da-message-passing / roadmap.md

Project roadmap

Publication venues:

Proposed paper contents:

  • Focus on algorithm that supports 3D grids but perhaps not time?
  • Derivation of the algorithm (roughly following So's Overleaf)
  • "Clever bits" of GPU implementation
  • Demonstrations on simulated data
  • Large scale application to real data


Each task has a priority: P1 = high priority, P4 = low priority

I've then ordered the themes roughly in order of decreasing priority based on the tasks they contain.

Improve the INLA integration

  • [P2] Why does it converge to something different to MP and 3D-Var?
    • Noise currently isn't set correctly (I think).
  • [P3] Directly use solve functions suggested by INLA people rather than main INLA method, to reduce overheads
  • [P4] Avoid writing the observations to disk when transferring between Python and R

Large scale applications for 2D GP

  • [P3] Implement multi-GPU

Use MC method for the variance

Possibly following "Efficient Covariance Approximations for Large Sparse Precision Matrices"

  • [P4] Can we use the output of this method as an input to the message passing to speed up convergece?
  • [P4] Reimplement Marc's code from Slack in JAX
  • [P4] Look at work of Sharana Kumar Shivanand who gave presentation on this to F-X's group meeting

Improve the convergence speed of the mean

  • [P4] Try Aitken's and Steffenson’s method from this paper
  • [P4] Try randomised message scheduling from this paper

Investigate and write up why we can't choose good cs