//File: CharNode.java //Name: Trai Pham //Date: 03/09/2020 //Course: CSE 8B /** **/ public class CharNode{ private char data; private CharNode next; /** @param char variable @return nothing Constructor **/ public CharNode(char a){ this.data = a; this.next = null; } /** @param nothing @return char getter method to get Data **/ public char getData(){ return this.data; } /** @param nothing @return CharNode reference getter method to get CharNode reference **/ public CharNode getNext(){ return this.next; } /** @param char @return nothing setting method for Data **/ public CharNode setData(char newData){ this.data = newData; return this; } /** @param CharNode reference @return nothing setting method for next **/ public CharNode setNext(CharNode newNext){ this.next = newNext; return this; } }