MindKeep / projectstructure.md

Core Structure

  • app: Main application module
    • src/main/java: Kotlin source code
    • src/main/res: Resources (layouts, strings, drawables)

Package Organization

UI Layer

  • ui: Contains all UI-related code
    • components: Reusable UI components
    • theme: App theme-related classes

Data Layer

  • data: Handles data operations
    • local: Local data sources
      • database: Room database classes
        • dao: Data Access Objects
        • entity: Database entities
      • preferences: SharedPreferences management
    • remote: Remote data sources
      • api: Retrofit API services
      • model: API response models
    • repository: Repository implementations

Domain Layer

  • domain: Business logic
    • model: Domain models
    • usecase: Use cases / interactors


  • di: Dependency injection modules (e.g., Hilt modules)
  • util: Utility classes and extensions


  • features: Package containing main functional areas of the app, with their UI screens, viewmodels, and services

Key Components

  1. MainActivity.kt: Entry point, sets up the Compose UI[1].

  2. Navigation.kt: Handles app navigation using the Navigation component[1].

  3. ViewModel: Each screen typically has an associated ViewModel[5].

  4. Repository: Manages data operations, bridging local and remote data sources[5].

  5. Composables: UI components defined using Jetpack Compose[1][2].

Best Practices

  1. Separate concerns: Keep UI, business logic, and data management distinct[2][5].

  2. Use MVVM architecture: Organize code into Model, View, and ViewModel layers[5].

  3. Create reusable components: Place shared Composables in a dedicated package[1][2].

  4. Implement clean architecture: Separate the app into data, domain, and presentation layers for larger projects[2].

  5. Use dependency injection: Implement Hilt for managing dependencies across the app[4][5].

  6. Follow single responsibility: Each class or function should have a single, well-defined purpose[5].

By following this structure, you'll create a maintainable, scalable, and testable Jetpack Compose application. Remember to adjust the structure based on your specific project needs and complexity[2][5].

Citations: [1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68304586/how-to-structure-a-jetpack-compose-project [2] https://jonas-rodehorst.dev/blog/how-to-structure-your-jetpack-compose-project [3] https://www.reddit.com/r/Kotlin/comments/18dtqjp/compose_multiplatform_project_structure/ [4] https://github.com/ferhatozcelik/jetpack-compose-template [5] https://blog.stackademic.com/mvvm-architecture-and-package-structure-with-jetpack-compose-7158ab583767?gi=558737458291 [6] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLgRwRbb1fE [7] https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/compose/architecture?authuser=1 [8] https://hyperskill.org/learn/step/25491