Luise-Seeker-Human-WM-Glia / src / 13_mix_mod_composition.Rmd
title: "Compositional_analysis"
author: "Luise A. Seeker"
date: "16/02/2021"
output: html_document

# Introduction

A proportional analysis of nuclei per cluster based on single nuclei RNAseq data
is not trivial. Within a sample, proportions in one cluster may influence 
proportions in other clusters because the maximum number of nuclei captured for
each cell is limited. Fabian Theis' group developed a Bayesian model framework
that considers all proportions in other clusters at the same time as the proportions
in the cluster of interest. 
[Buettner et al]( 

They argue that univariate statistical models may overestimate proportional
differences when performed for each cluster separately. 
[Haber et al. 2017]( used fixed 
effects Poisson models in which they investigated the number of nuclei per 
cluster and fitted the total number of nuclei per mouse and also included the 
condition group (treatment / control). 

[Cao et al. 2019](
proposed a statistical analysis approach where they used bootstrapping and 
univariate modelling for a compositional analysis and tested it 
on simulated and published data. Their method is available as an R package 
called [scDC]( which is part of 
The link to the promised Vignette is not very informative though. 

Although we agree that more sophisticated methods may deliver more reliable results, 
we use a simple univariate model approach here and argue that we will validate 
our results in tissue meaning that our validations will show if the compositional
analysis overestimated differences in proportions. 

library(afex)  #for p-values
library(MASS) # for negative binomial models
library(blmeco) # for testing for overdispersion 


nad_ol <- readRDS("/Users/lseeker/Documents/Work/HumanCellAtlas/srt_oligos_Nadine/srt_oligos_and_opcs_LS.RDS")


# Prepare meta data in general
counts per sample need to be added
# get metadata
md <-
# count rows per sample (= number of nuclei per sample)
total_df<- md %>% group_by(process_number) %>%
  summarise(total_nuc_count = length(process_number))
# merge with metadata
md <- merge(md, total_df, by = "process_number")

# the total nuclei number is on a very different scale than the number per
# cluster. I am therefore re-scaling it here to allow the models to converge

md$scaled_total_nuc <-as.numeric(md$total_nuc_count) / 500

# Prepare data for each cluster

#Add counts per cluster and sample to metadata

for(i in 1: length(levels(md$ol_clusters_named))){
  curr_clust <- subset(md, md$ol_clusters_named == levels(md$ol_clusters_named)[i])
  df<- curr_clust %>% group_by(process_number) %>% 
    summarise(nuc_count = 
  names(df) <- c("process_number",
                 paste("nuc_count_", levels(md$ol_clusters_named)[i], sep = ""))

  md <- merge(md, df, by = "process_number", all = TRUE)

#now make data unique for the sample (1 row per sample)

md_uniq <- md[!duplicated(md$process_number),]

#I thought it might be a good idea to correct for cluster size, but this does
# not make sense if only one cluster at a time is being investigated.

#Idents(nad_ol) <- "ol_clusters_named"
#nuc_per_clu <-
#names(nuc_per_clu) <- c("ol_clusters_named", "clu_size")

#md_uniq <- merge(md_uniq, nuc_per_clu, by = "ol_clusters_named" )

#md_uniq$cl_size_rescaled <- md_uniq$clu_size/500

Mixed poisson models
save_dir <- "/Users/lseeker/Documents/Work/HumanCellAtlas/2021_oligos_out/mix_mod_out/Poisson/oligos"
dir.create(save_dir, recursive = TRUE)

resp_var <- names(md_uniq)[c(82:83, 87:92)]

for(i in 1:length(resp_var)){
  temp_df <- subset(md_uniq, md_uniq[resp_var[i]] != "NA")
  colname <- resp_var[i]
  mod <- glmer(as.numeric(paste(temp_df[[colname]])) ~ gender + 
                 AgeGroup + 
                 Tissue + 
                 scaled_total_nuc +
                 (1 | caseNO) , 
               data = temp_df, family = poisson(link = "log"))
  s <- summary(mod)
  capture.output(s, file = paste(save_dir, 
                                 sep = ""))


# Use similar models for the whole dataset

seur_comb <- readRDS("/Users/lseeker/Documents/Work/HumanCellAtlas/srt_annotated_nadine/srt_anno_01.RDS")


counts per sample need to be added
# get metadata
met_dat <-
# count rows per sample (= number of nuclei per sample)
total_df<- met_dat %>% group_by(process_number) %>%
  summarise(total_nuc_count = length(process_number))
# merge with metadata
met_dat <- merge(met_dat, total_df, by = "process_number")

# the total nuclei number is on a very different scale than the number per
# cluster. I am therefore re-scaling it here to allow the models to converge

met_dat$scaled_total_nuc <-as.numeric(met_dat$total_nuc_count) / 1000

# Prepare data for each cluster

#Add counts per cluster and sample to metadata

for(i in 1: length(levels(met_dat$clusters_named))){
  curr_clust <- subset(met_dat, met_dat$clusters_named == 
  df<- curr_clust %>% group_by(process_number) %>% 
    summarise(nuc_count = 
  names(df) <- c("process_number", paste("nuc_count_", levels(met_dat$clusters_named)[i], sep = ""))

  met_dat <- merge(met_dat, df, by = "process_number", all = TRUE)

#now make data unique for the sample (1 row per sample)

met_dat_uniq <- met_dat[!duplicated(met_dat$process_number),]

Mixed Poisson models

resp_var_ct <- names(met_dat_uniq)[87:109]

for(i in 1:length(resp_var_ct)){
  temp_df <- subset(met_dat_uniq, met_dat_uniq[resp_var_ct[i]] != "NA")
  colname <- resp_var_ct[i]
  mod <- glmer(as.numeric(paste(temp_df[[colname]])) ~ gender + 
                 AgeGroup + 
                 gender * AgeGroup +
                 Tissue + 
                 scaled_total_nuc +
                 (1 | caseNO) , 
               data = temp_df, family = poisson(link = "log"))
  s <- summary(mod)
  capture.output(s, file = paste(save_dir, 
                                 sep = ""))


# Use mixed negative binomial models
Negative binomial models might be more fitting, because Poisson models expect 
that mean and variance are the same. If data is overdispersed, negative binomial 
models are more suitable. 


save_dir <- "/Users/lseeker/Documents/Work/HumanCellAtlas/2021_oligos_out/mix_mod_out/neg_binomial_mod/oligos"

resp_var <- names(md_uniq)[c(82:83, 87:92)]
md_uniq$Tissue <- as.factor(md_uniq$Tissue)

for(i in 1:length(resp_var)){
  temp_df <- subset(md_uniq, md_uniq[resp_var[i]] != "NA")
  colname <- resp_var[i]
  mod <- glmer.nb(as.numeric(paste(temp_df[[colname]])) ~ gender + 
                 AgeGroup + 
                 (1 | caseNO), 
               data = temp_df)
  s <- summary(mod)
  capture.output(s, file = paste(save_dir, 
                                 sep = ""))


# Negative binomial models for the full dataset


save_dir <- "/Users/lseeker/Documents/Work/HumanCellAtlas/2021_oligos_out/mix_mod_out/neg_binomial_mod/full_dataset"
resp_var_ct <- names(met_dat_uniq)[87:109]

for(i in 1:length(resp_var_ct)){
  temp_df <- subset(met_dat_uniq, met_dat_uniq[resp_var_ct[i]] != "NA")
  colname <- resp_var_ct[i]
  mod <- glmer.nb(as.numeric(paste(temp_df[[colname]])) ~ gender + 
                 AgeGroup + 
                 (1 | caseNO), 
               data = temp_df)
  s <- summary(mod)
  capture.output(s, file = paste(save_dir, 
                                 sep = ""))

