import json import sys, os, itertools from collections import defaultdict from timeit import default_timer as timer sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..'))) from import * from playcrypt.new_tools import * from playcrypt.primitives import * from import Game from playcrypt.simulator.cca_sim import CCASim def ADD(a,b): return a+b def MULT(a,b): return a*b def INT_DIV(a,N): return (a//N, a%N) def MOD(a,N): return a%N def EXT_GCD(a,N): return egcd(a,N) def GCD(a,N): return egcd(a,N)[0] def MOD_INV(a,N): res = modinv(a,N) if res == None: raise ValueError("Inverse does not exist.") return res def MOD_EXP(a,n,N): return exp(a,n,N) """ !!!READ THIS FIRST!!! Please name your collaborator(s) for this assignment. You can also state that you have worked completely independently. Please refer to the course website regarding the collaboration policy. Your response: Independently """ """ Problem 1 Let K be an RSA key-generation algorithm, returning public key (N, e) and private key (N, d, p, q). Let E2 be the encryption algorithm which, on inputs (N, e) and M, returns (M || R || Z)^e mod N, where || denotes string concatenation, and (M || R || Z) is treated as an integer. Note that the function E below is a helper function to implement E2. We have similarly provided a helper function D which may help you write D2. """ def K(k): e = 65537 top = 2**(k//2) while True: p = random.randint(top//2, top) if GCD(e, p-1) != 1: continue if is_prime(p): break while True: q = random.randint(top//2, top) if GCD(e, q-1) != 1: continue if is_prime(q): break N = p*q phi_of_N = (p-1) * (q-1) d = MOD_INV(e, phi_of_N) return (N, e), (N, d, p, q) def D(sk, c): if c is None: return None c = string_to_int(c) N, d, p, q = sk if c >= N or GCD(c, N) != 1: return None z = MOD_EXP(c, d, N) # somehow get z to be k_bytes - 1 m = int_to_string(z, k_bytes-1) if len(m) != k_bytes-1: # If this happens, it means that m overflows the k_bytes-1 # length. It shouldn't! return None return m def E(pk, m): # we want a string with k_bytes-1 bytes exactly assert len(m) == k_bytes - 1 m = string_to_int(m) (N, e) = pk if m >= N: return None if GCD(m, N) != 1: return None c = MOD_EXP(m, e, N) return int_to_string(c, k_bytes) def E2(pk, m): assert len(m) == k_bytes - 1 - ell_bytes R = random_string(ell_bytes//2) Z = int_to_string(0, ell_bytes//2) X = m + R + Z return E(pk, X) """ [8 points] Write the decryption algorithm D2 such that (K, E2, D2) is a correct asymmetric encryption scheme. D, above, may be a useful helper function, but you only need to fill out D2 below. NOTE: `ell_bytes` and `k_bytes` are both available quantities to use in your algorithm. These correspond to "l" and "k" in the PDF writeup. """ def D2(sk, c): if c is None: return None if len(c) != k_bytes: return None (N, d, p, q) = sk X = D(sk, c) # string if(X is None): return None if(len(X) != k_bytes-1): return None if(string_to_int(X[len(X)-(ell_bytes//2):len(X)]) != 0): return None m_len = k_bytes - 1 - ell_bytes m = X[:m_len] if(len(m) != k_bytes - 1 - ell_bytes): return None return m """ [12 points] Show that (K, E2, D2) is not IND-CCA-secure by presenting an O(k^3) adversary A which makes 1 LR (enc) query, 1 decryption (dec) query, and achieves advantage at least 0.95. In the below function A, the input `enc` refers to the LR oracle, `dec` is the decryption oracle, and `pk = enc.public_key` retrieves the public key. NOTE: D2 must be correctly implemented above in order for the local testing code below to accurately evaluate your adversary A. You can always use the Gradescope autograder, which will evaluate D2 and A separately. """ def A(enc, dec): pk = enc.public_key N, e = pk M0 = int_to_string(0, k_bytes - 1 - ell_bytes) M1 = int_to_string(1, k_bytes - 1 - ell_bytes) # create a ciphertext from the returned ciphertext from enc() # dec(new cipher text) and do some operation of new message # to get information on which world # GOAL: Learn partial info about ciphertext C = enc(M0, M1) int_c = string_to_int(C) new_c = MOD(int_c * int_c, N) str_new_c = int_to_string(new_c, k_bytes) new_m = dec(str_new_c) # DEC accept # Adv only wins if M0 = zero string if(string_to_int(new_m) < 2**ell+2**(ell//2)): # X = int(M1)*2**ell ... return 0 return 1 """ ============================================================================================== The following lines are used to test your code, and should not be modified. ============================================================================================== """ class GamePKCPA(Game): """ This game is used to test whether or not asymmetric encryption schemes are secure under a chosen plaintext attack. Adversaries playing this game have acces to an lr(l, r) and enc oracle. This is the public key alternative to Playcrypt's GameLR. Ideally, it should go in Playcrypt. """ def __init__(self, nqueries_encrypt, encrypt, key_gen, *args, **kwargs): """ :param nqueries_encrypt: This should be either a nonnegative integer giving the exact number of queries to the encryption oracle that are expected, or a range of allowed values, such as ``range(0,100)`` for up to 99 queries. :param encrypt: This should be a function that takes a public key and plaintext as parameters and returns a ciphertext. Its public key must have been returned by the ``key_gen`` parameter. :param key_gen: This should be a function that generates a (public, private) key pair. All extra arguments that are passed to this constructor go to the key_gen function. """ super().__init__() self.nqueries_encrypt = nqueries_encrypt self.encrypt = encrypt if type(self.nqueries_encrypt) == int: self.nqueries_encrypt = range(nqueries_encrypt, nqueries_encrypt+1) elif type(self.nqueries_encrypt) == range: pass else: raise ValueError("Incorrect type for nqueries_encrypt", type(self.nqueries_encrypt)) self.key_gen = key_gen self.key_args = args self.key_kwargs = kwargs self.b = -1 self.c_list = [] self.public_key = None self.private_key = None self.message_pairs = [] self.warnings = defaultdict(int) # We're playing some nasty tricks here. = None class enc_oracle(object): def __init__(self, parent): self.public_key = parent.public_key self.__parent = parent def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__parent.lr_(*args, **kwargs) def initialize_(self, b=None): """ This method initializes the game, generates a new key, and selects a random world if needed. :param b: This is an optional parameter that allows the simulator to control which world the game is in. This allows for more exact simulation measurements. """ pk, sk = self.key_gen(*self.key_args, **self.key_kwargs) self.public_key = pk = GamePKCPA.enc_oracle(self) if b is None: self.b = random.randrange(0,2,1) self.b = b self.message_pairs = [] return pk, sk def initialize(self, b=None): pk, sk = self.initialize_(b) # We only return the public key to the adversary. We don't even # store the secret key in this game. # GamePKCCA does differently, of course. return pk def lr_(self, l, r): """ This is an lr oracle. It returns the encryption of either the left or or right message that must be of equal length. A query for a particular pair is only allowed to be made once. :param l: Left message. :param r: Right message. :return: Encryption of left message in left world and right message in right world. If the messages are not of equal length then ``None`` is returned. """ if len(l) != len(r): self.warnings['encryption oracle called with messages of different length'] += 1 return None if (l,r) in self.message_pairs: self.warnings['encryption oracle called several times with identical message pairs'] += 1 return None self.message_pairs.append((l,r)) if self.b == 1: c = self.encrypt(self.public_key, r) else: c = self.encrypt(self.public_key, l) self.c_list.append(c) return c def finalize(self, guess): # check number of encryptions for k, v in self.warnings.items(): print("reported warning (%d times): %s" % (v, k)) constraint = self.nqueries_encrypt called = len(self.message_pairs) if called not in constraint: raise ValueError("The number of encryption queries of the adversary (%d) must be in %s" % (called, constraint)) return guess == self.b class GamePKCCA(GamePKCPA): """ This game is used to test whether or not asymmetric encryption schemes are secure under a chosen ciphertext attack. Adversaries playing this game have acces to an lr(l, r) and dec oracle. This is the public key alternative to Playcrypt's GameCCA. Ideally, it should go in Playcrypt. """ def __init__(self, nqueries_encrypt, encrypt, nqueries_decrypt, decrypt, key_gen, *args, **kwargs): """ :param nqueries_encrypt: This should be either a nonnegative integer giving the exact number of queries to the encryption oracle that are expected, or a range of allowed values, such as ``range(0,100)`` for up to 99 queries. :param encrypt: This should be a function that takes a public key and plaintext as parameters and returns a ciphertext. Its public key must have been returned by the ``key_gen`` parameter. :param nqueries_decrypt: Same as ``nqueries_encrypt``, but for the decryption oracle. :param decrypt: This should be a function that takes a private key and ciphertext as parameters and returns the plaintext message. Its private key must have been returned by the ``key_gen`` parameter. :param key_gen: This should be a function that generates a (public, private) key pair. All extra arguments that are passed to this constructor go to the key_gen function. """ super().__init__(nqueries_encrypt, encrypt, key_gen, *args, **kwargs) self.nqueries_decrypt = nqueries_decrypt self.decrypt = decrypt if type(self.nqueries_decrypt) == int: self.nqueries_decrypt = range(nqueries_decrypt, nqueries_decrypt+1) elif type(self.nqueries_decrypt) == range: pass else: raise ValueError("Incorrect type for nqueries_decrypt") self.key_gen = key_gen self.key_args = args self.key_kwargs = kwargs self.c_list = [] self.private_key = None self.ncalls_decrypt = 0 self.warnings = defaultdict(int) def initialize(self, b=None): pk, sk = super().initialize_(b) self.private_key = sk self.c_list = [] self.ncalls_decrypt = 0 return self.public_key def dec(self, c): """ This is a decryption oracle. The adversary can query to decrypt any ciphertext that it did not receive from the lr oracle. :param c: Ciphertext to decrypt. :return: Decryption of ciphertext if valid. None otherwise. """ self.ncalls_decrypt += 1 if c in self.c_list: self.warnings['decryption oracle called on previously returned ciphertext'] += 1 return None return self.decrypt(self.private_key, c) def finalize(self, guess): result = super().finalize(guess) # check number of encryptions for k, v in self.warnings.items(): print("reported warning (%d times): %s" % (v, k)) constraint = self.nqueries_decrypt called = self.ncalls_decrypt if called not in constraint: raise ValueError("The number of decryption queries of the adversary (%d) must be in %s" % (called, constraint)) return result if __name__ == '__main__': k = 1024 k_bytes = k//8 pk, sk = K(k) N = pk[0] m = random_string(k_bytes-1) c = E(pk, m) mm = D(sk, c) assert mm == m ell = 128 ell_bytes = ell // 8 ok = True for i in range(10): m = random_string(k_bytes-1-ell_bytes) c = E2(pk, m) mm = D2(sk, c) if mm != m: ok = False print("Your decryption function is incorrect.") break if ok: print ("Your decryption function appears correct.") G = GamePKCCA(1, E2, 1, D2, K, k) sim = CCASim(G, A) nrounds = 10 t0 = timer() adv = sim.compute_advantage(nrounds) dt = timer() - t0 print(f"[k={k} ell={ell}] Your adversary A ran {2*nrounds} times in {dt:#.1f} seconds") print(f"[k={k} ell={ell}] The advantage of your adversary A is approximately {adv}")