MVA-2021 / 3D_computer_vision / Panorama / Panorama.cpp
// Imagine++ project
// Project:  Panorama
// Author:   Pascal Monasse
// Date:     2013/10/08

#include <Imagine/Graphics.h>
#include <Imagine/Images.h>
#include <Imagine/LinAlg.h>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
using namespace Imagine;
using namespace std;

// Record clicks in two images, until right button click
void getClicks(Window w1, Window w2,
               vector<IntPoint2>& pts1, vector<IntPoint2>& pts2) {
    IntPoint2 p;
    Window w;
    int sw;
    while(true) {
        if(anyGetMouse(p, w, sw) == 3)
        if (w==w1)
        std::cout << "point clicked : " << p << std::endl;
        drawCircle(p, 5, RED);
        drawCircle(p, 4, GREEN);

// Return homography compatible with point matches
Matrix<float> getHomography(const vector<IntPoint2>& pts1,
                            const vector<IntPoint2>& pts2) {
    size_t n = min(pts1.size(), pts2.size());
    if(n<4) {
        cout << "Not enough correspondences: " << n << endl;
        return Matrix<float>::Identity(3);
    Matrix<double> A(2*n,8);
    Vector<double> B(2*n);
    for(size_t ii=0; ii<n; ii++) {
        IntPoint2 p1 = pts1[ii], p2 = pts2[ii];
        A(2*ii+0,0) = p1[0]; A(2*ii+0,1) = p1[1]; A(2*ii+0,2) = 1; A(2*ii+0,3) = 0; A(2*ii+0,4) = 0; A(2*ii+0,5) = 0; A(2*ii+0,6) = -p2[0]*p1[0]; A(2*ii+0,7) = -p2[0]*p1[1];
        A(2*ii+1,0) = 0; A(2*ii+1,1) = 0; A(2*ii+1,2) = 0; A(2*ii+1,3) = p1[0]; A(2*ii+1,4) = p1[1]; A(2*ii+1,5) = 1; A(2*ii+1,6) = -p2[1]*p1[0]; A(2*ii+1,7) = -p2[1]*p1[1];
        B[2*ii+0] = p2[0];
        B[2*ii+1] = p2[1];

    B = linSolve(A, B);
    Matrix<float> H(3, 3);
    H(0,0)=B[0]; H(0,1)=B[1]; H(0,2)=B[2];
    H(1,0)=B[3]; H(1,1)=B[4]; H(1,2)=B[5];
    H(2,0)=B[6]; H(2,1)=B[7]; H(2,2)=1;

    // Sanity check
    for(size_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
        float v1[]={(float)pts1[i].x(), (float)pts1[i].y(), 1.0f};
        float v2[]={(float)pts2[i].x(), (float)pts2[i].y(), 1.0f};
        Vector<float> x1(v1,3);
        Vector<float> x2(v2,3);
        x1 = H*x1;
        cout << x1[1]*x2[2]-x1[2]*x2[1] << ' '
             << x1[2]*x2[0]-x1[0]*x2[2] << ' '
             << x1[0]*x2[1]-x1[1]*x2[0] << endl;
    return H;

// Grow rectangle of corners (x0,y0) and (x1,y1) to include (x,y)
void growTo(float& x0, float& y0, float& x1, float& y1, float x, float y) {
    if(x<x0) x0=x;
    if(x>x1) x1=x;
    if(y<y0) y0=y;
    if(y>y1) y1=y;    

// Panorama construction
void panorama(const Image<Color,2>& I1, const Image<Color,2>& I2,
              Matrix<float> H) {
    Vector<float> v(3);
    float x0=0, y0=0, x1=I2.width(), y1=I2.height();

    v[0]=0; v[1]=0; v[2]=1;
    v=H*v; v/=v[2];
    growTo(x0, y0, x1, y1, v[0], v[1]);

    v[0]=I1.width(); v[1]=0; v[2]=1;
    v=H*v; v/=v[2];
    growTo(x0, y0, x1, y1, v[0], v[1]);

    v[0]=I1.width(); v[1]=I1.height(); v[2]=1;
    v=H*v; v/=v[2];
    growTo(x0, y0, x1, y1, v[0], v[1]);

    v[0]=0; v[1]=I1.height(); v[2]=1;
    v=H*v; v/=v[2];
    growTo(x0, y0, x1, y1, v[0], v[1]);

    cout << "x0 x1 y0 y1=" << x0 << ' ' << x1 << ' ' << y0 << ' ' << y1<<endl;

    Image<Color> I(int(x1-x0), int(y1-y0));
    setActiveWindow( openWindow(I.width(), I.height()) );
    H = inverse(H);
    for(int ii=0; ii<I.height(); ii++)
        for(int jj=0; jj<I.width(); jj++) {
            v[0] = jj+x0; v[1] = ii+y0; v[2] = 1;
            Vector<float> new_v = H*v; new_v /= new_v[2];
            bool in_I2 = 0<=v[0] && v[0]<I2.width() && 0<=v[1] && v[1]<I2.height();
            bool in_I1 = 0<=new_v[0] && new_v[0]<I1.width() && 0<=new_v[1] && new_v[1]<I1.height();
            if(in_I1 && in_I2){
                Color c1 = I1.interpolate(new_v[0],new_v[1]);
                Color c2 = I2.interpolate(v[0],v[1]);
                //cout << c1 + c2 << endl;
                I(jj,ii).r() = (c1.r()+c2.r())/2;
                I(jj,ii).g() = (c1.g()+c2.g())/2;
                I(jj,ii).b() = (c1.b()+c2.b())/2;
            else if (in_I2)
                I(jj,ii) = I2.interpolate(v[0],v[1]);
            else if (in_I1)
                I(jj,ii) = I1.interpolate(new_v[0],new_v[1]);

// Main function
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    const char* s1 = argc>1? argv[1]: srcPath("image0006.jpg");
    const char* s2 = argc>2? argv[2]: srcPath("image0007.jpg");

    // Load and display images
    Image<Color> I1, I2;
    if( ! load(I1, s1) ||
        ! load(I2, s2) ) {
        cerr<< "Unable to load the images" << endl;
        return 1;
    Window w1 = openWindow(I1.width(), I1.height(), s1);
    Window w2 = openWindow(I2.width(), I2.height(), s2);

    // Get user's clicks in images
    vector<IntPoint2> pts1, pts2;
    getClicks(w1, w2, pts1, pts2);

    vector<IntPoint2>::const_iterator it;
    cout << "pts1="<<endl;
    for(it=pts1.begin(); it != pts1.end(); it++)
        cout << *it << endl;
    cout << "pts2="<<endl;
    for(it=pts2.begin(); it != pts2.end(); it++)
        cout << *it << endl;

    // Compute homography
    Matrix<float> H = getHomography(pts1, pts2);
    cout << "H=" << H/H(2,2);

    // Apply homography
    panorama(I1, I2, H);

    return 0;