import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # One mm in inches, to convert to inches as required by matplotlib. mm = 0.0393701 # These are based on the Climate Informatics template. FULL_WIDTH = 144 * mm HALF_WIDTH = FULL_WIDTH * 0.49 squashed_legend_params = { "handlelength": 1.0, "handletextpad": 0.5, "labelspacing": 0.3, "borderaxespad": 0.2, "borderpad": 0.25, "columnspacing": 0.7, } squashed_label_params = {"labelpad": 1.5} def configure_matplotlib() -> None: plt.rc("text", usetex=True) plt.rc("text.latex", preamble=r"\usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts}") plt.rc("font", family="serif") def save_fig(name: str) -> None: plt.savefig(f"plots/{name}.png", dpi=200) plt.savefig(f"plots/{name}.pdf", transparent=True)