/** * @file PolyDrawableTest.cpp * @author Charles Owen */ #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include #include #include TEST(PolyDrawableTest, Name) { PolyDrawable drawable(L"Leg"); ASSERT_EQ(std::wstring(L"Leg"), drawable.GetName()); } TEST(PolyDrawableTest, Color) { PolyDrawable drawable(L"Leg"); ASSERT_EQ(*wxBLACK, drawable.GetColor()); wxColour a(12, 34, 56); drawable.SetColor(a); ASSERT_EQ(a, drawable.GetColor()); } TEST(PolyDrawableTest, HitTest) { // Create a bitmap, and a memory device // context that draws on that bitmap wxBitmap bitmap(1000, 1000); wxMemoryDC dc(bitmap); // Create a graphics context auto graphics = std::shared_ptr(wxGraphicsContext::Create( dc )); auto actor = std::make_shared(L"Square"); actor->SetPosition(wxPoint(100, 500)); auto poly1 = std::make_shared(L"Polygon"); poly1->SetPosition(wxPoint(100, 100)); poly1->SetRotation(M_PI/2); poly1->AddPoint(wxPoint(0, 0)); poly1->AddPoint(wxPoint(100, 0)); poly1->AddPoint(wxPoint(100, 100)); poly1->AddPoint(wxPoint(0, 100)); actor->AddDrawable(poly1); actor->SetRoot(poly1); actor->Draw(graphics); // Inside the square ASSERT_TRUE(poly1->HitTest(wxPoint(210, 590))); // To the left ASSERT_FALSE(poly1->HitTest(wxPoint(190, 590))); // Below ASSERT_FALSE(poly1->HitTest(wxPoint(210, 610))); // To the right ASSERT_FALSE(poly1->HitTest(wxPoint(310, 590))); // Above ASSERT_FALSE(poly1->HitTest(wxPoint(210, 490))); } /** This tests that the animation of the rotation of a drawable works */ TEST(PolyDrawableTest, Animation) { // Create a picture object auto picture = std::make_shared(); // Create an actor and add it to the picture auto actor = std::make_shared(L"Actor"); // Create a drawable for the actor auto drawable = std::make_shared(L"Drawable"); actor->SetRoot(drawable); actor->AddDrawable(drawable); picture->AddActor(actor); auto channel = drawable->GetAngleChannel(); // First we will ensure it works with no keyframes set picture->SetAnimationTime(0); drawable->SetRotation(1.33); // The channel should not be valid ASSERT_FALSE(channel->IsValid()); // Getting a keyframe should not changle the angle actor->GetKeyframe(); ASSERT_NEAR(1.33, drawable->GetRotation(), 0.00001); // Now we'll set one keyframe and see if that works picture->SetAnimationTime(1.5); drawable->SetRotation(2.7); actor->SetKeyframe(); // Change angle drawable->SetRotation(0.3); ASSERT_NEAR(0.3, drawable->GetRotation(), 0.00001); // Wherever we move, now, the keyframe angle should be used picture->SetAnimationTime(0); ASSERT_NEAR(2.7, drawable->GetRotation(), 0.00001); drawable->SetRotation(0.3); picture->SetAnimationTime(1.5); ASSERT_NEAR(2.7, drawable->GetRotation(), 0.00001); drawable->SetRotation(0.3); picture->SetAnimationTime(3); ASSERT_NEAR(2.7, drawable->GetRotation(), 0.00001); // We'll set a second keyframe and see if that works picture->SetAnimationTime(3.0); drawable->SetRotation(-1.8); actor->SetKeyframe(); // Test before the keyframes drawable->SetRotation(0.3); picture->SetAnimationTime(0); ASSERT_NEAR(2.7, drawable->GetRotation(), 0.00001); // Test at first keyframe drawable->SetRotation(0.3); picture->SetAnimationTime(1.5); ASSERT_NEAR(2.7, drawable->GetRotation(), 0.00001); // Test at second keyframe drawable->SetRotation(0.3); picture->SetAnimationTime(3.0); ASSERT_NEAR(-1.8, drawable->GetRotation(), 0.00001); // Test after second keyframe drawable->SetRotation(0.3); picture->SetAnimationTime(4); ASSERT_NEAR(-1.8, drawable->GetRotation(), 0.00001); // Test between the two keyframs drawable->SetRotation(0.3); picture->SetAnimationTime(2.25); // Halfway between the two keyframes ASSERT_NEAR((2.7 + -1.8) / 2, drawable->GetRotation(), 0.00001); drawable->SetRotation(0.3); picture->SetAnimationTime(2.0); // 1/3 between the two keyframes ASSERT_NEAR(2.7 + 1.0 / 3.0 * (-1.8 - 2.7), drawable->GetRotation(), 0.00001); }