CanadianMachines / CanadianExperienceLib / ImageDrawable.cpp
 * @file ImageDrawable.cpp
 * @author Charles Owen

#include "pch.h"
#include "ImageDrawable.h"

using namespace std;

/** Constructor
 * @param name The drawable name
 * @param filename The filename for the image */
ImageDrawable::ImageDrawable(const std::wstring &name, const std::wstring &filename) :
    mImage = make_unique<wxImage>(filename, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY);

 * Draw the image drawable
 * @param graphics Graphics context to draw on
void ImageDrawable::Draw(std::shared_ptr<wxGraphicsContext> graphics)
        mBitmap = graphics->CreateBitmapFromImage(*mImage);

    graphics->Translate(mPlacedPosition.x, mPlacedPosition.y);
    graphics->DrawBitmap(mBitmap, -mCenter.x, -mCenter.y,
            mImage->GetWidth(), mImage->GetHeight());


 * Test to see if we clicked on the image.
 * @param pos Position to test
 * @return True if clicked on
bool ImageDrawable::HitTest(wxPoint pos)
    double x = pos.x;
    double y = pos.y;

    // Translate(-mPlacedPosition)
    x -= mPlacedPosition.x;
    y -= mPlacedPosition.y;

    double sn = sin(mPlacedR);
    double cs = cos(mPlacedR);

    // Rotate(mPlacedR)
    double x1 = cs * x - sn * y;
    double y1 = sn * x + cs * y;

    // Translate(mCenter)
    x = x1 + mCenter.x;
    y = y1 + mCenter.y;

//    wxGraphicsMatrix mat;
//    mat.Translate(mCenter.x, mCenter.y);
//    mat.Rotate(mPlacedR);
//    mat.Translate(-mPlacedPosition.x, -mPlacedPosition.y);
//    wxDouble x = pos.x;
//    wxDouble y = pos.y;
//    mat.TransformPoint(&x, &y);

    double wid = mImage->GetWidth();
    double hit = mImage->GetHeight();

    // Test to see if x, y are in the image
    if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= wid || y >= hit)
        // We are outside the image
        return false;

    // Test to see if x, y are in the drawn part of the image
    // If the location is transparent, we are not in the drawn
    // part of the image
    return !mImage->IsTransparent((int)x, (int)y);