import torch import torch.nn as nn import os import json import pickle from tqdm import tqdm import ot import time import numpy as np from torch_datasets.configs import get_expected_label_distribution # ----------- helper functions to find threshold ----------- def get_threshold(net, iid_loader, n_class, args): dsname = args.dataset arch = args.arch model_seed = args.model_seed model_epoch = args.ckpt_epoch metric = args.metric pretrained = args.pretrained if pretrained: cache_dir = f"cache/{dsname}/{arch}_{model_seed}-{model_epoch}/pretrained_ts_{metric}_threshold.json" else: cache_dir = f"cache/{dsname}/{arch}_{model_seed}-{model_epoch}/scratch_ts_{metric}_threshold.json" if metric in ['ATC-MC', 'ATC-NE']: if os.path.exists(cache_dir): with open(cache_dir, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) t = data['t'] else: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cache_dir), exist_ok=True) print('compute confidence threshold...') t = compute_t(net, iid_loader, metric).item() with open(cache_dir, 'w') as f: json.dump({'t': t}, f) return t elif metric in ['COTT-MC', 'COTT-NE', 'COTT-val-MC']: if os.path.exists(cache_dir): with open(cache_dir, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) t = data['t'] else: print('compute confidence threshold...') t = compute_cott(net, iid_loader, n_class, metric) with open(cache_dir, 'w') as f: json.dump({'t': t}, f) return t elif metric == 'SCOTT': t = compute_sliced_t(net, iid_loader, n_class) return t else: raise ValueError(f'unknown metric {metric}') def compute_cott(net, iid_loader, n_class, metric): net.eval() softmax_vecs = [] preds, tars = [], [] with torch.no_grad(): for _, items in enumerate(tqdm(iid_loader)): inputs, targets = items[0], items[1] inputs, targets = inputs.cuda(), targets.cuda() outputs = net(inputs) _, prediction = outputs.max(1) preds.extend( prediction.tolist() ) tars.extend( targets.tolist() ) softmax_vecs.append( nn.functional.softmax(outputs, dim=1).cpu() ) preds, tars = torch.as_tensor(preds), torch.as_tensor(tars) softmax_vecs =, dim=0) target_vecs = nn.functional.one_hot(tars) if metric == 'COTT-val-MC': n_incorrect = costs = (1 - softmax_vecs.amax(1)) * 2 * -1 t = torch.sort( costs )[0][n_incorrect - 1].item() else: max_n = 10000 if len(target_vecs) > max_n: print(f'sampling {max_n} out of {len(target_vecs)} validation samples...') torch.manual_seed(0) rand_inds = torch.randperm(len(target_vecs)) tars = tars[rand_inds][:max_n] preds = preds[rand_inds][:max_n] target_vecs = target_vecs[rand_inds][:max_n] softmax_vecs = softmax_vecs[rand_inds][:max_n] print('computing assignment...') M = torch.cdist(target_vecs.float(), softmax_vecs, p=1) start = time.time() weights = torch.as_tensor([]) Pi = ot.emd(weights, weights, M, numItermax=1e8) print(f'done. {time.time() - start}s passed') if metric == 'COTT-MC': costs = ( Pi * M.shape[0] * M ).sum(1) * -1 elif metric == 'COTT-NE': matched_softmax = softmax_vecs[torch.argmax(Pi, dim=1)] matched_acts = (matched_softmax + target_vecs) / 2 costs = ( matched_acts * torch.log2(matched_acts) ).sum(1) n_incorrect = t = torch.sort( costs )[0][n_incorrect - 1].item() return t def compute_t(net, iid_loader, metric): net.eval() misclassified = 0 mc = [] ne = [] softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) with torch.no_grad(): for _, items in enumerate(tqdm(iid_loader)): inputs, targets = items[0], items[1] inputs, targets = inputs.cuda(), targets.cuda() outputs = net(inputs) _, predicted = outputs.max(1) misclassified += targets.size(0) - predicted.eq(targets).sum().item() ne.append(torch.sum(softmax(outputs) * torch.log2(softmax(outputs)), dim=1)) mc.append(softmax(outputs).max(1)[0]) ne = mc = if metric == 'ATC-MC': t = torch.sort(mc)[0][misclassified - 1] elif metric == 'ATC-NE': t = torch.sort(ne)[0][misclassified - 1] return t def compute_sliced_t(net, iid_loader, n_class): net.eval() softmax_vecs = [] preds, tars = [], [] with torch.no_grad(): for _, items in enumerate(tqdm(iid_loader)): inputs, targets = items[0], items[1] inputs, targets = inputs.cuda(), targets.cuda() outputs = net(inputs) _, prediction = outputs.max(1) preds.extend( prediction.tolist() ) tars.extend( targets.tolist() ) softmax_vecs.append( nn.functional.softmax(outputs, dim=1).cpu() ) preds, tars = torch.as_tensor(preds), torch.as_tensor(tars) softmax_vecs =, dim=0) target_vecs = nn.functional.one_hot(tars) torch.manual_seed(10) slices = torch.randn(8, n_class) slices = torch.stack([slice / torch.sqrt( torch.sum( slice ** 2 ) ) for slice in slices], dim=0) iid_act_scores = softmax_vecs.float() @ slices.T ood_act_scores = target_vecs.float() @ slices.T scores = torch.sort( torch.abs( torch.sort(ood_act_scores, dim=0)[0] - torch.sort(iid_act_scores, dim=0)[0] ), dim=0 )[0] n_correct = preds.eq(tars).sum() t = scores[n_correct - 1] return t # ----------- helper functions for evaluation ----------- def gather_outputs(model, dataloader, device, cache_dir): if os.path.exists(cache_dir): print('loading cached result from', cache_dir) data = pickle.load( open(cache_dir, "rb" )) acts, preds, tars = data['act'], data['pred'], data['tar'] return,, else: preds = [] acts = [] tars = [] print('computing result for', cache_dir) with torch.no_grad(): for items in tqdm(dataloader): inputs, targets = items[0], items[1] inputs, targets =, outputs = model(inputs) _, predicted = outputs.max(1) act = outputs preds.append(predicted) acts.append(act) tars.extend(targets) act, pred, tar = torch.concat(acts), torch.concat(preds), torch.as_tensor(tars, device=device) data = {'act': act.cpu(), 'pred': pred.cpu(), 'tar': tar.cpu()} pickle.dump( data, open( cache_dir, "wb" ) ) return act, pred, tar def get_temp_dir(cache_dir, seed, model_epoch, opt_bias=False): if opt_bias: temp_dir = f"{cache_dir}/base_model_{seed}-{model_epoch}_temp_with_bias.json" else: temp_dir = f"{cache_dir}/base_model_{seed}-{model_epoch}_temp.json" return temp_dir # ----------- helper code for other baselines ----------- class HistogramDensity: def _histedges_equalN(self, x, nbin): npt = len(x) return np.interp(np.linspace(0, npt, nbin + 1), np.arange(npt), np.sort(x)) def __init__(self, num_bins = 10, equal_mass=False): self.num_bins = num_bins self.equal_mass = equal_mass def fit(self, vals): if self.equal_mass: self.bins = self._histedges_equalN(vals, self.num_bins) else: self.bins = np.linspace(0,1.0,self.num_bins+1) self.bins[0] = 0.0 self.bins[self.num_bins] = 1.0 self.hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(vals, bins=self.bins, density=True) def density(self, x): curr_bins = np.digitize(x, self.bins, right=True) curr_bins -= 1 return self.hist[curr_bins] def get_im_estimate(probs_source, probs_target, corr_source): probs_source = probs_source.numpy() probs_target = probs_target.numpy() corr_source = corr_source.numpy() source_binning = HistogramDensity() target_binning = HistogramDensity() weights = target_binning.density(probs_source) / source_binning.density(probs_source) weights = weights/ np.mean(weights) return 1 - np.mean(weights * corr_source)