da-message-passing / src / damp / so_impl.py
"""So's reference implementation of the message passing algorithm."""
from dataclasses import dataclass

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

from damp import gp

class State:
    precision: float = 0.0
    shift: float = 1e-8

class FactorGraphFromArray(nx.DiGraph):
    def __init__(self, Gamma, h=None, c=None):
        # Store Gamma, h and c
        self.Gamma = Gamma
        self.h = np.zeros(len(Gamma)) if h is None else h
        self.c = 1.0 if c is None else c

        # Initialise factor graph from Gamma matrix
            G = nx.from_scipy_sparse_array(Gamma, create_using=nx.DiGraph)
            G = nx.from_numpy_array(Gamma, create_using=nx.DiGraph)
        G.remove_edges_from(nx.selfloop_edges(G))  # Remove self-loops

        # Initialise node states
        nx.set_node_attributes(self, State(), "state")

        # Initialise edge states
        nx.set_edge_attributes(self, State(), "message")

    def send_message(self, i, j):
        msg_ji = self.edges[(j, i)]["message"]

        a_ji = msg_ji.precision
        b_ji = msg_ji.shift

        # Compute variable-to-factor message
        A_ij = self.c * np.sum(
            [self.edges[(k, i)]["message"].precision for k in self.neighbors(i)]
        A_ij += self.Gamma[i, i]
        A_ij -= a_ji

        B_ij = self.c * np.sum(
            [self.edges[(k, i)]["message"].shift for k in self.neighbors(i)]
        B_ij += self.h[i]
        B_ij -= b_ji

        # Compute factor-to-variable message
        a_ij = -((self.Gamma[i, j] / self.c) ** 2) / A_ij
        b_ij = -(B_ij * self.Gamma[i, j]) / (self.c * A_ij)

        # Update message
        self.edges[(i, j)]["message"] = State(a_ij, b_ij)

    def update_state(self, i):
        # Update state at node i
        a = self.Gamma[i, i]
        b = self.h[i]
        for j in self.neighbors(i):
            a += self.c * self.edges[(j, i)]["message"].precision
            b += self.c * self.edges[(j, i)]["message"].shift
        self.nodes[i]["state"] = State(a, b)

    def send_all_messages(self, i):
        # Send messages to all neighbours of node i
        for j in self.neighbors(i):
            self.send_message(i, j)

    def iterate_message_passing(self, num_iter):
        for _ in tqdm(range(num_iter)):
            for i in self.nodes:
            for i in self.nodes:

    def states(self):
        return dict([(x, self.nodes[x]["state"]) for x in self.nodes])

    def means(self):
        return np.array([s.shift / s.precision for s in self.states.values()])

    def stds(self):
        return np.array([np.sqrt(s.precision ** (-1)) for s in self.states.values()])