CanadianMachines / CanadianExperienceLib / MachineDrawable.h
 * @file MachineDrawable.h
 * @author sriram


#include "Drawable.h"
#include "Timeline.h"
#include <machine-api.h>

struct ma_engine;

 * A drawable that displays an machine
class MachineDrawable: public Drawable
	///machine system for drawable
	std::shared_ptr<MachineSystem> mMachine=nullptr;

	///start time for drawable
	int mStartTime = -1;

	///start time for drawable
	int mEndTime = 1000;

	/// The animation timeline
	Timeline* mTimeline=nullptr;


	MachineDrawable(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring resourcesDir,ma_engine* audioEngine,int num,int startTime,int endTime);
	void Draw(std::shared_ptr<wxGraphicsContext> graphics) override;

	 * hit test
	 * @param pos
	 * @return
	bool HitTest(wxPoint pos) override{return false;}

	void SetTimeline(Timeline *timeline) override;

	 * getter for timeline
	 * @return
	Timeline* GetTimeline(){return mTimeline;}

	void SetMachineNumber(wxWindow* parent);

	 * setter for start time
	 * @param frame
	 void SetStartTime(int frame){mStartTime=frame;}

	* setter for start time
	 * @param frame
	void SetEndTime(int frame){mEndTime=frame;}

	 * getter for start time
	 *@return start time
	int GetStartTime(){return mStartTime;}

	* getter for start time
	 * @return end time
	int GetEndTime(){return mEndTime;}

	 * getter for machine number
	 * @return
	int GetMachineNumber(){return mMachine->GetMachineNumber();}

	 * sets machine number
	 * @param num
	void SetNumber(int num){mMachine->SetMachineNumber(num);}