CorticalOrganoids / scr / AllCells / Cluster Annotation.Rmd
Cluster Annotation.Rmd
title: "Cluster Annotation"
author: "Nina-Lydia Kazakou"
date: "16/06/2021"
output: html_document

Here, I will use markers previously described in literature to roughly annotate the cell clusters present in this dataset, before subsetting and looking into the oligolineage. 

# load libraries 
```{r message=FALSE}

# Set the colour pallete 
mypal <- pal_npg("nrc", alpha = 0.7)(10)
mypal2 <-pal_tron("legacy", alpha = 0.7)(7)
mypal3 <- pal_lancet("lanonc", alpha = 0.7)(9)
mypal4 <- pal_simpsons(palette = c("springfield"), alpha = 0.7)(16)
mypal5 <- pal_rickandmorty(palette = c("schwifty"), alpha = 0.7)(6)
mypal6 <- pal_futurama(palette = c("planetexpress"), alpha = 0.7)(5)
mypal7 <- pal_startrek(palette = c("uniform"), alpha = 0.7)(5)
mycoloursP<- c(mypal, mypal2, mypal3, mypal4, mypal5, mypal6, mypal7)
show_col(mycoloursP, labels =F)

# Load normalised seu.object
```{r} <- readRDS(here("data", ""))

dim( #22735 12923

DefaultAssay( <- "RNA"
Idents( <- "RNA_snn_res.0.5"

DimPlot(, reduction = "umap", pt.size = 0.5, cols = mycoloursP, label = TRUE) & NoAxes()

```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
 # General Markers 
FeaturePlot(,  features = c("GPHN", "NCAM1", "NEFL", "NEUROD1"), order = TRUE, label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(,  features = c( "RBFOX3", "RBFOX1", "MAP2", "SYP"), order = TRUE, label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(,  features = c("SYNPR", "TUBB3"), order = TRUE, label = TRUE)

FeaturePlot(, features = c("SNAP25", "STMN2", "RBFOX3", "GABRB2"), label = TRUE)

Inhibitory neurons:
```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
FeaturePlot(, features = c("GAD1", "GAD2", "SLC32A1", "PVALB"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("ADARB2", "VIP", "LAMP5", "LHX6"), label = TRUE)

```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=23, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
FeaturePlot(, features = c("LAMA3", "VIP", "TAC3", "RYR3", "TSHZ2",
                                    "RELN", "IL1RAPL2", "CXCL14", "EYA4",
                                    "FBXL7", "KIT", "MEIS2", "PBX3", "PLCL1", 
                                    "MYO5B", "TRHDE", "PLCH1"), ncol = 2, label = TRUE)

Excitatory neurons
```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
FeaturePlot(, features = c("SATB2", "SLC12A6", "SLC17A7"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("FEZF2", "RORB", "THEMIS"), label = TRUE)

Glutaminergic neurons:
```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
FeaturePlot(, features = c("GLS", "GRIN1", "GRIN2B", "SLC17A6"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("VGLUT2", "SLC17A7", "VGLUT1"), label = TRUE)

Serotonergic neurons:
```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
FeaturePlot(, features = c("SLC6A4", "TPH1"), label = TRUE)

Neuronal receptors:
```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
FeaturePlot(, features = c("GABBR1", "SLC32A1", "VGAT"), label = TRUE)

Radial Glia & Neuroprogenitors:
```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
 # Radial Glia:
FeaturePlot(, features = c("SLC1A3", "PAX6", "SOX2", "PDGFD", "GLI3"), label = TRUE, ncol = 3)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("GLI3", "VIM", "HES1", "HES5"), label = TRUE)

 #Outer Radial Glia:
FeaturePlot(, features = c("TNC", "PTPRZ1", "FAM107A", "HOPX", "LIFR"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("LIFR", "STAT3"), label = TRUE)

 #Basal Radial Glia:
FeaturePlot(, features = c("VIM", "SOX2", "PAX6", "HOPX"), label = TRUE)

 #Ventricular Radial Glia:
FeaturePlot(, features = c("CRYAB", "PDGFD", "TAGLN2", "FBXO32", "PALLD"), label = TRUE)

 #Early neuronal markers:
FeaturePlot(, features = c("EOMES", "ELAVL4", "NEUROG1", "NEUROD1"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("NEUROD4", "PPP1R17", "PENK"), label = TRUE)

 #From Radial Glia to Intermediate Progenitors to Neurons
FeaturePlot(, features = c("SLC1A3", "PAX6", "VIM", "GFAP"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("RBFOX1"), label = TRUE)

```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=25, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
FeaturePlot(, features = c("S100B", 
                         "FGFR3"), label = TRUE, ncol = 2)

```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=35, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
FeaturePlot(, features = c("HPSE2", 
                           "APLNR"), label = TRUE, ncol = 2)

```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
FeaturePlot(, features = c("PDGFRB", "COL1A1", "COL1A2", "COL1A3"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("ACTA2", "SPARC", "BGN", "S100A10"), label = TRUE)

```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
FeaturePlot(, features = c("TMEM119", "CD11B", "CD45", "IBA1", "CX3CR1", "F4/80", "CD68", "CD40"), label = TRUE)

```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
 #General Glia Markers
FeaturePlot(, features = c("OLIG1", "OLIG2", "SOX10"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("CD9", "PPP1R16B", "SOX8"), label = TRUE)

 #Oligo lineage progression
FeaturePlot(, features = c("MYRF", "O4", "GPR56", "GPR17"), label = TRUE)

FeaturePlot(, features = c("PDGFRA", "PCDH15", "BCAN", "SOX6"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("FOXJ3", "ZNF238"), label = TRUE) #maintenance of mitotic OPCs
FeaturePlot(, features = c("NELL1", "PAX3"), label = TRUE) #Spinal Cord OPCs from HCA dataset

FeaturePlot(, features = c("ETV1", "CHST9", "MYT1", "TENM2"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("CAMK2A", "KCNQ5", "SEMA5B", "SYT1"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("GPR17", "BMPER", "EPHB1", "ARHGAP24"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("DOCK8", "APBB1IP"), label = TRUE)

FeaturePlot(, features = c("MBP", "PLP1", "CNP", "MAG"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("MOG", "OSP", "BCAS1", "ZNF488"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("GALC", "MOBP", "ZNF536"), label = TRUE)

Summarized markers used to characterise the monolayer dataset:
```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
 # Radial Glia
FeaturePlot(, features = c("VIM", "PAX6", "HES1"), label = TRUE)

 # Outer Radial Glia
FeaturePlot(, features = c("HOPX", "PTPRZ1"), label = TRUE)

 # Pre-OPCs
FeaturePlot(, features = c("SPARCL1", "BCAN"), label = TRUE)

 # Astocytes (mature)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("AQP4", "TAGLN2", "SPON1"), label = TRUE)

 # Oligodendroglia
FeaturePlot(, features = c("OLIG1", "OLIG2", "SOX10"), label = TRUE)

 # Neurons
FeaturePlot(, features = c("DCX", "SOX11", "STMN2"), label = TRUE)

 # Pericytes
FeaturePlot(, features = c("ACTA2", "AXNA2"), label = TRUE)

Markers previously identified in our datasets: 
```{r fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.fullwidth=TRUE}
FeaturePlot(, features = c("RBFOX1", "SPARC", "OPALIN"), label = TRUE)
FeaturePlot(, features = c("PAX3", "NELL1", "KLK6"), label = TRUE)