Operating-System-Simulator / Sim03 / StringUtils.c
#include "StringUtils.h"

// function implementations

 * Name: compareString
 * Process: compares two strings with the following results:
 *          if left string less than right string, returns less than zero
 *          if left string greater than right string, returns greater than zero
 *          if left string equals right string, returns zero
 *          - equals test includes length
 * Function Input/Parameters: c-style left and right strings (char *)
 * Function Output/Parameters: None
 * Function Output/Returned: result as specified (int)
 * Device Input/Keyboard: None
 * Device Output/Monitor: None
 * Dependencies: getStringLength
int compareString( const char *oneStr, const char *otherStr )
     // initialize function/variables
     int diff = 0;
     int index = 0;
     // loop to end of shortest string,
     // with overrun protection
     while( oneStr[ index ] != NULL_CHAR
              && otherStr[ index ] != NULL_CHAR
                           && index < MAX_STR_LEN )
         // get difference in characters
         diff = oneStr [ index ] - otherStr[ index];

         // check for difference between characters
         if( diff != 0)
             // return difference
             return diff;
         // increment index
     // end loop

     // return difference in lengths, if any
         // function: getStringLength
     return getStringLength( oneStr ) - getStringLength( otherStr );

 * Name: concatenateString
 * Process: appends one string onto another
 * Function Input/Parameters: c-style source string (char *)
 * Function Output/Parameters: c-style destination string (char *)
 * Function Output/Returned: None
 * Device Input/Keyboard: None
 * Device Output/Monitor: None
 * Dependencies: getStringLength
void concatenateString( char *destStr, const char *sourceStr )
     // initialize function/variables
         // set destination index
             // function: getStringLength
         int destIndex = getStringLength( destStr );

         // get source string length
             // function: getStringLength
         // int sourceStrLen = getStringLength( sourceStr );

         // create temporary string pointer
         char *tempStr;
         // create other variables
         int sourceIndex = 0;

     // copy source string in case of aliasing
         // function: malloc, copyString
     //tempStr = (char *)malloc( sizeof( sourceStrLen + 1 ) );
     tempStr = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_STR_LEN);
     copyString( tempStr, sourceStr );

     // loop to end of source string
     while( tempStr[ sourceIndex ] != NULL_CHAR && destIndex < MAX_STR_LEN )
         // assign characters to end of destination string
         destStr[ destIndex ] = tempStr[ sourceIndex ];
         // update indices
         destIndex++; sourceIndex++;

         // set temporary end of destination string
         destStr[ destIndex ] = NULL_CHAR;
     // end loop

     // release memory used for temp string
         // function: free
     free( tempStr );

 * Name: copyString
 * Process: copies one string into another, overwriting
 *          data in the destination string
 * Function Input/Parameters: c-style source string (char *)
 * Function Output/Parameters: c-style destination string (char *)
 * Function Output/Returned: None
 * Device Input/Keyboard: None
 * Device Output/Monitor: None
 * Dependencies: getStringLength
void copyString( char *destStr, const char *sourceStr )
     // initialize function/variables
     int index = 0;

     // check for source/destination not the same (aliasing)
     if( destStr != sourceStr )
         // loop to end of source string
         while( sourceStr[ index ] != NULL_CHAR && index < MAX_STR_LEN )
             // assign characters to end of destination string
             destStr[ index ] = sourceStr[ index ];
             // update index
             // set temporary end of destination string
             destStr[ index ] = NULL_CHAR;
     // end loop

 * Name: findSubString
 * Process: linear search for given substring within another string
 * Function Input/Parameters: c-style source test string (char *),
 *                            c-style source search string (char *)
 * Function Output/Parameters: None
 * Function Output/Returned: index of found substring, 
 *                           or SUBSTRING_NOT_FOUND constant if string not found
 * Device Input/Keyboard: None
 * Device Output/Monitor: None
 * Dependencies: getStringLength
int findSubString( const char *testStr, const char *searchSubStr )
     // initialize function/variables
         // initialize test string length
             // function: getStringLength
         int testStrLen = getStringLength( testStr );

         // initialize master index - location of sub string start point
         int masterIndex = 0;

         // initialize other variables
         int searchIndex, internalIndex;

     // loop across test string
     while( masterIndex < testStrLen )
         // set internal loop index to current test string index
         internalIndex = masterIndex;

         // set internal search index to zero
         searchIndex = 0;
         // loop to end of test string
         // while test string/sub string characters are the same
         while( internalIndex <= testStrLen
                      && testStr[ internalIndex ] == searchSubStr[ searchIndex ] )
             // increment test string, substring indices
             internalIndex++; searchIndex++;

             // check for end of substring (search completed)
             if( searchSubStr[ searchIndex ] == NULL_CHAR )
                 // return beginning location of sub string
                 return masterIndex;
         // end internal comparison loop
         // increment current beginning location index
     // end loop across test string

     // assume test has failed at this point, return SUBSTRING_NOT_FOUND

 * Name: getStringConstrained
 * Process: captures a string from the input stream with various constraints
 * Function Input/Parameters: input stream (FILE *)
 *                            clears leading non printable (bool),
 *                            clears leading space (bool),
 *                            stops at non printable (bool),
 *                            stops at specified delimiter (char)
 *                            Note: consumes delimiter
 * Function Output/Parameters: string returned (char *)
 * Function Output/Returned: success of operation (bool)
 * Device Input/Keyboard: None
 * Device Output/Monitor: None
 * Dependencies: fgetc
bool getStringConstrained(
                          FILE *inStream,
                          bool clearLeadingNonPrintable,
                          bool clearLeadingSpace,
                          bool stopAtNonPrintable,
                          char delimiter,
                          char *capturedString
     // initialize variables
     int intChar = EOF, index = 0;

     // initialize output string
     capturedString [ index ] = NULL_CHAR;

     // capture first value in stream
         // function: fgetc
     intChar = fgetc( inStream );

     // loop to clear non printable or space, if indicated
     while( ( intChar != EOF )
              && ( ( clearLeadingNonPrintable && intChar < (int)SPACE )
                             || ( clearLeadingSpace && intChar == (int)SPACE ) )
         // get next character
             // function: fgetc
         intChar = fgetc( inStream );
     // end clear non printable/space loop

     // check for end of file found
     if( intChar == EOF )
         // return failed operation
         return false;
     // loop to capture input
           // continues if not at end of file and max string length not reached
           ( intChar != EOF && index < MAX_STR_LEN - 1 )
           // AND
           // continues if not printable flag set and characters are printable
           //     OR continues if not printable flag not set
           && ( ( stopAtNonPrintable && intChar >= (int)SPACE )
                  || ( !stopAtNonPrintable ) )

           // AND
           // continues if specified delimiter is not found
           && ( intChar != (char)delimiter )
          // place character in array element
          capturedString[ index ] = (char) intChar;
          // increment array index
          // set next element to null character / end of c-string
          capturedString[ index ] = NULL_CHAR;
          // get next character as integer
              // function: fgetc
          intChar = fgetc( inStream );
         // end loop

         // return successful operation
         return true;

 * Name: getStringLength
 * Process: finds the length of a string
 *          by counting characters up to the NULL_CHAR character
 * Function Input/Parameters: c-style string (char *)
 * Function Output/Parameters: None
 * Function Output/Returned: length of string
 * Device Input/Keyboard: None
 * Device Output/Monitor: None
 * Dependencies: None
int getStringLength( const char *testStr )
     // initialize function/variables
     int index = 0;

     // loop to end of string, protect from overflow
     while( index < STD_STR_LEN && testStr[ index ] != NULL_CHAR )
          // update index
     // end loop

     return index;

 * Name: getStringToDelimiter
 * Process: captures a string from the input stream
 *          to a specified delimiter;
 *          Note: consumes delimiter
 * Function Output/Parameters: string returned (char *)
 * Function Output/Returned: success of operation (bool)
 * Device Input/Keyboard: None
 * Device Output/Monitor: None
 * Dependencies: getStringConstrained
bool getStringToDelimiter (
                           FILE *inStream,
                           char delimiter,
                           char *capturedString
     // call engine function with delimiter
         // function: getStringConstrained
     return getStringConstrained(
                    inStream,            // file stream pointer
                    true,                // clears leading non printable character
                    true,                // bool clearLeadingSpace
                    true,                // stops at non printable
                    delimiter,           // stops at delimiter
                    capturedString       // returns string

 * Name: getStringToLineEnd
 * Process: captures a string from the input stream to the end of the line
 * Function Input/Parameters: input stream (FILE *)
 * Function Output/Parameters: string returned (char *)
 * Function Output/Returned: success of operation (bool)
 * Device Input/Keyboard: None
 * Device Output/Monitor: None
 * Dependencies: getStringConstrained
bool getStringToLineEnd(
                        FILE *inStream,
                        char *capturedString
     // call engine function with specified constraints
         // function: getStringConstrained
     return getStringConstrained(
                    inStream,            // file stream pointer
                    true,                // clears leading non printable character
                    true,                // bool clearLeadingSpace
                    true,                // stops at non printable
                    NON_PRINTABLE_CHAR,  // non printable delimiter
                    capturedString       // returns string

 * Name: getSubString
 * Process: captures sub string within larger string between two inclusive 
 *          indices. returns empty string if either index is out of range,
 *          assumes enough memory in destination string
 * Function Input/Parameters: c-style source string (char *),
 *                            start and end indices (int)
 * Function Output/Parameters: c-style destination string (char *)
 * Function Output/Returned: None
 * Device Input/Keyboard: None
 * Device Output/Monitor: None
 * Dependencies: getStringLength, malloc, copyString, free
void getSubString( char *destStr, const char *sourceStr, 
                   int startIndex, int endIndex )
     // initialize function/variables
         // set length of source string
             // function: getStringLength
         int sourceStrLen = getStringLength( sourceStr );

         // initialize the destination index to zero
         int destIndex = 0;
         // initialize source index to start index (parameter)
         int sourceIndex = startIndex;
         // create pointer for temp string
         char *tempStr;

     // check for indices within limits
     if( startIndex >= 0 && startIndex <= endIndex 
                                    && endIndex < sourceStrLen )
         // create temporary string
             // function: malloc, copyString
         tempStr = (char *)malloc( sourceStrLen + 1 );
         copyString( tempStr, sourceStr );

         // loop across requested substring (indices)
         while( sourceIndex <= endIndex )
             // assign source character to destination element
             destStr[ destIndex ] = tempStr[ sourceIndex ];

             // increment indices
             destIndex++; sourceIndex++;
             // set temporary end of destination string
             destStr[ destIndex ] = NULL_CHAR;
         // end loop

         // return memory for temporary string
             // function: free
         free( tempStr );

void intToChar( int number, char *charPtr )
    char buf[MAX_STR_LEN];
    snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", number );
    copyString( charPtr, buf );

 * Name: setStrToLowerCase
 * Process: iterates through string, sets any upper case letter 
 *          to lower case; no effect on other letters
 * Function Input/Parameters: c-style source string (char *)
 * Function Output/Parameters: c-style destination string (char *)
 * Function Output/Returned: None
 * Device Input/Keyboard: None
 * Device Output/Monitor: None
 * Dependencies: toLowerCase
void setStrToLowerCase( char *destStr, const char *sourceStr )
     // initialize function/variable
         // get source string length
             // function: getStringLength
         int sourceStrLen = getStringLength( sourceStr );

         // create temporary string pointer
         char *tempStr;

         // create other variables
         int index = 0;

     // copy source string in case of aliasing
         // function: malloc, copyString
     tempStr = (char *)malloc( sizeof( sourceStrLen + 1 ) );
     copyString( tempStr, sourceStr );

     // loop across source string
     while( tempStr[ index ] != NULL_CHAR && index < MAX_STR_LEN )
         // set individual character to lower case as needed,
         // assign to destination string
         destStr[ index ] = toLowerCase( tempStr[ index ] );
         // update index
         // set temporary end of destination string
         destStr[ index ] = NULL_CHAR;
     // end loop
     // release memory used for temp string
         // function: free
     free( tempStr );

 * Name: toLowerCase
 * Process: if character is upper case, sets it to lower case; 
 *          otherwise returns character unchanged
 * Function Input/Parameters: test character (char)
 * Function Output/Parameters: None
 * Function Output/Returned: character to set to lower case, if appropriate
 * Device Input/Keyboard: None
 * Device Output/Monitor: None
 * Dependencies: None
char toLowerCase( char testChar )
     // check for upper case letter
     if( testChar >= 'A' && testChar <= 'Z' )
         // return lower case letter
         return testChar - 'A' + 'a';
     // otherwise, assume no upper case letter,
     // return character unchanged
     return testChar;