CanadianMachines / CanadianExperienceLib / PolyDrawable.h
 * @file PolyDrawable.h
 * @author Charles Owen
 * A drawable based on polygon images.


#include "Drawable.h"

 * A drawable based on polygon images.
 * This class has a list of points and draws a polygon
 * drawable based on those points.
class PolyDrawable : public Drawable {

    /// The polygon color
    wxColour mColor = *wxBLACK;

    /// The array of point objects
    std::vector<wxPoint> mPoints;

    /// The transformed graphics path used
    /// to draw this polygon
    wxGraphicsPath mPath;

    PolyDrawable(const std::wstring& name);

    /// Default constructor (disabled)
    PolyDrawable() = delete;

    /// Copy constructor (disabled)
    PolyDrawable(const PolyDrawable &) = delete;

    /// Assignment operator
    void operator=(const PolyDrawable &) = delete;

    void Draw(std::shared_ptr<wxGraphicsContext> graphics) override;
    bool HitTest(wxPoint pos) override;

    void AddPoint(wxPoint point);

     * Set the color for the polygon
     * @param color New color to set
    void SetColor(wxColour color) { mColor = color; }

     * Get the drawable color
     * @return Color
     * */
    wxColour GetColor() const { return mColor; }