CSE-107 / hw6 / hw6.py
import math
import json
import sys, os, itertools

from playcrypt.primitives import *
from playcrypt.tools import *
from playcrypt.new_tools import *

from playcrypt.games.game_pke_lr import GamePKELR
from playcrypt.simulator.pke_lr_sim import PKELRSim

def ADD(a,b):
    return a+b
def MULT(a,b):
    return a*b
def INT_DIV(a,N):
    return (a//N, a%N)
def MOD(a,N):
    return a%N
def EXT_GCD(a,N):
    return egcd(a,N)
def MOD_INV(a,N):
    res = modinv(a,N)
    if res == None:
        raise ValueError("Inverse does not exist.")
    return res
def MOD_EXP(a,n,N):
    return exp(a,n,N)

Note: As usual, our convention is that the running time of an adversary does not
include the time taken by game procedures to compute responses to adversary's queries.


""" Problem 1 [20 points] Let K_rsa be a RSA generator with security parameter k >=1024.
Consider the key-generation algorithm K and encryption algorithm E defined below:

def K():
    (N, p, q, e, d) = K_rsa(k)
    pk = (N, e)
    sk = (N, d)
    return (pk, sk)

def E(pk, M):
    :param pk: The public key pk = (N, e) used to encrypt the message
    :param M: The plaintext to be encrypted, must be in Z_N^*
    :return: return the encryption of plaintext M
    (N, e) = pk                     # Parse pk as (N, e)
    if not in_Z_N_star(M, N):       # If M is not in Z_N^* 
        raise ValueError("Message not in appropriate domain.")     
    U = random_Z_N_star(N)          # Sample a random element U of Z_N^*
    V = MOD_EXP(U, e, N)            # V <- U^e mod N
    W = MOD(U * M, N)               # W <= (U * M) mod N
    return (V, W)

(1.1) [8 points] Specify in pseudocode an O(k^3)-time decryption algorithm D such that
AE = (K, E, D) is an asymmetric encryption scheme satisfying the correct
decryption requirement, for messages that are in Z_N^* when the public key is (N, e).

def D(sk, C):
    This is the decryption algorithm that the problem is asking for.
    :param sk: The secret key used to decrypt the message
    :param C: The ciphertext to be decrypted
    :return: return the decryption on the ciphertext C
    (N, d) = sk
    (V, W) = C

    U = MOD_EXP(V, d, N)
    M = MOD(MOD_INV(U,N)*W, N)

    return M 


(1.2) [12 points] Specify in pseudocode an O(k^3)-time adversary A1 making one query to
its LR oracle and achieving Adv_{AE}^{ind-cpa}(A1) = 1. Messages in the LR query
must be in Z_N^* when the public key is (N, e).

def A1(lr, pk):
    You must fill in this method. This is the adversary that the problem is
    asking for.
    :param lr: This is the oracle supplied by the game.
    :param pk: This is the public key returned by the game's procedure Initialize.
    :return: return 1 to indicate your adversary believes it is the right world
    and return 0 to indicate that your adversary believes it is in the left world.
    # lr(1,1) # You'll want to replace this with your own LR query
    (N, e) = pk
    M0 = 1
    M1 = 2

    C = lr(M0, M1)
    (V, W) = C 

    if(MOD_EXP(W, e, N) == V):
        return 0
    return 1

The following lines are used to test your code, and should not be modified.
def main():
    def pk_gen():
            (pk,sk) = K()
            return pk

    worked = True
    global k
    k = 64
    for loop in range(100):
        (pk,sk) = K()
        (N,e) = pk
        M = random_Z_N_star(N)
        C = E(pk, M)
        if M != D(sk, C):
            print ("Your decryption function is incorrect.")
            worked = False
    if worked:
        print ("Your decryption function appears correct.")

    gm = GamePKELR(1, 1, E, pk_gen)
    s = PKELRSim(gm, A1)
    print ("The advantage of your adversary A1 is approx. " + str(s.compute_advantage()))

if __name__ == "__main__":