import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy import numpy as np import networkx as nx import random import import scipy.spatial.distance as sd from scipy.sparse.csgraph import minimum_spanning_tree def min_span_tree(W): """ Compute the minimum spanning tree of a graph. Parameters ---------- W : array (n x n) adjacency or weight matrix representing the graph Returns ------- T: array (n x n) matrix such that T[i,j] = True if the edge (i, j) is in the min spanning tree, and T[i, j] = False otherwise """ tree = minimum_spanning_tree(W).toarray() T = tree != 0 return T def build_similarity_graph(X, var=1, eps=0, k=0): """ Computes the similarity matrix for a given dataset of samples. Parameters ---------- X : array (n x m) matrix of m-dimensional samples var : double The sigma value for the exponential function, already squared eps : double Threshold eps for epsilon graphs k : int Number of neighbours k for k-nn. If zero, use epsilon-graph Returns ------- W : array (n x n) dimensional matrix representing the weight matrix of the graph """ n = X.shape[0] W = np.zeros((n, n)) # euclidean distance squared between points dists = sd.squareform(sd.pdist(X, "sqeuclidean")) """ Build full (similarity) graph. The similarity function is s(x,y)=exp(-||x-y||^2/var) similarities: (n x n) matrix with similarities between all possible couples of points. """ similarities = np.exp(-dists / var) # If epsilon graph if k == 0: """ compute an epsilon graph from the similarities for each node x_i, an epsilon graph has weights w_ij = d(x_i,x_j) when w_ij >= eps, and 0 otherwise """ W = similarities W[W < eps] = 0 # If kNN graph if k != 0: """ compute a k-nn graph from the similarities for each node x_i, a k-nn graph has weights w_ij = d(x_i,x_j) for the k closest nodes to x_i, and 0 for all the k-n remaining nodes Remember to remove self similarity and make the graph undirected """ indices = np.argsort(-similarities, axis=1)[:, :k] values = np.take_along_axis(similarities, indices, axis=1) temp = np.zeros((n, n)) np.put_along_axis(temp, indices, values, axis=1) # asymmetric matrix W[temp != 0] = temp[temp != 0] W[temp.T != 0] = temp.T[temp.T != 0] return W def build_laplacian(W, laplacian_normalization=""): """ Compute graph Laplacian. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array Adjacency matrix (n x n) laplacian_normalization : str String selecting which version of the laplacian matrix to construct. 'unn': unnormalized, 'sym': symmetric normalization 'rw': random-walk normalization Returns ------- L: (n x n) dimensional matrix representing the Laplacian of the graph """ degree = W.sum(1) if (not laplacian_normalization) or laplacian_normalization=='unn': return np.diag(degree) - W elif laplacian_normalization == "sym": aux = np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(degree)) return np.eye(*W.shape) - elif laplacian_normalization == "rw": return np.eye(*W.shape) - np.diag(1 / degree).dot(W) else: raise ValueError def build_laplacian_regularized(X, laplacian_regularization, var=1.0, eps=0.0, k=0, laplacian_normalization=""): """ Function to construct a regularized Laplacian from data. Parameters ---------- X : array (n x m) matrix of m-dimensional samples laplacian_regularization : double Regularization to add to the Laplacian (gamma) var : double The sigma value for the exponential (similarity) function, already squared. eps : double Threshold eps for epsilon graphs k : int Number of neighbours k for k-nn. If zero, use epsilon-graph. laplacian_normalization : str String selecting which version of the laplacian matrix to construct. 'unn': unnormalized, 'sym': symmetric normalization 'rw': random-walk normalization Returns ------- Q : array (n x n ) matrix, the regularized Laplacian; Q = L + gamma*I, where gamma = laplacian_regularization. """ # build the similarity graph W W = build_similarity_graph(X, var, eps, k) """ Build the Laplacian L and the regularized Laplacian Q. Both are (n x n) matrices. """ L = build_laplacian(W, laplacian_normalization) # compute Q Q = L + laplacian_regularization*np.eye(W.shape[0]) return Q def mask_labels(Y, l, per_class=False): """ Function to select a subset of labels and mask the rest. Parameters ---------- Y : array (n,) label vector, where entries Y_i take a value in [1, ..., C] , where C is the number of classes l : int Number of unmasked (revealed) labels to include in the output. per_class: bool, default: False If true, reveal l labels per class, instead of l labels in total. Returns ------- Y_masked : array (n,) masked label vector, where entries Y_i take a value in [1, ..., C] if the node is labeled, or 0 if the node is unlabeled (masked) """ num_samples = np.size(Y, 0) """ randomly sample l nodes to remain labeled, mask the others """ min_label = Y.min() max_label = Y.max() assert min_label == 1 if not per_class: # reveal l labels in total Y_masked = np.zeros(num_samples) indices_to_reveal = np.arange(num_samples) np.random.shuffle(indices_to_reveal) indices_to_reveal = indices_to_reveal[:l] Y_masked[indices_to_reveal] = Y[indices_to_reveal] else: # reveal l labels per class Y_masked = np.zeros(num_samples) for label in range(min_label, max_label+1): indices = np.where( Y == label)[0] np.random.shuffle(indices) indices = indices[:l] Y_masked[indices] = Y[indices] return Y_masked def plot_edges_and_points(X, Y, W, title='', points_to_highlight_green=None, points_to_highlight_yellow=None): colors=['go-','ro-','co-','ko-','yo-','mo-'] colors_highlight_green=['gX']*len(colors) colors_highlight_yellow=['yX']*len(colors) n=len(X) G=nx.from_numpy_matrix(W) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G,X) for i in range(n): plt.plot(X[i,0],X[i,1],colors[int(Y[i])]) if points_to_highlight_green is not None: for i in points_to_highlight_green: plt.plot(X[i,0],X[i,1],colors_highlight_green[int(Y[i])], markersize=17) if points_to_highlight_yellow is not None: for i in points_to_highlight_yellow: plt.plot(X[i,0],X[i,1],colors_highlight_yellow[int(Y[i])], markersize=17) plt.title(title) plt.axis('equal') def plot_graph_matrix(X, Y, W): plt.figure() plt.clf() plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plot_edges_and_points(X,Y,W) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(W, extent=[0, 1, 0, 1]) def plot_classification(X, Y, Y_masked, noise_indices, labels, var=1, eps=0, k=0): plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) W = build_similarity_graph(X, var=var, eps=eps, k=k) revealed = np.where( Y_masked != 0)[0] plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) plot_edges_and_points(X, Y, W, 'ground truth') plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) plot_edges_and_points(X, labels, W, 'HFS') plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) plot_edges_and_points(X, labels, W, 'HFS - Revealed Labels', points_to_highlight_green=revealed, points_to_highlight_yellow=noise_indices) def label_noise(Y, alpha): ind = np.arange(len(Y)) random.shuffle(ind) Y[ind[:alpha]] = 3-Y[ind[:alpha]] return Y if __name__ == '__main__': Y = np.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]) print(mask_labels(Y, 2)) print(mask_labels(Y, 2, per_class=True))