from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for, session from flask_socketio import SocketIO, join_room, leave_room, emit from dbconnection import create_connection import random import string import json import uuid app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'secret' socketio = SocketIO(app) cards = [ { "name": 'Plain', "value": 1, "number": 5 }, { "name": "Powdered", "value": 2, "number": 2 }, { "name": "Chocolate Sprinkle", "value": 3, "number": 2 }, { "name": "Bear Claw", "value": 7, "number": 1 }, { "name": "Cinnamon Bun", "value": 4, "number": 2 }, { "name": "Boston Cream", "value": 6, "number": 1 }, { "name": "Jelly Filled", "value": 5, "number": 2 }, { "name": "Apple Fritter", "value": 8, "number": 1 } ] def createDeck(): deck = [] for card in cards: number = card['number'] while number != 0: deck.append(card) number -= 1 random.shuffle(deck) return deck def initializeTable(): connection = create_connection() if connection is not None: print("Connected to the database!") cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ActiveSessions ( RoomID VARCHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, RoomTitle TEXT NOT NULL, HostName VARCHAR (40) NOT NULL, Players INTEGER NOT NULL ) ''') cur.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PlayerRosters ( RoomID VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, Player1 JSON, Player2 JSON, Player3 JSON, Player4 JSON, FOREIGN KEY (RoomID) REFERENCES ActiveSessions (RoomID) ) ''') cur.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS GameHistory ( RoomID VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, RoomTitle TEXT NOT NULL, HostName VARCHAR (40) NOT NULL, Players INTEGER NOT NULL, Winner VARCHAR(40) ) ''') connection.commit() connection.close() else: print("Failed to connect to the database.") def generateRoomID(length = 8): characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits room_id = ''.join(random.choice(characters) for _ in range(length)) return room_id def listAvaibleRooms(): connection = create_connection() cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM ActiveSessions') activeSessions = cur.fetchall() listAvailableRooms = [] for i in range(len(activeSessions)): cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (activeSessions[i][0],)) record = cur.fetchone() if record is not None: players = [item for item in record if item is not None] if len(players) < activeSessions[i][-1]: listAvailableRooms.append({ "roomID": activeSessions[i][0], "hostName": activeSessions[i][2], "numPlayers": activeSessions[i][3], "activeNums": len(players) }) connection.commit() connection.close() return listAvailableRooms initializeTable() @app.route("/") def landingPage(): return render_template("landingPage.html") @app.route("/aboutus") def aboutus(): return render_template("aboutUs.html") @app.route('/session', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def gameSession(): if request.method == "POST": playerName = request.form.get("name") numPlayers = request.form.get("mySelect") roomID = request.form.get("room-id") if roomID is None: connection = create_connection() roomID = generateRoomID() cur = connection.cursor() sessionRecord = ''' INSERT INTO ActiveSessions(RoomID, RoomTitle, HostName, Players) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) ''' data = (roomID, 'Game Room - '+ (roomID), playerName, numPlayers) cur.execute(sessionRecord, data) gameHistoryRecord = ''' INSERT INTO GameHistory(RoomID, RoomTitle, HostName, Players) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) ''' data = (roomID, 'Game Room - '+ (roomID), playerName, numPlayers) cur.execute(gameHistoryRecord, data) playerRecord = ''' INSERT INTO PlayerRosters (RoomID, Player1) VALUES (%s, %s) ''' player = { "playerID": str(uuid.uuid4()), "name": playerName, "roomID": roomID, "readyStatus": True, "hand": [], "discard": [], "token": 0, "isHost": True, "isMyTurn": False, "outOfRound": False, "invincible": False } data = (roomID, json.dumps(player)) cur.execute(playerRecord, data) connection.commit() connection.close() return redirect(f'/room/{roomID}') else: connection = create_connection() cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(''' SELECT Players FROM ActiveSessions WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) numPlayers = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) record = cur.fetchone() print(record) if record is not None: players = [item for item in record if item is not None] if len(players) == numPlayers: showAvaibleRooms = listAvaibleRooms() return render_template("sessionPage.html", message = "Sorry, The room is full!", data = showAvaibleRooms) for i in range(1, numPlayers): if record[i] == None: playerRecord = ''' UPDATE PlayerRosters SET {} = %s WHERE RoomID = %s '''.format("Player" + str(i + 1)) player = { "playerID": str(uuid.uuid4()), "name": playerName, "roomID": roomID, "readyStatus": False, "hand": [], "discard": [], "token": 0, "isHost": False, "isMyTurn": False, "outOfRound": False, "invincible": False } data = (json.dumps(player), roomID) cur.execute(playerRecord, data) connection.commit() connection.close() break return redirect(f'/room/{roomID}') else: showAvaibleRooms = listAvaibleRooms() return render_template("sessionPage.html", data = showAvaibleRooms ) @app.route("/room/") def room(roomID): connection = create_connection() cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM ActiveSessions WHERE RoomID = %s', (roomID,)) sessionRecord = cur.fetchone() (RoomID, RoomTitle, HostName, Players) = sessionRecord cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) record = cur.fetchone() if record is not None: players = [item for item in record if item is not None] if sessionRecord is None: return render_template('404Page.html') data = { "roomID": RoomID, "roomTitle": RoomTitle, "hostName": HostName, "numPlayers": Players, "activeNums": len(players), "playerID": players[-1]["playerID"], "isHost": players[-1]["isHost"] } connection.close() return render_template("gamePage.html", data = data) @app.errorhandler(404) def pageNotFound(error): return render_template('404Page.html'), 404 @socketio.on("join") def onJoin(data): roomID = data["roomID"] join_room(roomID) connection = create_connection() cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) playerRecord = cur.fetchone() if playerRecord is not None: players = [item for item in playerRecord if item is not None] players[-1]["sid"] = request.sid cur.execute(''' UPDATE PlayerRosters SET {} = %s WHERE RoomID = %s '''.format('Player'+ str(len(players))), (json.dumps(players[-1]), roomID)) connection.commit() cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) playerRecord = cur.fetchone() if playerRecord is not None: players = [item for item in playerRecord if item is not None] connection.close() emit('playerJoined', {'name': players[-1]["name"]}, room=roomID) emit('updatePlayerList', {'players': players}, room=roomID) @socketio.on('ready') def onReady(data): playerID = data["playerID"] roomID = data["roomID"] ready = data["readyStatus"] connection = create_connection() cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) playerRecord = cur.fetchone() if playerRecord is not None: players = [item for item in playerRecord if item is not None] player = next((p for p in players if p['playerID'] == playerID), None) if player is not None: index = players.index(player) + 1 player["readyStatus"] = ready cur.execute(''' UPDATE PlayerRosters SET {} = %s WHERE RoomID = %s '''.format('Player'+ str(index)), (json.dumps(player), roomID)) connection.commit() cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) playerRecord = cur.fetchone() if playerRecord is not None: players = [item for item in playerRecord if item is not None] connection.close() emit('updatePlayerList', {'players': players}, room=roomID) @socketio.on('startGame') def startGame(data): roomID = data["roomID"] numPlayers = int(data["numPlayers"]) connection = create_connection() cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) playerRecord = cur.fetchone() if playerRecord is not None: players = [item for item in playerRecord if item is not None] allReady = all(p['readyStatus'] for p in players) if len(players) < numPlayers: emit('message', {'message': 'Not Enough Players!'}, room = roomID) elif allReady == False: emit('message', { 'message': 'Not All Players Are Ready!'}, room = roomID) else: deck = createDeck() for player in players: player['hand'].append(deck.pop()) outOfCards = [] if len(players) == 2: for i in range(3): outOfCards.append(deck.pop()) players[0]["deck"] = deck if len(deck) > 0 and len(players) > 1: index = random.randint(0, len(players) - 1) players[index]['isMyTurn'] = True for i in range(len(players)): cur.execute(''' UPDATE PlayerRosters SET {} = %s WHERE RoomID = %s '''.format('Player'+ str(i + 1)), (json.dumps(players[i]), roomID)) connection.commit() cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) playerRecord = cur.fetchone() if playerRecord is not None: players = [item for item in playerRecord if item is not None] currentPlayer = players[index] connection.close() emit("startGame", {"players": players, "outOfCards": outOfCards}, room = roomID) emit("yourTurn", {"player": currentPlayer}, room = roomID) @socketio.on("nextRound") def nextRound(data): players = data["players"] roomID = data["roomID"] for i in range(len(players)): players[i]["hand"] = [] players[i]["discard"] = [] players[i]["isMyTurn"] = False players[i]["outOfRound"] = False players[i]["invincible"] = False deck = createDeck() for player in players: player['hand'].append(deck.pop()) outOfCards = [] if len(players) == 2: for i in range(3): outOfCards.append(deck.pop()) players[0]["deck"] = deck if len(deck) > 0 and len(players) > 1: index = random.randint(0, len(players) - 1) players[index]['isMyTurn'] = True connection = create_connection() cur = connection.cursor() for i in range(len(players)): cur.execute(''' UPDATE PlayerRosters SET {} = %s WHERE RoomID = %s '''.format('Player'+ str(i + 1)), (json.dumps(players[i]), roomID)) connection.commit() cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) playerRecord = cur.fetchone() if playerRecord is not None: players = [item for item in playerRecord if item is not None] currentPlayer = players[index] connection.close() emit("startGame", {"players": players, "outOfCards": outOfCards}, room = roomID) emit("yourTurn", {"player": currentPlayer}, room = roomID) @socketio.on('drawCard') def drawCard(data): currentPlayer = data["player"] roomID = data["roomID"] connection = create_connection() cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) playerRecord = cur.fetchone() if playerRecord is not None: players = [item for item in playerRecord if item is not None] deck = players[0]["deck"] idx = 0 for i, player in enumerate(players): if player.get('sid') == currentPlayer["sid"]: idx = i break if len(deck) > 0: players[idx]["hand"].append(deck.pop()) players[0]["deck"] = deck cur.execute(''' UPDATE PlayerRosters SET Player1 = %s WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (json.dumps(players[0]), roomID)) cur.execute(''' UPDATE PlayerRosters SET {} = %s WHERE RoomID = %s '''.format('Player'+ str(idx + 1)), (json.dumps(players[idx]), roomID)) connection.commit() cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) playerRecord = cur.fetchone() if playerRecord is not None: players = [item for item in playerRecord if item is not None] connection.close() emit('updateGameStatus', {"players": players}, room=roomID) @socketio.on('playcard') def playCard(data): roomID = data["roomID"] playerIndex = data["playerIndex"] players = data["players"] deck = players[0]["deck"] for i in range(len(players)): if len(players[i]["hand"]) == 0 and len(deck) > 0: players[i]["hand"].append(deck.pop()) players[0]["deck"] = deck connection = create_connection() cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) playerRecord = cur.fetchone() if playerRecord is not None: newPlayers = [item for item in playerRecord if item is not None] players[playerIndex]["isMyTurn"] = False nextPlayerIndex = (playerIndex + 1) % len(newPlayers) while (players[nextPlayerIndex]["outOfRound"]): nextPlayerIndex = (nextPlayerIndex + 1) % len(newPlayers) players[nextPlayerIndex]["isMyTurn"] = True if players[nextPlayerIndex]["invincible"] == True: players[nextPlayerIndex]["invincible"] = False if len(players) == 2: if players[0]['outOfRound'] == True: players[1]["token"] = players[1]["token"] + 1 elif players[1]["outOfRound"] == True: players[0]["token"] = players[0]["token"] + 1 if len(players) == 3: outPlayer = list(filter(lambda player: player["outOfRound"] == True, players)) winner = list(filter(lambda player: player["outOfRound"] == False, players)) if len(outPlayer) == 2 and len(winner) == 1: for i in range(len(players)): if players[i]["playerID"] == winner[0]["playerID"]: players[i]["token"] = players[i]["token"] + 1 if len(players) == 4: outPlayer = list(filter(lambda player: player["outOfRound"] == True, players)) winner = list(filter(lambda player: player["outOfRound"] == False, players)) if len(outPlayer) == 3 and len(winner) == 1: for i in range(len(players)): if players[i]["playerID"] == winner[0]["playerID"]: players[i]["token"] = players[i]["token"] + 1 for i in range(len(newPlayers)): cur.execute(''' UPDATE PlayerRosters SET {} = %s WHERE RoomID = %s '''.format('Player'+ str(i + 1)), (json.dumps(players[i]), roomID)) connection.commit() cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) playerRecord = cur.fetchone() if playerRecord is not None: players = [item for item in playerRecord if item is not None] emit("updateGameStatus", {"players": players}, room=roomID) if len(players) == 2: if players[0]["token"] == 7: cur.execute(''' UPDATE GameHistory SET Winner = %s WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (players[0]["name"], roomID)) connection.commit() socketio.emit("message", { "message": "Congratulations, {} Win the Game".format(players[0]["name"])}, room = roomID) return elif players[1]["token"] == 7: cur.execute(''' UPDATE GameHistory SET Winner = %s WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (players[1]["name"], roomID)) connection.commit() socketio.emit("message", { "message": "Congratulations, {} Win the Game".format(players[1]["name"])}, room = roomID) return elif players[0]['outOfRound'] == True: socketio.emit("message", { "message": "Congratulations, {} Win the Round".format(players[1]["name"]), "players": players}, room = roomID) return elif players[1]["outOfRound"] == True: socketio.emit("message", { "message": "Congratulations, {} Win the Round".format(players[0]["name"]), "players": players}, room = roomID) return if len(players) == 3: winner = list(filter(lambda player: player["token"] == 5, players)) victor = list(filter(lambda player: player["outOfRound"] == False, players)) if len(winner) == 1: if winner[0]["token"] == 5: cur.execute(''' UPDATE GameHistory SET Winner = %s WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (winner[0]["name"], roomID)) connection.commit() socketio.emit("message", { "message": "Congratulations, {} Win the Game".format(winner[0]["name"])}, room = roomID) return if len(victor) == 1: socketio.emit("message", { "message": "Congratulations, {} Win the Round".format(victor[0]["name"]), "players": players}, room = roomID) return if len(players) == 4: winner = list(filter(lambda player: player["token"] == 4, players)) victor = list(filter(lambda player: player["outOfRound"] == False, players)) if len(winner) == 1: if winner[0]["token"] == 4: cur.execute(''' UPDATE GameHistory SET Winner = %s WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (winner[0]["name"], roomID)) connection.commit() socketio.emit("message", { "message": "Congratulations, {} Win the Game".format(winner[0]["name"])}, room = roomID) return if len(victor) == 1: socketio.emit("message", { "message": "Congratulations, {} Win the Round".format(victor[0]["name"]), "players": players}, room = roomID) return connection.close() emit('yourTurn', {"player": players[nextPlayerIndex]}, room=roomID) @socketio.on('leave') def onLeave(data): roomID = data["roomID"] sid = data["sid"] leave_room(roomID) leftPlayer = None connection = create_connection() cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) playerRecord = cur.fetchone() if playerRecord is not None: players = [item for item in playerRecord if item is not None] for i in range(len(players)): if players[i]["sid"] == sid: leftPlayer = players[i] cur.execute(''' UPDATE PlayerRosters SET {} = %s WHERE RoomID = %s '''.format('Player'+ str(i + 1)), (None, roomID)) connection.commit() break cur.execute(''' SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4 FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) newRecord = cur.fetchone() if playerRecord is not None: updatedPlayers = [item for item in newRecord if item is not None] if len(updatedPlayers) == 0: cur.execute(''' DELETE FROM PlayerRosters WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) cur.execute(''' DELETE FROM ActiveSessions WHERE RoomID = %s ''', (roomID,)) connection.commit() connection.close() emit('playerLeft', {'name': leftPlayer["name"]}, room = roomID) emit('updatePlayerList', {'players': updatedPlayers}, room = roomID) @socketio.on('disconnect') def handle_disconnect(): print('Client disconnected') if __name__ == '__main__':