import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; /** * Notes for PA * * Use Semi-haive evaluation and logarithmic convergence * Use information from table "transfer" * - transfer (src: string, tft: string, timestamp: date, amount: float) * Do NOT use recursive SQL queries * */ public class FTM { public static void main(String[] args){ String connURL = args[0]; // jdbc:postgresql://localhost/pa2 String userName = args[1]; // postgres String password = args[2]; try{ Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connURL, userName, password); java.sql.Statement state = conn.createStatement(); // drop influence table state.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS influence"); // create infleunce table state.execute("CREATE TABLE influence (who varchar(255), whom varchar(255), FOREIGN KEY(who) REFERENCES customer(name), FOREIGN KEY(whom) REFERENCES customer(name))"); state.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS funds"); state.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS delta"); state.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_old"); // create funds table and populate state.execute("CREATE TABLE funds(src varchar(255), tgt varchar(255))"); state.execute("INSERT INTO funds (SELECT, from customer as c1, customer as c2, depositor as d1, depositor as d2, transfer as t WHERE = d1.cname and = d2.cname and d1.ano = t.src and d2.ano = t.tgt)"); // initiate delta table and influence table state.execute("CREATE TABLE delta(src varchar(255), tgt varchar(255))"); state.execute("INSERT INTO delta (SELECT src, tgt from funds)"); // copy 'G' = funds state.execute("INSERT INTO influence (SELECT src, tgt from funds)"); // initial check if delta is empty java.sql.PreparedStatement empty_check = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM delta"); ResultSet rs = empty_check.executeQuery();; // System.out.println(; Boolean isEmpty = rs.getInt("cnt") == 0; // int count = 0; // System.out.println("count: " + rs.getInt("cnt")); state.execute("CREATE TABLE t_old(src varchar(255), tgt varchar(255))"); while(!isEmpty){ // System.out.println("iter: " + count); state.execute("INSERT INTO t_old (SELECT * FROM influence)"); state.execute("INSERT INTO influence ((SELECT * FROM influence) UNION (SELECT x.src, y.whom FROM delta AS x, influence AS y WHERE x.tgt = y.who) UNION (SELECT x.who, y.tgt FROM influence AS x, delta AS y WHERE x.whom = y.src))"); // repopulate delta state.execute("DELETE FROM ONLY delta"); state.execute("INSERT INTO delta ((SELECT * FROM influence) EXCEPT (SELECT * FROM t_old))"); // empty out t_old state.execute("DELETE FROM ONLY t_old"); // check if delta is empty rs = empty_check.executeQuery();; isEmpty = rs.getInt("cnt") == 0; // count++; } // drop extra tables state.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS funds"); state.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS delta"); state.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_old"); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }