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Tables in the Database

  1. ActiveSessions
  2. PlayerRosters
  3. GameHistory

Table 1: ActiveSessions

Table Description: Each record of the table refers to a user created game session. This table will be viewable from the 'Session' page of the site, allowing users to reference which game to try and join.


  • RoomID: Short code representing game session. This will be created by the web application. This is the primary key.
  • RoomTitle: A brief description provided by the user which creates a new game session, used to help other users identify where to go. This field cannot be null.
  • HostName: Name entered by user who created game session, and will be associated with 'Player1' in the 'PlayerRosters' table. This field cannot be null.
  • Players: Number of active players in game session. Max of four. This field cannot be null and must be a positive integer.


  • RoomID must be unique.
  • RoomTitle, HostName, and Players cannot be null.
  • Players must be a positive integer.


  • One-to-one relationship with the PlayerRosters table. One PlayerRosters record is associated with one ActiveSessions record.

Data Access Methods

1. CreateGameSession

Description: This method creates a new game session and adds it to the ActiveSessions table.

Parameters: HostName, RoomTitle

Return Values: RoomID of the new game session.

2. JoinGameSession

Description: This method allows a user to join an existing game session.

Parameters: RoomID, PlayerName

Return Values: Success message if the player was added to the game session, error message if the game session is full.

Tests For Data Access Methods

Test 1: Create New Game Session

Description: Test session creation

Preconditions: So long as the session page is available

Test Steps:

  1. Navigate to the session page
  2. Enter text into the required text boxes, hostname and descriptive title
  3. 'Create game' button is selected

Expected Result: The user will become the host of a new game session

Status: Pass


  • The user's browser navigates to an instance of the game page.
  • The host name provided is assigned to the user's player name.
  • A new record is added to the ActiveSessions table.
  • A RoomID value has been generated on behalf of the user.
  • The host name and descriptive title provided are input into the new table record as HostName and RoomTitle values, respectively.
  • A new record is added to the PlayerRoster table, and the same RoomID is used as well as the same name is used for Player1.

Test 2: Fail Create Game Session

Description: Refuse to create a new game when fields are not filled.

Preconditions: User selects to create a game, but required fields are not populated.

Test Steps:

  1. Navigate to the session page.
  2. Select the 'create game' button immediately.

Expected Result: The user will be denied, and informed of the needed text.

Status: Fail

Postconditions: Text will generate within the 'create game' box to inform the user of the need to include the required fields.

Pages Accessing the Database

  • Session Page: This page will access the ActiveSessions table to display all active game sessions. It will use the CreateGameSession and JoinGameSession methods to create and join game sessions.

Page Tests

Test 1: Session Page Displays Correct Data

Description: Test that the session page displays the correct data from the ActiveSessions table.

Preconditions: The ActiveSessions table has at least one record.

Test Steps:

  1. Navigate to the session page.
  2. Verify that all active game sessions are displayed.

Expected Result: All active game sessions from the ActiveSessions table are displayed on the session page.

Status: Pass

Postconditions: The session page displays the correct data from the ActiveSessions table.

Table 2: PlayerRosters

Table Description: When a user enters a room id and provides a player name to join a game, it will be added to this table, along with the associated room id. This will be used to distringuish which user is in what player slot, and will be associated to the Players field in the ActiveSessions table. A game's player names are visible in a game session.


  • RoomID: Short code representing game session. This will be created by the web application. This is the primary key to associate a particular session in the ActiveSessions table.
  • Player1: Name of the first player in the game session. This field cannot be null.
  • Player2: Name of the second player in the game session. This field can be null if there are less than two players.
  • Player3: Name of the third player in the game session. This field can be null if there are less than three players.
  • Player4: Name of the fourth player in the game session. This field can be null if there are less than four players.


  • RoomID must be unique.
  • Player1 cannot be null.
  • Player2, Player3, and Player4 can be null.


  • One-to-one relationship with the ActiveSessions table. One PlayerRosters record is associated with one ActiveSessions record.

Data Access Methods

1. AddPlayer

Description: This method adds a new player to an existing game session.

Parameters: RoomID, PlayerName

Return Values: Success message if the player was added to the game session, error message if the game session is full or has already started.

Tests For Data Access Methods

Test 1: Add More Players to Existing Game

Description: Validate that additional users can join a game

Preconditions: Session page is available, and an active game session already exists

Test Steps:

  1. User loads the session page, which presents an active game.
  2. The RoomID and a player name are entered in the required textbox of the 'join a game' box.
  3. The button to join game is selected.

Expected Result: The user will be a player in the same game as the host.

Status: Pass


  • The user's browser navigates to the correct instance of the game page.
  • The player name provided is assigned to the user's player name.
  • The player name is added into the next available field in the corresponding record in the PlayerRosters table.

Test 2: Fail Add Player Room Full

Description: Refuse to add a player to a game session with no available room.

Preconditions: Session page is available, and an active game session already exists, but has four players.

Test Steps:

  1. User loads the session page, which presents an active game.
  2. The RoomID and a player name are entered the required textbox of the 'join a game' box.
  3. The button to join game is selected.

Expected Result: The user will be denied, and informed that the room cannot be entered.

Status: Fail

Postconditions: Text will generate within the 'join a game' box to inform the user that 'This room cannot be entered'.

Test 3: Fail Add Player Game Started

Description: Refuse to add a player to a game session which has begun play.

Preconditions: Session page is available, and an active game session already exists, but has already started.

Test Steps:

  1. User loads the session page, which presents an active game.
  2. The RoomID and a player name are entered the required textbox of the 'join a game' box.
  3. The button to join game is selected.

Expected Result: The user will be denied, and informed that the room cannot be entered.

Status: Fail

Postconditions: Text will generate within the 'join a game' box to inform the user that 'This room cannot be entered'.

Test 4: Fail Add Player No Information

Description: Refuse to add a player to a game session without player name and RoomID.

Preconditions: Session page is available, but the user never entered the required information.

Test Steps:

  1. User loads the session page, which may or may not present an active game.
  2. The RoomID and a player name are ignored for the 'join a game' box.
  3. The button to join game is selected.

Expected Result: The user will be denied, and informed that the required fields must be filled out.

Status: Fail

Postconditions: Text will generate within the 'join a game' box to inform the user of the need to include the required fields.

Test 5: Fail Add Player Not Active Room

Description: Refuse to add a player to a game session when the provided RoomID is not within the ActiveSessions table.

Preconditions: Session page is available, but the user provided RoomID does not correspond to an active option.

Test Steps:

  1. User loads the session page, which may or may not present an active game.
  2. The RoomID and a player name are populated for the 'join a game' box.
  3. The button to join game is selected.

Expected Result: The user will be denied, and informed that the room cannot be entered.

Status: Fail

Postconditions: Text will generate within the 'join a game' box to inform the user that 'This room cannot be entered'.

Pages Accessing the Database

  • Session Page: This page will access the PlayerRosters table to display all players in a game session. It will use the AddPlayer method to add players to a game session.

Page Tests

Test 1: Session Page Displays Correct Data

Description: Test that the session page displays the correct data from the PlayerRosters table.

Preconditions: The PlayerRosters table has at least one record.

Test Steps:

  1. Navigate to the session page.
  2. Verify that all players in a game session are displayed.

Expected Result: All players in a game session from the PlayerRosters table are displayed on the session page.

Status: Pass

Postconditions: The session page displays the correct data from the PlayerRosters table.

Table 3: GameHistory

Table Description: Once a winner is declared in a game, the game's session will be considered "completed". A copy of the record from 'ActiveSessions' will be stored here, and will be made viewable to users from the 'Session' page of the site - positioned somewhat below the table of 'ActiveSessions'. This table will allow users to observe the play history of the site, and the winner of a particular game.


  • RoomID: Short code representing game session. This will be created by the web application.
  • RoomTitle: A brief description provided by the user which creates a new game session, used to help other users identify where to go.
  • HostName: Name entered by user who created game session, and will be associated with 'Player1' in the 'PlayerRosters' table.
  • Players: Number of active players in game session. Max of four.
  • Winner: This field will be added to the information provided by the record coming from the 'ActiveSessions' table. Only when a game is completed and victory is awarded will a name be presented here. Otherwise, it will indicate that there was not a winner.


  • RoomID must be unique.
  • Player1 cannot be null.
  • Player2, Player3, and Player4 can be null.


  • Many-to-one relationship with the ActiveSessions table and PlayerRosters. Session information comes from ActiveSessions, while the game winner comes from the PlayerRosters table.

Data Access Methods

1. AddGameRecord

Description: Once a game is completed, the record in ActiveSessions and the player name of the winner should be used to generate a new record in GameHistory.

Parameters: RoomID, PlayerName

Return Values: Success message if the player was added to the game session, error message if the game session is full or has already started.

Tests For Data Access Methods

Test 1: Completed Game Joins History

Description: A new GameHistory record is produced from a completed game.

Preconditions: A game with at least two players has a winner declared.

Test Steps:

  1. Two or more players create/join a game.
  2. The game is completed, and a winner is declared by the outcome.

Expected Result: A row in the GameHistory Table with correct information will be added.

Status: Pass

Postconditions: Viewing the session page will include a new row at the top of the printed table. The values included in the new row will match what was available from ActiveSessions. There will also be a field for the winner of the completed game, and the value listed will match the provided player name from the game session.

Test 2: Fail Join History Incomplete Game

Description: An active game session fails to complete, and is not added to GameHistory table.

Preconditions: A game with at least one player fails to complete within a preset time limit.

Test Steps:

  1. At least one player creates a game.
  2. The game is not completed after several hours.

Expected Result: The game will cease to be available to join, but there will be no new history record.

Status: Fail

Postconditions: Viewing the session page will not include the new row at the top of the printed table. Entering the RoomID in the 'join a game' box will result in the same denial as a not active room.

Pages Accessing the Database

  • Session Page: This page will access the GameHistory table to display result from completed games.

Page Tests

Test 1: Session Page Displays Correct Data in GameHistory table

Description: Test that the session page displays the correct data from the GameHistory table.

Preconditions: The GameHistory table has at least one record.

Test Steps:

  1. Navigate to the session page.
  2. Verify rows in the GameHistory are displayed on the page.

Expected Result: All completed games in the GameHistory table are displayed on the session page.

Status: Pass

Postconditions: The session page displays the correct data from the GameHistory table.