import sys, os, itertools, json from import * from playcrypt.ideal.block_cipher import * from playcrypt.ideal.message_authentication_code import * from import GameUFCMA from playcrypt.simulator.ufcma_sim import UFCMASim from import GameLR from playcrypt.simulator.lr_sim import LRSim from import GameINTCTXT from playcrypt.simulator.ctxt_sim import CTXTSim from playcrypt.ideal.function_family import * """ Problem 2 Let E : {0,1}^k x {0,1}^{2n} -> {0,1}^{2n} be a block cipher with k, n >= 128. Let K be the key-generation algorithm that returns a random k-bit key. Let SE = (K,Enc,Dec) be the symmetric encryption scheme with encryption and decryption algorithms as described below. Note that the message input to Enc is an n-bit string, and the ciphertext input to Dec is a 4n-bit string. """ def Enc(K,M): if len(M) != n_bytes: return None A1 = random_string(n_bytes) A2 = xor_strings(M, A1) C = [] C.append(E(K, (A1 + "\x00" * n_bytes))) C.append(E(K, (A2 + "\xFF" * n_bytes))) return join(C) def Dec(K,C): if len(C) != 4 * n_bytes: return None C = split(C, 2 * n_bytes) X1 = E_I(K, C[0]) # X1 = A1 || P1 in the pseudocode X2 = E_I(K, C[1]) # X2 = A2 || P2 in the pseudocode X1 = split(X1, n_bytes) # A1 is X1[0] ; P1 is X1[1] X2 = split(X2, n_bytes) # A2 is X2[0] ; P2 is X2[1] if (X1[1] != "\x00" * n_bytes) or (X2[1] != "\xFF" * n_bytes): return None M = xor_strings(X1[0], X2[0]) return M """ [10 points] Show that SE is not INT-CTXT secure by presenting an O(n)-time adversary A2 making two queries with advantage at least 1 - 2^{-n}. """ def A2(enc): """You must fill in this method. We will define variables k, n, k_bytes, n_bytes, Enc and Dec for you. :param enc: This is the oracle supplied by the game. return: a forged ciphertext """ M0 = int_to_string(0, n_bytes) # can be a random string R1 = random_string(n_bytes) c_t0 = enc(M0) c_t1 = enc(R1) # NOTE # Since 0^n and 1^n are repeating patterns for the encryption scheme and is validated from the decryption scheme # we can switch the encryption of the first ciphertext with the 2nd ciphertext, and it would still be valid # NOTE c_t0 = split(c_t0, 2*n_bytes) c_t1 = split(c_t1, 2*n_bytes) c_t0[1] = c_t1[1] return join(c_t0) """ ============================================================================================== The following lines are used to test your code, and should not be modified. ============================================================================================== """ if __name__ == '__main__': k = 128 n = 128 k_bytes = k//8 n_bytes = n//8 EE = BlockCipher(k_bytes, 2*n_bytes) E = EE.encrypt E_I = EE.decrypt g = GameINTCTXT(2, Enc, Dec, k_bytes) s = CTXTSim(g, A2) print ("When k=128, n=128:") print ("The advantage of your adversary A2 is ~" + str(s.compute_advantage())) k = 256 n = 128 k_bytes = k//8 n_bytes = n//8 EE = BlockCipher(k_bytes, 2*n_bytes) E = EE.encrypt E_I = EE.decrypt g = GameINTCTXT(2, Enc, Dec, k_bytes) s = CTXTSim(g, A2) print ("When k=256, n=128:") print ("The advantage of your adversary A2 is ~" + str(s.compute_advantage()))