MVA-2021 / 3D_computer_vision / Seeds / Seeds.cpp
// Imagine++ project
// Project:  Seeds
// Author:   Pascal Monasse

#include <Imagine/Graphics.h>
#include <Imagine/Images.h>
#include <queue>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Imagine;
using namespace std;

/// Min and max disparities
static const float dMin=-30, dMax=-7;

/// Min NCC for a seed
static const float nccSeed=0.95;

/// Radius of patch for correlation
static const int win=(9-1)/2;
/// To avoid division by 0 for constant patch
static const float EPS=0.1f;

/// A seed
struct Seed {
    Seed(int x0, int y0, int d0, float ncc0)
    : x(x0), y(y0), d(d0), ncc(ncc0) {}
    int x,y, d;
    float ncc;

/// Order by NCC
bool operator<(const Seed& s1, const Seed& s2) {
    return (s1.ncc<s2.ncc);

/// 4-neighbors
static const int dx[]={+1,  0, -1,  0};
static const int dy[]={ 0, -1,  0, +1};

/// Display disparity map
static void displayDisp(const Image<int> disp, Window W, int subW) {
    Image<Color> im(disp.width(), disp.height());
    for(int j=0; j<disp.height(); j++)
        for(int i=0; i<disp.width(); i++) {
            if(disp(i,j)<dMin || disp(i,j)>dMax)
            else {
                int g = 255*(disp(i,j)-dMin)/(dMax-dMin);
                im(i,j)= Color(g,g,g);

/// Show 3D window
static void show3D(const Image<Color> im, const Image<int> disp) {
#ifdef IMAGINE_OPENGL // Imagine++ must have been built with OpenGL support...
    // Intrinsic parameters given by Middlebury website
    const float f=3740;
    const float d0=-200; // Doll images cropped by this amount
    const float zoom=2; // Half-size images, should double measured disparity
    const float B=0.160; // Baseline in m
    FMatrix<float,3,3> K(0.0f);
    K(0,0)=-f/zoom; K(0,2)=disp.width()/2;
    K(1,1)= f/zoom; K(1,2)=disp.height()/2;
    K = inverse(K);
    K /= K(2,2);
    std::vector<FloatPoint3> pts;
    std::vector<Color> col;
    for(int j=0; j<disp.height(); j++)
        for(int i=0; i<disp.width(); i++)
            if(dMin<=disp(i,j) && disp(i,j)<=dMax) {
                float z = B*f/(zoom*disp(i,j)+d0);
                FloatPoint3 pt((float)i,(float)j,1.0f);
    Mesh mesh(&pts[0], pts.size(), 0,0,0,0,VERTEX_COLOR);
    mesh.setColors(VERTEX, &col[0]);
    Window W = openWindow3D(512,512,"3D");
    std::cout << "No 3D: Imagine++ not built with OpenGL support" << std::endl;

/// Correlation between patches centered on (i1,j1) and (i2,j2). The values
/// m1 or m2 are subtracted from each pixel value.
static float correl(const Image<byte>& im1, int i1,int j1,float m1,
                    const Image<byte>& im2, int i2,int j2,float m2)
    float dist=0.0f;
    float var1 = 0.0f;
    float var2 = 0.0f;
    for(int ii=-win; ii<=win; ii++)
        for(int jj=-win; jj<=win; jj++){
            var1 += (im1(i1+ii,j1+jj)-m1) * (im1(i1+ii,j1+jj)-m1);
            var2 += (im2(i2+ii,j2+jj)-m2) * (im2(i2+ii,j2+jj)-m2);
            dist += (im1(i1+ii,j1+jj)-m1) * (im2(i2+ii,j2+jj)-m2);
    return dist / sqrt(var1*var2);

/// Sum of pixel values in patch centered on (i,j).
static float sum(const Image<byte>& im, int i, int j)
    float s=0.0f;
    for(int ii=-win; ii<=win; ii++)
        for(int jj=-win; jj<=win; jj++)
            s += im(i+ii,j+jj);
    return s;

/// Centered correlation of patches of size 2*win+1.
static float ccorrel(const Image<byte>& im1,int i1,int j1,
                     const Image<byte>& im2,int i2,int j2)
    float m1 = sum(im1,i1,j1);
    float m2 = sum(im2,i2,j2);
    int w = 2*win+1;
    return correl(im1,i1,j1,m1/(w*w), im2,i2,j2,m2/(w*w));

/// Compute disparity map from im1 to im2, but only at points where NCC is
/// above nccSeed. Set to true the seeds and put them in Q.
static void find_seeds(Image<byte> im1, Image<byte> im2,
                       float nccSeed,
                       Image<int>& disp, Image<bool>& seeds,
                       std::priority_queue<Seed>& Q) {
    while(! Q.empty())

    const int maxy = std::min(im1.height(),im2.height());
    const int refreshStep = (maxy-2*win)*5/100;
    for(int y=win; y+win<maxy; y++) {
        if((y-win-1)/refreshStep != (y-win)/refreshStep)
            std::cout << "Seeds: " << 5*(y-win)/refreshStep <<"%\r"<<std::flush;
        for(int x=win; x+win<im1.width(); x++) {
            // compute the ncc for all the windows x+d for d in [dmin, dmax]
            int dBest;
            float ncc = 0.0f;
            float nccBest = -1.0f;
            for (int d = dMin; d <= dMax; d++)
                if(x+d >= win && x+d <= im2.width() - win){
                    ncc = ccorrel(im1, x, y, im2, x+d, y);
                    // check if it is higher than the best so far
                    if(ncc > nccBest){
                        dBest = d;
                        nccBest = ncc;
            // check if the best ncc is better than the "nccSeed" threshold, if yes put it in the queue
            if(nccBest > nccSeed){
                Q.push(Seed(x, y, dBest, nccBest));
                seeds(x,y) = true;
                disp(x,y) = dBest;
    std::cout << std::endl;

/// Propagate seeds
static void propagate(Image<byte> im1, Image<byte> im2,
                      Image<int>& disp, Image<bool>& seeds,
                      std::priority_queue<Seed>& Q) {
    while(! Q.empty()) {
        for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
            float x=s.x+dx[i], y=s.y+dy[i];
            if(0<=x-win && 0<=y-win && x+win<im2.width() && y+win<im2.height() && ! seeds(x,y)) {
                // proceed as before to select the best d between s.d - 1 and s.d + 1
                int dBest;
                float ncc = 0.0f;
                float nccBest = -1.0f;
                for(int d = s.d-1; d <= s.d+1; d++)
                    if(x+d >= win && x+d <= im2.width() - win){
                        ncc = ccorrel(im1, x, y, im2, x+d, y);
                        if(ncc > nccBest){
                            dBest = d;
                            nccBest = ncc;
                Q.push(Seed(x, y, dBest, nccBest));
                seeds(x,y) = true;
                disp(x,y) = dBest;

int main()
    // Load and display images
    Image<Color> I1, I2;
    if( ! load(I1, srcPath("im1.jpg")) ||
        ! load(I2, srcPath("im2.jpg")) ) {
        cerr<< "Unable to load images" << endl;
        return 1;
    std::string names[5]={"image 1","image 2","dense","seeds","propagation"};
    Window W = openComplexWindow(I1.width(), I1.height(), "Seeds propagation",
                                 5, names);

    Image<int> disp(I1.width(), I1.height());
    Image<bool> seeds(I1.width(), I1.height());
    std::priority_queue<Seed> Q;

    // Dense disparity
    find_seeds(I1, I2, -1.0f, disp, seeds, Q);

    // Only seeds
    find_seeds(I1, I2, nccSeed, disp, seeds, Q);

    // Propagation of seeds
    propagate(I1, I2, disp, seeds, Q);

    // Show 3D (use shift click to animate)

    return 0;