import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.scene.control.Alert; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.*; public class Config { BufferedReader reader; Alert error = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR); ArrayList cellsToCheck = new ArrayList<>(); List configLines; ArrayList validOperators = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList cageConfigs = new ArrayList<>(); Config(String input) { error.setTitle("Puzzle Loading Error"); validOperators.add('+'); validOperators.add('*'); validOperators.add('x'); validOperators.add('/'); validOperators.add('-'); validOperators.add('÷'); configLines = Arrays.asList(input.split("\n")); } Config(File file) { error.setTitle("Puzzle Loading Error"); validOperators.add('+'); validOperators.add('*'); validOperators.add('x'); validOperators.add('/'); validOperators.add('-'); validOperators.add('÷'); configLines = checkConfigFromFile(file); } public ArrayList getCages() { if (checkInputValidity(configLines)) { return cageConfigs; } else { return null; } } public ArrayList checkConfigFromFile(File file) { ArrayList localConfig = new ArrayList<>(); cellsToCheck = new ArrayList<>(); try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } catch (NullPointerException | IOException e) { error.setHeaderText("File Not Found"); error.setContentText("I'm impressed you even triggered this"); Platform.runLater(() -> { error.showAndWait(); }); return null; } String line = getLine(); while (line != null) { localConfig.add(line); line = getLine(); } return localConfig; } // checks whole string to see if its valid public boolean checkInputValidity(List lines) { int count = 1; for (String configLine : lines) { if (!isLineValid(configLine)) { error.setHeaderText("Error reading config"); error.setContentText("On line " + count + " there was a formatting error\n" + configLine); Platform.runLater(() -> { error.showAndWait(); }); return false; } count++; } if (cellsToCheck.size() == 0) { error.setHeaderText("Error reading file"); error.setContentText("No Cells Found"); Platform.runLater(() -> { error.showAndWait(); }); return false; } Collections.sort(cellsToCheck); int largestNumb = cellsToCheck.get(cellsToCheck.size() - 1); if (!(largestNumb % Math.sqrt(largestNumb) == 0)) { error.setHeaderText("Error reading file"); error.setContentText("File provided does not describe a MathDoku grid (not square)"); Platform.runLater(() -> { error.showAndWait(); }); return false; } else if (cellsToCheck.size() != cellsToCheck.get(cellsToCheck.size() - 1)) { error.setHeaderText("Error reading file"); error.setContentText("File provided does not describe a MathDoku grid (not square)"); Platform.runLater(() -> { error.showAndWait(); }); return false; } for (String line : lines) { String[] cage = line.split(" ")[1].split(","); int[] cells = new int[cage.length]; for (int i = 0; i < cage.length; i++) { cells[i] = Integer.parseInt(cage[i]); } for (int cell : cells) { if (cells.length != 1) { boolean adjFound = false; double n = Math.sqrt(largestNumb); for (int adjCell : cells) { if ((cell == (adjCell + 1) && (adjCell % n != 0)) || ((cell == (adjCell - 1)) && (cell % n != 0)) || cell == (adjCell + n) || cell == (adjCell - n)) { adjFound = true; break; } } if (!adjFound) { error.setHeaderText("Error reading file"); error.setContentText("Cage contains non-adjacent cells\n" + line); Platform.runLater(() -> { error.showAndWait(); }); return false; } } } } return true; } // checks every line to see if its valid public boolean isLineValid(String line) { Character operator = null; Integer target = null; ArrayList cageCells = new ArrayList<>(); String[] lineSplit = line.split(" "); if (lineSplit.length != 2) { return false; } String[] cells = lineSplit[1].split(","); for (String cell : cells) { if (isNumber(cell) && !cellsToCheck.contains(Integer.parseInt(cell))) { if (Integer.parseInt(cell) > 0) { cellsToCheck.add(Integer.parseInt(cell)); cageCells.add(Integer.parseInt(cell)); } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } if (lineSplit[1].split(",").length == 1 && !isNumber(lineSplit[0])) { return false; } else if (!isNumber(lineSplit[0])) { operator = lineSplit[0].charAt(lineSplit[0].length() - 1); if (!isNumber(lineSplit[0].substring(0, lineSplit[0].length() - 1))) { return false; } else if(!validOperators.contains(operator)) { return false; } target = Integer.parseInt(lineSplit[0].substring(0, lineSplit[0].length() - 1)); } else if (isNumber(lineSplit[0])) { target = Integer.parseInt(lineSplit[0]); operator = 's'; } if(cells.length != 1 && operator == 's') { return false; } cageConfigs.add(new CageConfig(operator, target, cageCells)); return true; } boolean isNumber(String number) { try { Integer d = Integer.parseInt(number); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return false; } } String getLine() { try { return this.reader.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); return ""; } } public ArrayList getCageConfigs() { return cageConfigs; } }