from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import NamedTuple import numpy as np from findiff import PDE, BoundaryConditions, FinDiff, Identity, Coefficient from numpy import ndarray from numpy.random import Generator from scipy.sparse import diags, spmatrix from scipy.special import gamma Obs = list[tuple[tuple[int, int], ndarray]] class Shape(NamedTuple): width: int height: int def flatten(self) -> int: return self.width * self.height @dataclass(frozen=True) class Prior: d: int ls: float nu: float amp: float shape: Shape precision: spmatrix precision_decomposed: spmatrix grid_idxs: ndarray interior_idxs: ndarray @property def interior_shape(self) -> Shape: return Shape(self.shape.width - 2, self.shape.height - 2) @property def name(self) -> str: return f"size_{self.shape.width}_{self.shape.height}" @dataclass(frozen=True) class Posterior: shift: ndarray precision: spmatrix obs_noise: float obs_location_mask: spmatrix def get_prior(shape: Shape) -> Prior: d = 2 ls = 0.15 nu = 1 amp = 1.1 x = np.linspace(0, 1, shape.width) y = np.linspace(0, 1, shape.height) dx = x[1] - x[0] dy = y[1] - y[0] # Set LHS diff_op = _kappa(nu, ls) ** 2 * Identity() - FinDiff(0, dx, 2) - FinDiff(1, dy, 2) # Construct matern-1 precision matrix mat = _operator_to_matrix(diff_op, shape) precision_decomposed = np.sqrt(dx * dy / (_q(d, nu, ls) * amp**2)) * mat precision = precision_decomposed.T @ precision_decomposed return Prior( d, ls, nu, amp, shape, precision, precision_decomposed, interior_idxs=_get_interior_indices(shape), grid_idxs=_get_domain_indices(shape), ) def get_prior_sphere(shape: Shape, lon: ndarray, lat: ndarray) -> Prior: d = 2 ls = 0.2 nu = 1 amp = 1.9 # Shifting the undefined region to the north pole. # lat now goes from 0 -> 180 deg lat = lat + 90 phi = np.radians(lat) theta = np.radians(lon) dtheta, dphi = theta[1] - theta[0], phi[1] - phi[0] Theta, Phi = np.meshgrid(theta, phi) # Set LHS diff_op = ( _kappa(nu, ls) ** 2 * Identity() - Coefficient(1 / np.tan(Phi)) * FinDiff(0, dphi) - FinDiff(0, dphi, 2) - Coefficient((1 / np.sin(Phi)) ** 2) * FinDiff(1, dtheta, 2) ) # Construct matern-1 precision matrix mat = _operator_to_matrix(diff_op, shape) # Extract the interior Phi values # Used to scale the precision Phi_interior = Phi[1:-1,1:-1] Phi_interior = Phi_interior.flatten() Phi_interior = diags(Phi_interior) precision_decomposed = np.sqrt((np.sin(Phi_interior)*dtheta * dphi) / (_q(d, nu, ls) * amp**2)) * mat precision = precision_decomposed.T @ precision_decomposed return Prior( d, ls, nu, amp, shape, precision, precision_decomposed, interior_idxs=_get_interior_indices(shape), grid_idxs=_get_domain_indices(shape), ) def sample_prior(rng: Generator, prior: Prior) -> ndarray: x = np.linspace(0, 1, prior.shape.width) y = np.linspace(0, 1, prior.shape.height) dx = x[1] - x[0] dy = y[1] - y[0] # Set LHS kappa = _kappa(, diff_op = kappa**2 * Identity() - FinDiff(0, dx, 2) - FinDiff(1, dy, 2) # Set RHS const = (dx * dy) ** (-0.5) * np.sqrt(_q(prior.d,, * prior.amp W = const * rng.normal(size=prior.shape) # Set boundary conditions (zero-Dirichlet) bc = BoundaryConditions(prior.shape) bc[0, :] = 0 bc[-1, :] = 0 bc[:, 0] = 0 bc[:, -1] = 0 # Solve PDE pde = PDE(diff_op, W, bc) return pde.solve() def get_posterior( prior: Prior, observations: Obs, obs_noise: float = 1e-3 ) -> Posterior: shape = prior.grid_idxs.shape N = mask = np.zeros(N) for idx, _ in observations: mask[prior.grid_idxs[idx]] = 1 posterior_precision = prior.precision + obs_noise ** (-2) * diags( mask[prior.interior_idxs] ) posterior_shift = np.zeros( for idx, observation in observations: posterior_shift[prior.grid_idxs[idx]] = observation / obs_noise**2 posterior_shift = posterior_shift[prior.interior_idxs] return Posterior( posterior_shift, posterior_precision, obs_noise, obs_location_mask=mask[prior.interior_idxs], ) def _get_domain_indices(shape): siz = full_indices = np.array(list(range(siz))).reshape(shape) return full_indices def _get_interior_indices(shape) -> ndarray: full_indices = _get_domain_indices(shape) interior_slice = tuple(slice(1, -1) for _ in range(len(shape))) interior_indices = full_indices[interior_slice].flatten() return interior_indices def _operator_to_matrix(diff_op, shape): """ Convert a findiff operator into a precision matrix """ mat = diff_op.matrix(shape) interior_idxs = _get_interior_indices(shape) mat = mat[interior_idxs] mat = mat[:, interior_idxs] return mat def _kappa(nu: float, ls: float) -> float: return np.sqrt(2 * nu) / ls def _q(d: int, nu: float, ls: float) -> float: return ( (4 * np.pi) ** (d / 2) * _kappa(nu, ls) ** (2 * nu) * gamma(nu + d / 2) ) / gamma(nu) def choose_observations( rng: Generator, n_obs: int, ground_truth: ndarray, obs_noise: float ) -> Obs: x_idxs = np.arange(ground_truth.shape[0]) y_idxs = np.arange(ground_truth.shape[1]) X_idxs, Y_idxs = np.meshgrid(x_idxs[1:-1], y_idxs[1:-1], indexing="ij") all_idxs = np.stack([X_idxs.flatten(), Y_idxs.flatten()], axis=1) idxs = rng.choice(all_idxs, n_obs, replace=False) return [((x, y), ground_truth[(x, y)] + obs_noise * rng.normal()) for x, y in idxs]