName = "Games/" + name; // all games files are in the Games directory try { setUpGame(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("An Error Occurred: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Save the current state of the game to a file * * @param file pointer to file to write to */ public void saveModel(File file) { try { FileOutputStream outfile = new FileOutputStream(file); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(outfile); oos.writeObject(this); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * setUpGame * __________________________ * * @throws IOException in the case of a file I/O error */ public void setUpGame() throws IOException { String directoryName = this.directoryName; AdventureLoader loader = new AdventureLoader(this, directoryName); loader.loadGame(); // set up the player's current location this.player = new Player(this.rooms.get(1)); } /** * tokenize * __________________________ * Tokenizes input commands from the player for efficient processing * * @param input string from the command line * @return a string array of tokens that represents the command. */ public String[] tokenize(String input){ input = input.toUpperCase(); String[] commandArray = input.split(" "); int i = 0; while (i < commandArray.length) { if (this.synonyms.containsKey(commandArray[i])){ commandArray[i] = this.synonyms.get(commandArray[i]); } i++; } return commandArray; } /** * movePlayer * __________________________ * Moves the player in the given direction, if possible. * Return false if the player wins or dies as a result of the move. * * @param direction the move command * @return false, if move results in death or a win (and game is over). Else, true. */ public boolean movePlayer(String direction) { direction = direction.toUpperCase(); PassageTable motionTable = this.player.getCurrentRoom().getMotionTable(); // where can we move? if (!motionTable.optionExists(direction)) return true; // no move ArrayList<Passage> possibilities = new ArrayList<>(); for (Passage entry : motionTable.getDirection()) { if (entry.getDirection().equals(direction)) { // this is the right direction possibilities.add(entry); } } // try the blocked passages first Passage chosen = null; for (Passage entry : possibilities) { System.out.println(entry.getIsBlocked()); System.out.println(entry.getKeyName()); if (chosen == null && entry.getIsBlocked()) { if (this.player.getInventory().contains(entry.getKeyName())) { chosen = entry; break; } } else { chosen = entry; } // the passage is unlocked } if (chosen == null) return true; int roomNumber = chosen.getDestinationRoom(); Room room = this.rooms.get(roomNumber); this.player.setCurrentRoom(room); return !this.player.getCurrentRoom().getMotionTable().getDirection().get(0).getDirection().equals("FORCED"); } /** * interpretAction * __________________________ * Interpret the player's action * * @param command String representation of the command. */ public String interpretAction(String command){ String[] inputArray = tokenize(command); // look up synonyms PassageTable motionTable = this.player.getCurrentRoom().getMotionTable(); // where can we move? if (motionTable.optionExists(inputArray[0])) { if (!movePlayer(inputArray[0])) { if (this.player.getCurrentRoom().getMotionTable().getDirection().get(0).getDestinationRoom() == 0) return "GAME OVER"; else return "FORCED"; } // we have lost the game or we won return null; } else if(Arrays.asList(this.actionVerbs).contains(inputArray[0])) { if(inputArray[0].equals("QUIT")) { return "GAME OVER"; } // now we stop as the game is over else if(inputArray[0].equals("INVENTORY") && this.player.getInventory().size() == 0) return "INVENTORY IS EMPTY"; else if(inputArray[0].equals("INVENTORY") && this.player.getInventory().size() > 0) return "THESE OBJECTS ARE IN YOUR INVENTORY:\n" + this.player.getInventory().toString(); else if(inputArray[0].equals("TAKE") && inputArray.length < 2) return "THE TAKE COMMAND REQUIRES AN OBJECT"; else if(inputArray[0].equals("DROP") && inputArray.length < 2) return "THE DROP COMMAND REQUIRES AN OBJECT"; else if(inputArray[0].equals("TAKE") && inputArray.length == 2) { if(this.player.getCurrentRoom().checkIfObjectInRoom(inputArray[1])) { this.player.takeObject(inputArray[1]); return "YOU HAVE TAKEN:\n " + inputArray[1]; } else { return "THIS OBJECT IS NOT HERE:\n " + inputArray[1]; } } else if(inputArray[0].equals("DROP") && inputArray.length == 2) { if(this.player.checkIfObjectInInventory(inputArray[1])) { this.player.dropObject(inputArray[1]); return "YOU HAVE DROPPED:\n " + inputArray[1]; } else { return "THIS OBJECT IS NOT IN YOUR INVENTORY:\n " + inputArray[1]; } } } return "INVALID COMMAND."; } /** * getDirectoryName * __________________________ * Getter method for directory * @return directoryName */ public String getDirectoryName() { return this.directoryName; } /** * getInstructions * __________________________ * Getter method for instructions * @return helpText */ public String getInstructions() { return helpText; } /** * getPlayer * __________________________ * Getter method for Player */ public Player getPlayer() { return this.player; } /** * getRooms * __________________________ * Getter method for rooms * @return map of key value pairs (integer to room) */ public HashMap<Integer, Room> getRooms() { return this.rooms; } /** * getSynonyms * __________________________ * Getter method for synonyms * @return map of key value pairs (synonym to command) */ public HashMap<String, String> getSynonyms() { return this.synonyms; } /** * setHelpText * __________________________ * Setter method for helpText * @param help which is text to set */ public void setHelpText(String help) { this.helpText = help; } }