Stark-et-al-ICB-2022 / Code /

Contains codes for the data extraction and visualization of the study: Rocks and vegetation cover improve body condition of desert lizards during both summer and winter

  • Extracting vegetation and rock cover.R :code to obtain vegetation and rock cover data in various radiuses (10-100m) using lizard's coordinates.
  • Figure 1.R :code for the creation of a dataset for ground temp in the shade and open and use it for visualizing figure 1.
  • Figure 2 - maps.R :code for the creation of figure 2 using Data/lizards_Mi_data_Appendix_S1.csv.
  • Create_Figs_3-4.R :code for the creation of figure 3 and 4 using Data/lizards_Mi_data_Appendix_S1.csv.
  • statistical_analysis Folder :Contains all the codes for the statistical analysis of the study.