from __future__ import annotations from typing import Optional, Union import chex import jax.numpy as jnp from jax import Array, jit, vmap from tqdm import tqdm from damp.graph import Graph, Index @chex.dataclass(frozen=True) class Edges: a: Array b: Array @chex.dataclass(frozen=True) class Marginals: mean: Array std: Array @chex.dataclass(frozen=True) class Config: graph: Graph c: Union[float, Graph] Gamma_diagonal: Array h: Array lr: float = 1.0 def __post_init__(self) -> None: assert self.Gamma_diagonal.ndim == 1 assert self.h.ndim == 1 # This assertion is disabled for now because it was making things slow. # if isinstance(self.c, Stencil): # chex.assert_trees_all_close(self.graph.mask, self.c.mask) if isinstance(self.c, Array): assert self.c.shape == (), "If c isn't a graph must be a scalar" def get_initial_edges(graph: Graph) -> Edges: return Edges(a=graph.init_edges(value=0.0), b=graph.init_edges(value=1e-8)) def send_message(cfg: Config, edges: Edges, i: Index, j: Index) -> Edges: c_graph = _get_c_graph(cfg) # These equations are taken from the paper # "Message-Passing Algorithms for Quadratic Minimization"; Ruozzi 2013 a_ji = cfg.graph.get_edge(edges.a, j, i) b_ji = cfg.graph.get_edge(edges.b, j, i) A_ij = c_graph.weighted_sum_incoming_edges(edges.a, i) A_ij += cfg.Gamma_diagonal[i] A_ij -= a_ji B_ij = c_graph.weighted_sum_incoming_edges(edges.b, i) B_ij += cfg.h[i] B_ij -= b_ji Gamma_ij_over_c_ij = cfg.graph.get_weight(i, j) / c_graph.get_weight(i, j) a_ij = -(Gamma_ij_over_c_ij**2) / A_ij b_ij = -(B_ij * Gamma_ij_over_c_ij) / A_ij return Edges(a=a_ij, b=b_ij) def _get_c_graph(cfg: Config) -> Graph: # We may either have a single shared c, or a separate c for every edge in the # stencil. If the former, convert it into the latter for convenience. if isinstance(cfg.c, float) or (isinstance(cfg.c, Array) and cfg.c.shape == ()): return cfg.graph.duplicate_with_constant_weights(jnp.array(cfg.c)) else: return cfg.c @jit def send_all_messages_parallel(c: Config, edges: Edges) -> Edges: def message_neighbours(j: Index) -> Edges: idxs = c.graph.get_neighour_indices(j) messages = vmap(lambda i: send_message(c, edges, i, j))(idxs) return Edges(a=messages.a, b=messages.b) new_edges = vmap(message_neighbours)(jnp.arange(0, edges.a.shape[0])) return Edges( a=(1.0 - * edges.a + * new_edges.a, b=(1.0 - * edges.b + * new_edges.b, ) @jit def _extract_marginals(c: Config, edges: Edges) -> Marginals: return vmap(lambda i: _extract_marginal(c, edges, i))( jnp.arange(0, edges.a.shape[0]) ) def _extract_marginal(cfg: Config, edges: Edges, i: Index) -> Marginals: c = _get_c_graph(cfg) precision = cfg.Gamma_diagonal[i] + c.weighted_sum_incoming_edges(edges.a, i) shift = cfg.h[i] + c.weighted_sum_incoming_edges(edges.b, i) return Marginals(mean=shift / precision, std=jnp.sqrt(1 / precision)) def iterate( c: Config, initial_edges: Edges, n_iterations: int, progress_bar: bool = True, early_stopping_threshold: Optional[float] = None, ) -> tuple[Edges, Marginals]: history = iterate_with_history( c, initial_edges, n_iterations, save_every=-1, progress_bar=progress_bar, early_stopping_threshold=early_stopping_threshold, ) _, final_edges, final_nodes = history[-1] return final_edges, final_nodes def iterate_with_history( c: Config, initial_edges: Edges, n_iterations: int, save_every: int = 1, progress_bar: bool = True, early_stopping_threshold: Optional[float] = None, ) -> list[tuple[int, Edges, Marginals]]: edge_history = [(0, initial_edges)] edges = initial_edges initial_delta = None iterator = tqdm(range(n_iterations)) if progress_bar else range(n_iterations) for i in iterator: new_edges = send_all_messages_parallel(c, edges) # We only check for early stopping every now and then to avoid slowing down the # process too much. if early_stopping_threshold is not None and i % 50 == 0: delta_magnitude = _get_delta_magnitude(edges, new_edges) if initial_delta is None: initial_delta = delta_magnitude should_early_stop = bool( delta_magnitude < (initial_delta * early_stopping_threshold) ) else: should_early_stop = False last_iteration = should_early_stop or (i + 1 == n_iterations) if (save_every > 0 and (i + 1) % save_every == 0) or last_iteration: edge_history.append((i + 1, new_edges)) edges = new_edges if should_early_stop: break result = [(i, e, _extract_marginals(c, e)) for i, e in edge_history] chex.block_until_chexify_assertions_complete() return result @jit def _get_delta_magnitude(previous: Edges, new: Edges) -> Array: # There are nans in the graph data structure which do not correspond to actual # edges. Thus ignore these when taking the mean. return jnp.maximum( jnp.nanmean(jnp.abs(previous.a - new.a)).mean(), jnp.nanmean(jnp.abs(previous.b - new.b)).mean(), )