This project is for the CU Boulder, Summer 2023 CSPB 3308 course, by Team 5.
In one short semester, our task was to put together a full web application,
and here it is! We chose for our project to develop a site to host a multiplayer
game, which you can read more about below.
The Game We Have Chosen
We love Love Letter. It's a perfect fit for a fun, fast game with just the right amount of
complexity to keep players coming back. To show our appreciation for this great game, we've
redeveloped it here with our own custom design.
Game History
{% if data %}Room ID | Room Title | Host | Players | Winner |
{{item[0]}} | {{item[1]}} | {{item[2]}} | {{item[3]}} | {{item[4]}} |
To see a list of team members, please visit our about us page