
Recipe List App

This Recipe List App allows users to add and browse recipes, with the unique ability to add their own photos, ingredients, and preparation steps for each recipe.


  • Browse recipes: Users can browse through a list of recipes that includes title, photo, and short description.
  • Add new recipes: Users can add their own recipes with photos, ingredients, and preparation steps.
  • Filter recipes: Users can filter recipes by category, ingredient, or search keywords.
  • Dynamic serving sizes: Users can select the number of servings they need and the app will automatically calculate the amount of ingredients required.
  • CoreData implementation: Recipes are stored using CoreData, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval.
  • JSON data: The app comes with a few initial recipes added via JSON.

Content used

  • Swift
  • CoreData
  • JSON

How to Run the App

  • Clone this repository or download the source code.
  • Open the project in Xcode.
  • Build and run the app on the simulator or on a physical device running iOS.

Future Improvements

  • Creating users profiles via Firebase Auth
  • Allow users to plan their meals for the week
  • Implementing a rating system of recipes