# MVA-2021 My solutions of the homeworks of several courses of the Masters [MVA]() (Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage) ## First Semester ### [3D Computer Vision]() Instructors: Pascal Monasse and Mathieu Aubry. Includes: - [Panorama with homography computation and perspective projection]() - [Fundamental matrix computation with SIFT keypoints]() - [Disparity map computation by propagation of seeds]() - [Disparity map computation by Graph-Cuts]() ### [Object Recognition]() Instructors: Jean Ponce, Ivan Laptev, Cordelia Schmid and Josef Sivic Includes: - [Instance Level recognition]() - [Neural Networks]() - Bird Classification Data-Challenge: [Code]() & [Report]() ### [Computational Statistics]() Instructor: Stéphanie Allassonnière Includes: - [Simple implementation of SGD]() - [Implementation of Gaussian-Mixtures Model with EM algorithm and Adaptative Importance Sampling with Monte-Carlo method]() - [Implementation of Hastings-Metropolis Sampler and some extensions (Adaptative HM sampler within Gibbs and Parallel Tempering)]() - [Implementation of Tempering SAEM from *A New Class of EM Algorithms. Escaping Local Minima and Handling Intractable Sampling*]() ### [Convex Optimization]() Instructor: Alexandre d'Aspremont Includes: - [Convexity, Conjugate Function]() - [Duality]() - [LASSO Regularization]() - [Final Exam]() ### [Reinforcement Learning]() Instructors: Alessandro Lazaric and Matteo Pirotta Includes: - [Dynamic Programming]() (MDP, Policy Iteration and Value Iteration) - [Approximate RL]() (TRPO, TD, REINFORCE, DQN) - [Exploration]() (UCB, Best Arm Identification, Bernoulli Bandits) - [Model Selection in Contextual Bandits]() ## Second Semester ### [Point Clouds & 3D Modelling (NPM3D)]() Instructors: François Goulette, Jean-Emmanuel Deschaud and Tamy Boubekeur Includes: - [Basic Transformations of 3D Point Clouds]() - [Iterative Closest Point]() - [3D Descriptors]() - [Surface Reconstruction]() - [Modeling and Shape Detection]() - [Deep Learning for Point CLouds]() ### [Deep Learning in Practice]() Instructor: Guillaume Charpiat Includes: - [Hyperparameter and training basics]() - [Visualization with grad-CAM]() - [Graph Neural Network]() - [Transfer Learning]() - [Learning Dynamical Systems]() - [Generative Models]() ### [Graphs in Machine Learning]() Instructors: Daniele Calandriello and Michal Valko Includes: - [Spectral Clustering]() - [SSL]() - [Spectral GNN]() ### [Kernel Methods]() Instructors: Julien Mairal and Jean-Philippe Vert Includes: - [Positive definite kernels and boundedness]() - [RKHS]() - [COCO: Covariance Kernel]() - [Bn-Splines and diffusion kernel]() - [Final exam]() (Positive Definiteness, Equivalence classes, Kernel mean embedding, Dot-product kernel) ### [Sequential Learning]() Instructors: Pierre Gaillard and Rémi Degenne Includes: - [Rock Paper Scissors with bandits and Bernoulli bandits]()