CanadianMachines / CanadianExperienceLib / Actor.cpp
 * @file Actor.cpp
 * @author Charles Owen

#include "pch.h"

#include <sstream>

#include "Actor.h"
#include "Drawable.h"
#include "Picture.h"

using namespace std;

 * Constructor
* @param name The actor name */
Actor::Actor(const std::wstring &name) : mName(name)
    // Set the channel name
    mChannel.SetName(name + L":position");

 * Set the root drawable for the actor
 * @param root Pointer to root drawable
void Actor::SetRoot(std::shared_ptr<Drawable> root)
   mRoot = root;

 * Draw this actor
 * @param graphics The Graphics object we are drawing on
void Actor::Draw(std::shared_ptr<wxGraphicsContext> graphics)
    // Don't draw if not enabled
    if (!mEnabled)

    // This takes care of determining the absolute placement
    // of all of the child drawables. We have to determine this
    // in tree order, which may not be the order we draw.
    if (mRoot != nullptr)
        mRoot->Place(mPosition, 0);

    for (auto drawable : mDrawablesInOrder)

* Test to see if a mouse click is on this actor.
* @param pos Mouse position on drawing
* @return A drawable object we clicked on or nullptr if we missed.
std::shared_ptr<Drawable> Actor::HitTest(wxPoint pos)
    // If not enabled or not clickable, we indicate no hit.
    if (!mClickable || !mEnabled)
        return nullptr;

    // Since this list is in drawing order, we realy want to know the last thing drawn
    // under the mouse, since it will be on top. So, we reverse iterate over the list.
    for (auto d = mDrawablesInOrder.rbegin(); d != mDrawablesInOrder.rend(); d++)
        auto drawable = *d;
        if (drawable->HitTest(pos))
            return drawable;

    return nullptr;

* Add a drawable to this actor
* @param drawable The drawable to add
void Actor::AddDrawable(std::shared_ptr<Drawable> drawable)

 * Set the picture link for this actor.
 * This is telling the actor what
 * picture to use.
 * Also tells all child drawables what the timeline is.
 * @param picture The picture we are using.
void Actor::SetPicture(Picture *picture)
    mPicture = picture;

    // Add the animation channel to the timeline

    // Set the timeline for all drawables. This links the channels to
    // the timeline system.
    for (auto drawable : mDrawablesInOrder)

 * Set a keyframe on an actor.
void Actor::SetKeyframe()

    for (auto drawable : mDrawablesInOrder)

 * Get a keyframe for an actor.
void Actor::GetKeyframe()
    if (mChannel.IsValid())
        mPosition = mChannel.GetPoint();

    for (auto drawable : mDrawablesInOrder)