Mobile-Robotics / E28 3 Astar Map Traversal /

import sys
import heapq

import math
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

# row/column offsets
# note that rows increase in the down direction
# cols increase to the right
    (1, 0),   # down
    (0, 1),   # right
    (-1, 0),  # up
    (0, -1),  # left
    (1, 1),   # down-right
    (1, -1),  # down-left
    (-1, 1),  # up-right
    (-1, -1), # up-left

# This function should return a list of tuples of neighbor cells that
# are reachable from the current state x
#  env_map is a Boolean 2D numpy array indicating whether each cell is
#          free (True) or blocked (False)
#  x is a tuple of (row, col) indices

def reachable_neighbors(env_map, x):
    # Iterate over each row/column offset in ALL_ACTIONS and
    # return the ones that result in new states that are:
    #  - in bounds
    #  - free space
    reachable = []
    position = np.array(x)
    for i in ALL_ACTIONS:
        #make each "action" into an array so it's easier to handle
        move = np.array(i) 
        # each adjacent cell should be tested so add original position to each move, then put in tuple form
        x = position[0] + move[0]
        y = position[1] + move[1]
        idx = np.array([x,y])
        test_cell = tuple(idx) 
        #check T/F value of cell
        viable = env_map[test_cell]
        if (viable): # add cell position to our list of tuples if it's viable
    return reachable

# This function should return the Euclidean distance between the
# grid cells. The x_cur and x_next parameters are both tuples of
# (row, col) indices for grid cells.

def distance(x_cur, x_next):

    coor1 = np.array(x_cur)
    coor2 = np.array(x_next)
    dist = math.sqrt((coor2[0] - coor1[0])**2 + (coor2[1] - coor1[1])**2)
    return dist

# The heuristic function returns the Euclidean distance between cells,
# scaled by the heuristic inflation.
def heuristic(x_cur, x_goal, heuristic_inflation):
    return heuristic_inflation*distance(x_cur, x_goal)

# Find a path on a 2D grid. Parameters:
#  env_map is a H-by-W Boolean 2D numpy array indicating whether each
#          cell is free (True) or blocked (False)
#  x_start and x_goal are a tuple of (row, col) indices into the array
#                     for the starting and ending states of the search
#  heuristic_inflation is a floating-point scale factor on the
#                      heuristic.  Setting heuristic_inflation equal
#                      to zero should be equivalent to Dijksta's
#                      algorithm. Any heuristic greater than 1.0 is
#                      not strictly admissible (i.e. not guaranteed to
#                      find an optimal path).
# Returns a tuple consisting of the following:
#   success - True if a path was found, False otherwise.
#   path - A list of (row, col) states along the optimal path,
#          beginning with the start state and ending with the goal
#          state, or None if no path exists.
#   path_cost - The total cost to come along the path, or np.inf if no
#               path exists.
#   cost_to_come - An H-by-W array of floats indicating optimal cost to reach
#                  any visited states, or np.inf if a state was not visited.
#   pred - An H-by-W-by-2 array of integer indices indicating
#          predecessor row/columns for each visited state except the
#          initial state. Any state without a predecessor should have
#          (-1, -1) stored in the array.
# Note that even if the search was unsuccessful, the returned arrays
# cost_to_come and pred may contain useful information.

def astar_search(env_map, x_start, x_goal, heuristic_inflation):

    print('searching for path from {} to {} in map of shape {}'.format(
        x_start, x_goal, env_map.shape))

    assert len(env_map.shape) == 2 and env_map.dtype == np.bool
    assert env_map[x_start] and env_map[x_goal]

    success = False
    path = [] #changed this from "None" to []
    path_cost = np.inf

    cost_to_come = np.inf * np.ones(env_map.shape)
    pred = -np.ones(env_map.shape + (2,), dtype=int)

    cost_to_come[x_start] = 0.0
    start_priority = heuristic(x_start, x_goal, heuristic_inflation)

    Q = [ (start_priority, x_start) ]

    progress_chunk_size = int(env_map.sum() / 100.0)
    progress_counter = 0

    while Q: # while not empty

        # extract the item in the Q with the lowest priority
        (priority, x_cur) = heapq.heappop(Q)

        # check for success - if successful, update
        # success, path, path_cost and break out of the loop here
        #print ('xcur: ', x_cur)
        if (x_cur == x_goal): #how to compare tuple values? do I have to compare each value as an array? eg. x_cur[0] == x_goal[0] && x_cur[1] == x_goal[1]
            success = True
            backtrack = tuple(x_cur) # retrace steps to find path

            x_begin = tuple(x_start)
            while(backtrack != x_begin):
                backtrack = tuple(pred[backtrack])
                if (backtrack == x_begin):
                path_cost = cost_to_come[x_cur]
            return (success, path, path_cost, cost_to_come, pred)

        neighbors = reachable_neighbors(env_map, x_cur)

        for x_next in neighbors:

            one_step_cost = distance(x_cur, x_next)

            g = cost_to_come[x_cur] + one_step_cost

            if g < cost_to_come[x_next]:
                #update cost_to_come array
                #   cost_to_come - An H-by-W array of floats indicating optimal cost to reach
                #                  any visited states, or np.inf if a state was not visited.
                # x_next from the list "neighbors" is a tuple, so can be used to index into "cost_to_come" array
                # if previous value for "cost_to_come" of this next cell is greater than g, then give it g as new value 
                #(either the cell had never been visited and so was infinity, or it was reached via a different longer/more expensive route )
                cost_to_come[x_next] = g 
                #update pred array
                #   pred - An H-by-W-by-2 array of integer indices indicating
                #          predecessor row/columns for each visited state except the
                #          initial state. Any state without a predecessor should have
                #          (-1, -1) stored in the array.
                #So, I again use the x_next tuple to index into the array, and replace the value there with x_cur which is x_next's predecessor
                pred[x_next] = x_cur 

                # enqueue (priority, state) tuple into priority queue.
                h = heuristic(x_next, x_goal, heuristic_inflation)
                next_priority = g + h
                heapq.heappush(Q, (next_priority, x_next))

                progress_counter += 1

                if progress_counter > progress_chunk_size:
                    # "progress" indicator
                    progress_counter = 0

    return success, path, path_cost, cost_to_come, pred


def make_debug_image(env_map, cost_to_come, path, palette):

    palette = np.array(palette)

    debug_image = np.empty(env_map.shape + (3,), dtype=float)

    debug_image[~env_map] = 0.35
    debug_image[env_map] = 0.65

    valid_mask = ~np.isinf(cost_to_come)
    valid_costs = cost_to_come[valid_mask]

    sz = 0.35 * min(env_map.shape[0], env_map.shape[1])

    valid_idx = valid_costs * len(palette) / sz
    valid_idx = np.round(valid_idx).astype(int)
    valid_idx = valid_idx % len(palette)

    print('idx range', valid_idx.min(), valid_idx.max())

    debug_image[valid_mask] = palette[valid_idx]
    debug_image = (debug_image*255).astype(np.uint8)

    if path is not None:
        path = np.array(path)
        debug_image[path[:,0], path[:,1]] = (255, 0, 0)
    debug_image = Image.fromarray(debug_image, 'RGB')'debug_output.png')

    print('wrote debug_output.png')


def main():

    if len(sys.argv) != 7:

    imgfile = sys.argv[1]
    coords = [ int(arg) for arg in sys.argv[2:6] ]
    heuristic_inflation = float(sys.argv[6])

    x_start = (coords[0], coords[1])
    x_goal = (coords[2], coords[3])

    # open image, convert to np array, threshold
    env_map ='L')
    env_map = np.array(env_map)
    env_map = np.where(env_map > 127, True, False)
    result = astar_search(env_map, x_start, x_goal, heuristic_inflation)
    success, path, path_cost, cost_to_come, pred = result

    print('search expanded {} of {} possible nodes'.format(
        np.sum(~np.isinf(cost_to_come)), env_map.sum()))

    if success:
        print('search returned successful path of length {:.2f}'.format(path_cost))
        assert path is not None
        assert not np.isinf(path_cost)
        assert cost_to_come[x_goal] == path_cost
        print('no path existed')
        assert path is None
        assert np.isinf(path_cost)
        assert cost_to_come[x_goal] == np.inf
    # twilight color map
    palette = np.loadtxt('twilight.txt', delimiter=',').reshape(-1, 3)

    make_debug_image(env_map, cost_to_come, path, palette)


if __name__ == '__main__':