CSE-107 / hw3 / hw3.py
PlayCrypt 3 : Block ciphers, key recovery, and hash functions
# from email.utils import encode_rfc2231
from itertools import count
# from operator import xor
# from numpy import int_
from playcrypt.primitives import *
from playcrypt.tools import *
from playcrypt.ideal.function_family import *
from playcrypt.games.game_cr import GameCR
from playcrypt.simulator.cr_sim import CRSim
from playcrypt.ideal.block_cipher import BlockCipher

Problem 1 [10 points]
Let E: {0,1}^k x {0,1}^n -> {0,1}^n be a block cipher (with inverse E_I).
Define Enc: {0, 1}^k x {0, 1}^(mn) --> {0, 1}^((m+1)*n) as shown below.
The message space of Enc is the set of all strings M whose length is an
integer multiple of n. 

Sizes in comments are bits, sizes in code are in bytes (bits / 8).
In the code K\in{0,1}^k.

def Enc(K, M):
    Encryption algorithm Enc constructed from function family F.

    :param K: blockcipher key
    :param M: plaintext message
    :return: ciphertext
    assert len(M) % n_bytes == 0
    M = split(M,n_bytes)
    # Caveat: M is now a list of strings, indexed from 0 to len(M)-1. The
    # code below does exactly the same thing as in hw3.pdf, the "+ 1"
    # offsets in hw3.pdf are removed here, precisely to take this
    # numbering difference into account
    C0 = random_string(n_bytes)
    C = [C0]
    count = string_to_int(E(K,C0))

    for i in range(len(M)): 
        Pi = int_to_string((count + i) % 2**n, n_bytes)
        Ai = xor_strings(M[i], Pi)
        Bi = E(K, Ai)
        C.append(xor_strings(Bi, Pi))
    return join(C)

(1) [3 points] Give a decryption algorithm Dec such that SE = (K,Enc,Dec) is a 
    symmetric encryption scheme satisfying the correct decrypiton condition of Slide 3,4.
n - bit size of each block
E - is the encryption block cipher
def Dec(K,C):
    You must fill in this method. This is the decryption algorithm that the problem is
    asking for.

    :param K: This is the secret key for the decryption algorithm. It is an n-bit string
    :param C: This is the ciphertext to decrypt. You may assume that C is a bitstring whose length is a multiple of n. 
    :return: return a plaintext string.
    C = split(C, n_bytes)

    M = []
    count = string_to_int(E(K, C[0]))

    for i in range(len(C) - 1):
        Pi = int_to_string((count + i) % 2**n, n_bytes)
        Ai = xor_strings(Pi, C[i+1])
        Bi = E_I(K, Ai)
        M.append(xor_strings(Bi, Pi))
    return join(M)

(2) [7 points] Give a 1-query adversary A that has advantage Adv^ind-cpa_SE(A) >= 0.9
                and running time O(T_E + n), where T_E is the time to compute E or E_I.

def A(fn):
    You must fill in this method. This is the adversary that the problem is
    asking for.

    :param fn: This is the LR oracle supplied by GameIND-CPA, you can call this
    oracle with two messages to get an "encryption" of either the left or right message.
    :return: return a bit that represents a guess of the secret bit b.
    ## secret bit represents left(0) or right(1)
    # adversary should not know message or key

    ## //////// NOTES
    # 1 query ci = e(k, pi) xor pi msg = 000 
    # set boundaries from range of i 
    # not wrap around mod 2^n is useless 
    # force encryption to get 2 identiical input 
    # get pattern from ciphertext C = fn(e1, e2)
    # bit level
    ## //////// NOTES
    M0 = []
    M1 = random_string(n)
    for i in range(n_bytes):
        M0.append(int_to_string(i, n//n_bytes))
    M0_join = join(M0)
    # print("M0 length: ", len(M0_join))
    # print("M1 length: ", len(M1))

    C = fn(M1, M0_join)
    C_split = split(C, n_bytes)

    if(C_split[1] == C_split[2] or C_split[1] == C_split[3]):
        # print("please work")
        return 1

    return 0

Problem 2 [10 points]
Let E: {0,1}^k x {0,1}^l -> {0,1}^l be a block cipher (with inverse E_I) and let
T_E denote the time to compute E or E_I. Let D be the set of all strings whose
length is a positive multiple of l.

1. [4 points]
Define the hash function H1: {0,1}^k x D -> {0,1}^l via the CBC construction, as follows:

def H1(K, M):
    Hash function.

    :param K: Key used by the hash function, must be of size k_bytes
    :param M: Message hashed by the function, must be of length n * l_bytes

    M = split(M, l_bytes)
    C = ["\x00" * l_bytes]

    for B in M:
        C += [E(K, xor_strings(C[-1], B))]

    return C[-1]

Show that H1 is not collision resistant by presenting an O(T_E + l) time
adversary A1 with Adv^cr_H(A)=1.

def A1(K):
    You must fill in this method. We will define variables k, l, k_bytes,
    l_bytes, E, and E_I for you.

    :param K: This is the key used as the seed to the provided hash function
    :return: Return 2 messages, M1 and M2, that your adversary believes collide

    # Approach 1: MAke M1 an encryption ahead of M0
    # appraoch 2: Make M0 = 000..E(K, M0[0])...E(K, M0[0]), 
        # M1 = E(K, M0[0])... E(E(K, M0[0]))
    res1 = ""
    res2 = ""

    M0 = ["\x00" * l_bytes]
    E_M0 = E(K, M0[0])

    E_M1 = E(K, E_M0)
    M1 = [E_M0]

    for i in range(l_bytes - 1):
    for i in range(l_bytes - 2):

    res1 = join(M0)
    res2 = join(M1)

    return res1, res2

2. [6 points]
Define the hash function H2: {0,1}^k x D -> {0,1}^l as follows:

def H2(K, M):
    Hash function.

    :param K: Key used by the hash function, must be of size k_bytes
    :param M: Message hashed by the function, must be of length n * l_bytes

    M = split(M, l_bytes)
    W = []
    C = ["\x00" * l_bytes]

    for B in M:
        W += [E(K, xor_strings(C[-1], B))]
        C += [E(K, xor_strings(W[-1], B))]

    return C[-1]

Show that H2 is not collision resistant by presenting an O(T_E + l) time
adversary A2 with Adv^cr_H(A)=1.

def A2(K):
    You must fill in this method. We will define variables k, l, k_bytes,
    l_bytes, E, and E_I for you.

    :param K: This is the key used as the seed to the provided hash function
    :return: Return 2 messages, M1 and M2, that your adversary believes collide

    res1 = ""
    res2 = ""

    M0 = ["\x00" * l_bytes]
    EM0 = E(K, M0[0])
    M1 = [EM0]

    EEM0 = E(K, EM0)
    EEM0_xor_EM0 = xor_strings(EEM0, EM0)
    E_EEM0_xor_EM0 = E(K, EEM0_xor_EM0)
    E_EEM0_xor_EM0_xor_EEM0_xor_EM0 = xor_strings(E_EEM0_xor_EM0, EEM0_xor_EM0)

    for i in range((l//l_bytes) - 2):
    for j in range((l//l_bytes) - 1):

    res1 = join(M0)
    res2 = join(M1)

    return res1, res2

Code below this line is used to test your solution and should not be changed.
from playcrypt.games.game_lr import GameLR
from playcrypt.simulator.lr_sim import LRSim

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("--- Problem 1 ---")
    # Arbitrary choices of k, n.
    k = 128
    n = 128
    # Block & key size in bytes.
    k_bytes = k//8
    n_bytes = n//8

    EE = BlockCipher(k_bytes, n_bytes)
    E = EE.encrypt
    E_I = EE.decrypt

    g = GameLR(1, Enc, k_bytes)
    s = LRSim(g, A)

    # test decryption
    worked = True
    for j in range(100):
        K = random_string(k_bytes)
        num_blocks = random.randrange(n_bytes*8)
        M = random_string(num_blocks*n_bytes)
        C = Enc(K, M)
        if M != Dec(K, C):
            print ("Your decryption function is incorrect.")
            worked = False
    if worked:
        print ("Your decryption function appears correct.")
        print ("The advantage of your adversary A1 is approximately " + str(s.compute_advantage(2000)))
    except ValueError as e:
        print("Error computing advantage:", e)

    print("--- Problem 2 ---")

    # Case 1: k = l = 128
    k = 128
    l = 128
    k_bytes = k//8
    l_bytes = l//8
    EE = BlockCipher(k_bytes, l_bytes)
    E = EE.encrypt
    E_I = EE.decrypt

    g1 = GameCR(H1, k_bytes)
    s1 = CRSim(g1, A1)

    g2 = GameCR(H2, k_bytes)
    s2 = CRSim(g2, A2)

    print("When k=128, l=128:")
    print("The advantage of your adversary A1 is ~" + str(s1.compute_advantage()))
    print("The advantage of your adversary A2 is ~" + str(s2.compute_advantage()))

    # Case 2: k = 64 ; l = 16
    k = 64
    l = 16
    k_bytes = k//8
    l_bytes = l//8
    EE = BlockCipher(k_bytes, l_bytes)
    E = EE.encrypt
    E_I = EE.decrypt

    g1 = GameCR(H1, k_bytes)
    s1 = CRSim(g1, A1)

    g2 = GameCR(H2, k_bytes)
    s2 = CRSim(g2, A2)

    print("\nWhen k=64, l=16:")
    print("The advantage of your adversary A1 is ~" + str(s1.compute_advantage()))
    print("The advantage of your adversary A2 is ~" + str(s2.compute_advantage()))