Java-Adventure-Game / Java-Based Adventure Game main
To run the Adventure Game:
Run the launcher class.
If GUI won't open;
    1. Download most recent JavaFX SDK files online ( and store them in an accessible directory
    2. In a Java IDE (IntelliJ), navigate to File > Project Structure > Libraries > + symbol > Java
    3. Open all your JavaFX SDK .jar files, then 'Apply' all changes
Try running AdventureGameApp. If getting the error "JavaFX runtime components are missing";
    4. Navigate to Run > Edit Configurations > + symbol > Application
    5. Set the main class to be AdventureGameApp, then at the top right hit 'Modify options' > 'Add VM options'
    6. In the VM arguments field, paste the line; "--module-path
    (ie --module-path "/Users/harshnair/Java Library/javafx-sdk-21/lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,
    7. Hit 'Apply' and 'OK'
By now, you may run and access the GUI to start the Adventure Game. Make sure your audio is enabled!