/** * @file ViewTimeline.cpp * @author Charles B. Owen */ #include "pch.h" #include #include #include #include "ViewTimeline.h" #include "TimelineDlg.h" #include "MachineDlg.h" #include "Picture.h" #include "Actor.h" using namespace std; /// Y location for the top of a tick mark const int TickTop = 15; /// The spacing between ticks in the timeline const int TickSpacing = 4; /// The length of a short tick mark const int TickShort = 10; /// The length of a long tick mark const int TickLong = 20; /// Size of the tick mark labels const int TickFontSize = 15; /// Space to the left of the scale const int BorderLeft = 10; /// Space to the right of the scale const int BorderRight = 10; /// Filename for the pointer image const std::wstring PointerImageFile = L"/pointer.png"; /** * Constructor * @param parent The main wxFrame object * @param imagesDir The directory containing the program images */ ViewTimeline::ViewTimeline(wxFrame* parent, std::wstring imagesDir) : wxScrolledCanvas(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(100, Height), wxBORDER_SIMPLE) { SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_PAINT); mPointerImage = make_unique(imagesDir + PointerImageFile, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY); Bind(wxEVT_PAINT, &ViewTimeline::OnPaint, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &ViewTimeline::OnLeftDown, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, &ViewTimeline::OnLeftUp, this); Bind(wxEVT_MOTION, &ViewTimeline::OnMouseMove, this); Bind(wxEVT_TIMER, &ViewTimeline::OnTimer, this); parent->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, &ViewTimeline::OnFileSaveAs, this, wxID_SAVEAS); parent->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, &ViewTimeline::OnFileOpen, this, wxID_OPEN); parent->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, &ViewTimeline::OnEditTimelineProperties, this, XRCID("EditTimelineProperties")); parent->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, &ViewTimeline::OnEditSetKeyframe, this, XRCID("EditSetKeyframe")); parent->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, &ViewTimeline::OnEditDeleteKeyframe, this, XRCID("EditDeleteKeyframe")); parent->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, &ViewTimeline::OnPlayPlay, this, XRCID("PlayPlay")); parent->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, &ViewTimeline::OnPlayStop, this, XRCID("PlayStop")); parent->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, &ViewTimeline::OnPlayPlayFromBeginning, this, XRCID("PlayPlayFromBeginning")); parent->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, &ViewTimeline::OnEditMachineAppearances, this, XRCID("EditMachineAppearances")); mTimer.SetOwner(this); mStopWatch.Start(0); mStopWatch.Pause(); } /** * Force an update of this window when the picture changes. */ void ViewTimeline::UpdateObserver() { Refresh(); Update(); } /** * Paint event, draws the window. * @param event Paint event object */ void ViewTimeline::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event) { // Get the timeline Timeline *timeline = GetPicture()->GetTimeline(); int sizeTotal = timeline->GetNumFrames() * TickSpacing + BorderLeft + BorderRight, WindowHeight; SetVirtualSize(sizeTotal, 0); SetScrollRate(1, 0); wxAutoBufferedPaintDC dc(this); DoPrepareDC(dc); wxBrush background(*wxWHITE); dc.SetBackground(background); dc.Clear(); // Create a graphics context auto graphics = std::shared_ptr(wxGraphicsContext::Create( dc )); if(mPointerBitmap.IsNull()) { mPointerBitmap = graphics->CreateBitmapFromImage(*mPointerImage); } auto rect = GetClientRect(); int hit = rect.GetHeight(); int wid = rect.GetWidth(); wxFont font(wxSize(0, TickFontSize), wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL); graphics->SetFont(font, *wxBLACK); graphics->SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); int top = TickTop; for (int tickNum = 0; tickNum <= timeline->GetNumFrames(); tickNum++) { int x = BorderLeft + tickNum * TickSpacing; int bottom = top + TickShort; bool onSecond = (tickNum % timeline->GetFrameRate()) == 0; if (onSecond) { bottom = top + TickLong; // Convert the tick number to seconds in a string std::wstringstream str; str << tickNum / timeline->GetFrameRate(); std::wstring wstr = str.str(); double w, h; graphics->GetTextExtent(wstr, &w, &h); graphics->DrawText(wstr, x - w / 2, bottom + 5); } graphics->StrokeLine(x, bottom, x, top); } // // Draw the pointer // int pw = mPointerImage->GetWidth(); int ph = mPointerImage->GetHeight(); int x = BorderLeft + (int)(timeline->GetCurrentTime() * timeline->GetFrameRate() * TickSpacing); graphics->DrawBitmap(mPointerBitmap, x - pw / 2, top, pw, ph ); } /** * Handle the left mouse button down event * @param event */ void ViewTimeline::OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent &event) { auto click = CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetPosition()); int x = click.x; // Get the timeline Timeline *timeline = GetPicture()->GetTimeline(); int pointerX = (int)(timeline->GetCurrentTime() * timeline->GetFrameRate() * TickSpacing + BorderLeft); mMovingPointer = x >= pointerX - (int)mPointerImage->GetWidth() / 2 && x <= pointerX + (int)mPointerImage->GetWidth() / 2; } /** * Handle the left mouse button up event * @param event */ void ViewTimeline::OnLeftUp(wxMouseEvent &event) { OnMouseMove(event); } /** * Handle the mouse move event * @param event */ void ViewTimeline::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &event) { auto click = CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetPosition()); Timeline *timeline = GetPicture()->GetTimeline(); if (mMovingPointer && event.LeftIsDown()) { double time = (double)(click.x - BorderLeft) / (timeline->GetFrameRate() * TickSpacing); if (time < 0) { time = 0; } else if (time > timeline->GetDuration()) { time = timeline->GetDuration(); } GetPicture()->SetAnimationTime(time); } else { mMovingPointer = false; } } /** * Handle an Edit>Timeline Properties... menu option * @param event The menu event */ void ViewTimeline::OnEditTimelineProperties(wxCommandEvent& event) { TimelineDlg dlg(this->GetParent(), GetPicture()->GetTimeline()); if(dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { GetPicture()->UpdateObservers(); } } /** * Handle an Edit>Machine Appearances... menu option * @param event The menu event */ void ViewTimeline::OnEditMachineAppearances(wxCommandEvent& event) { MachineDlg dlg(this->GetParent(),GetPicture()->GetMachineDrawable1(),GetPicture()->GetMachineDrawable2()); if(dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { GetPicture()->UpdateObservers(); } } /** * Handle the Edit>Set Keyframe menu option * @param event The menu event */ void ViewTimeline::OnEditSetKeyframe(wxCommandEvent& event) { auto picture = GetPicture(); for (auto actor : *picture) { actor->SetKeyframe(); } } /** * Handle the Edit>Delete Keyframe menu option * @param event The menu event */ void ViewTimeline::OnEditDeleteKeyframe(wxCommandEvent& event) { auto picture = GetPicture(); picture->GetTimeline()->ClearKeyframe(); picture->SetAnimationTime(picture->GetAnimationTime()); } /** * Handle a Play>Play menu option * @param event Menu event */ void ViewTimeline::OnPlayPlay(wxCommandEvent& event) { if(mPlaying) { // If already playing return; } auto timeline = GetPicture()->GetTimeline(); auto frameRate = timeline->GetFrameRate(); auto time = timeline->GetCurrentTime(); mStopWatch.Start(lround(time * 1000)); mTimer.Start(1000 / frameRate); } /** * Handle a Play>Play from Beginning menu option * @param event Menu event */ void ViewTimeline::OnPlayPlayFromBeginning(wxCommandEvent& event) { if(mPlaying) { Stop(); } GetPicture()->SetAnimationTime(0); auto timeline = GetPicture()->GetTimeline(); auto frameRate = timeline->GetFrameRate(); mStopWatch.Start(0); mTimer.Start(1000 / frameRate); } /** * Handle a Stop button press * @param event Button event */ void ViewTimeline::OnPlayStop(wxCommandEvent& event) { Stop(); } /** * Handle timer events * @param event timer event */ void ViewTimeline::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& event) { auto timeline = GetPicture()->GetTimeline(); auto newTime = mStopWatch.Time() / 1000.0; auto frameRate = timeline->GetFrameRate(); int frame = (int)lround(newTime * frameRate); if(frame >= timeline->GetNumFrames()) { frame = timeline->GetNumFrames(); Stop(); } GetPicture()->SetAnimationTime(newTime); } /** * Stop any playback animation */ void ViewTimeline::Stop() { mPlaying = false; mTimer.Stop(); mStopWatch.Pause(); } /** * File>Save As menu handler * @param event Menu event */ void ViewTimeline::OnFileSaveAs(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxFileDialog saveFileDialog(this, _("Save Animation file"), "", "", "Animation Files (*.anim)|*.anim", wxFD_SAVE|wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); if (saveFileDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) { return; } auto filename = saveFileDialog.GetPath(); GetPicture()->Save(filename); } /** * File>Open menu handler * @param event Menu event */ void ViewTimeline::OnFileOpen(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxFileDialog loadFileDialog(this, _("Load Animation file"), "", "", "Animation Files (*.anim)|*.anim", wxFD_OPEN); if (loadFileDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) { return; } auto filename = loadFileDialog.GetPath(); GetPicture()->Load(filename); Refresh(); }