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# GoogleUtilities
GoogleUtilities provides a set of utilities for Firebase and other Google SDKs for Apple platform
The utilities are not directly supported for non-Google library usage.
## Integration Testing
These instructions apply to minor and patch version updates. Major versions need
a customized adaptation.
After the CI is green:
* Determine the next version for release by checking the
[tagged releases](https://github.com/google/GoogleUtilities/tags).
Ensure that the next release version keeps the Swift PM and CocoaPods versions in sync.
* Verify that the releasing version is the latest entry in the [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md),
updating it if necessary.
* Update the version in the podspec to match the latest entry in the [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md)
* Checkout the `main` branch and ensure it is up to date
git checkout main
git pull
* Add the CocoaPods tag (`{version}` will be the latest version in the [podspec](GoogleUtilities.podspec#L3))
git tag CocoaPods-{version}
git push origin CocoaPods-{version}
* Push the podspec to the designated repo
* If this version of GoogleUtilities is intended to launch **before or with** the next Firebase release:
Push to SpecsStaging
pod repo push --skip-tests staging GoogleUtilities.podspec
If the command fails with `Unable to find the 'staging' repo.`, add the staging repo with:
pod repo add staging git@github.com:firebase/SpecsStaging.git
* Otherwise:
Push to SpecsDev
pod repo push --skip-tests dev GoogleUtilities.podspec
If the command fails with `Unable to find the 'dev' repo.`, add the dev repo with:
pod repo add dev git@github.com:firebase/SpecsDev.git
* Run Firebase CI by waiting until next nightly or adding a PR that touches `Gemfile`.
* On google3, run copybara using the command below. Then, start a global TAP on the generated CL. Deflake as needed.
third_party/firebase/ios/Releases/run_copy_bara.py --directory GoogleUtilities --branch main
## Publishing
The release process is as follows:
1. [Tag and release for Swift PM](#swift-package-manager)
2. [Publish to CocoaPods](#cocoapods)
3. [Create GitHub Release](#create-github-release)
4. [Perform post release cleanup](#post-release-cleanup)
### Swift Package Manager
By creating and [pushing a tag](https://github.com/google/GoogleUtilities/tags)
for Swift PM, the newly tagged version will be immediately released for public use.
Given this, please verify the intended time of release for Swift PM.
* Add a version tag for Swift PM
git tag {version}
git push origin {version}
*Note: Ensure that any inflight PRs that depend on the new `GoogleUtilities` version are updated to point to the
newly tagged version rather than a checksum.*
### CocoaPods
* Publish the newly versioned pod to CocoaPods
It's recommended to point to the `GoogleUtilities.podspec` in `staging` to make sure the correct spec is being published.
pod trunk push ~/.cocoapods/repos/staging/GoogleUtilities/{version}/GoogleUtilities.podspec
*Note: In some cases, it may be acceptable to `pod trunk push` with the `--skip-tests` flag. Please double check with
the maintainers before doing so.*
The pod push was successful if the above command logs: `🚀 GoogleUtilities ({version}) successfully published`.
In addition, a new commit that publishes the new version (co-authored by [CocoaPodsAtGoogle](https://github.com/CocoaPodsAtGoogle))
should appear in the [CocoaPods specs repo](https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs). Last, the latest version should be displayed
on [GoogleUtilities's CocoaPods page](https://cocoapods.org/pods/GoogleUtilities).
### [Create GitHub Release](https://github.com/google/GoogleUtilities/releases/new/)
Update the [release template](https://github.com/google/GoogleUtilities/releases/new/)'s **Tag version** and **Release title**
fields with the latest version. In addition, reference the [Release Notes](./CHANGELOG.md) in the release's description.
See [this release](https://github.com/google/GoogleUtilities/releases/edit/7.7.0) for an example.
*Don't forget to perform the [post release cleanup](#post-release-cleanup)!*
### Post Release Cleanup
Clean up SpecsStaging
mkdir -p /tmp/release-cleanup && cd $_
git clone git@github.com:firebase/SpecsStaging.git
cd SpecsStaging/
git rm -rf GoogleUtilities/
git commit -m "Post publish cleanup"
git push origin master
rm -rf /tmp/release-cleanup
cd $pwd
## Development
To develop in this repository, ensure that you have at least the following software:
* Xcode 12.0 (or later)
* CocoaPods 1.10.0 (or later)
* [CocoaPods generate](https://github.com/square/cocoapods-generate)
For the pod that you want to develop:
`pod gen GoogleUtilities.podspec --local-sources=./ --auto-open --platforms=ios`
Note: If the CocoaPods cache is out of date, you may need to run
`pod repo update` before the `pod gen` command.
Note: Set the `--platforms` option to `macos` or `tvos` to develop/test for
those platforms. Since 10.2, Xcode does not properly handle multi-platform
CocoaPods workspaces.
### Development for Catalyst
* `pod gen GoogleUtilities.podspec --local-sources=./ --auto-open --platforms=ios`
* Check the Mac box in the App-iOS Build Settings
* Sign the App in the Settings Signing & Capabilities tab
* Click Pods in the Project Manager
* Add Signing to the iOS host app and unit test targets
* Select the Unit-unit scheme
* Run it to build and test
Alternatively disable signing in each target:
* Go to Build Settings tab
* Click `+`
* Select `Add User-Defined Setting`
* Add `CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED` setting with a value of `NO`
### Code Formatting
To ensure that the code is formatted consistently, run the script
before creating a PR.
GitHub Actions will verify that any code changes are done in a style compliant
way. Install `clang-format` and `mint`:
brew install clang-format@15
brew install mint
### Running Unit Tests
Select a scheme and press Command-u to build a component and run its unit tests.
## Contributing
See [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md).
## License
The contents of this repository is licensed under the
[Apache License, version 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
[gh-actions]: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/actions
[gh-google-utilities-badge]: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/workflows/google-utilities/badge.svg