var bIsChrome = /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent); var className = "color-changer-v3"; var contextMenuCreated = false; function ChosenColor(hue, saturation, lightness, chosenId) { this.hue = hue; this.saturation = saturation; this.lightness = lightness; this.chosenId = chosenId; createStrings(this); } function updateChosenColor(color, swatch) { color.hue = swatch.hue; color.saturation = swatch.saturation; color.lightness = swatch.lightness; color.chosenId =; createStrings(color); } function createStrings(color) { color.hsl = `hsl(${color.hue}, ${color.saturation}%, ${color.lightness}%)`; if (color.lightness >= 50) { color.lightnessShift = `hsl(${color.hue}, ${color.saturation}%, ${color.lightness - 10}%)`; } else { color.lightnessShift = `hsl(${color.hue}, ${color.saturation}%, ${color.lightness + 10}%)`; } color.hueHovered = `hsl(${color.hue + 40 % 360}, ${color.saturation + 20}%, ${color.lightness}%)`; color.hueVisited = `hsl(${color.hue - 40 % 360}, ${color.saturation + 20}%, ${color.lightness}%)`; color.alpha = `hsla(${color.hue}, ${color.saturation}%, ${color.lightness}%, 0.5)`; } // defaults const changeColors = false; const always = false; const activeTabId = null; const activeTabHostname = null; const fg = new ChosenColor(0, 0, 80, 'zero'); const bg = new ChosenColor(0, 0, 25, 'zero'); const li = new ChosenColor(68, 80, 80, '2-6'); const activeBtn = 'fore'; const lightness = 80; const hosts = []; // can potentially use this to check for errors // function hasError() { // if (bIsChrome && chrome.runtime.lastError) { // return true; // } else if (browser.runtime.lastError) { // return true; // } // return false; // } function onChangeColors(changeColors) { saveStorage({ changeColors }, () => { getStorage(null, state => { if (!changeColors && state.always) { onAlways(false); } sendTabMessage(state.activeTabId, 'update'); }); }) } function onAlways(always) { saveStorage({ always }, () => { getStorage(null, state => { let index = state.hosts.indexOf(state.activeTabHostname); if (state.always && index === -1) { state.hosts.push(state.activeTabHostname); saveStorage({ hosts: [...state.hosts] }); onChangeColors(true); } else if (!state.always && index > -1) { state.hosts.splice(index, 1); saveStorage({ hosts: [...state.hosts] }); } }) }); } function createContextMenu() { getStorage(null, state => { let ctxColorChanger = { id: "changeColors", title: "Change Colors", contexts: ["all"], type: "checkbox", checked: state.changeColors, onclick: evt => onChangeColors(evt.checked), }; let ctxAlways = { id: "always", title: "Always", contexts: ["all"], type: "checkbox", checked: state.always, onclick: evt => onAlways(evt.checked), }; if (bIsChrome) { chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(); chrome.contextMenus.create(ctxColorChanger); chrome.contextMenus.create(ctxAlways); } else { browser.contextMenus.removeAll(); browser.contextMenus.create(ctxColorChanger); browser.contextMenus.create(ctxAlways); } contextMenuCreated = true; }); } function updateContextMenu(changeColors, always) { if (!contextMenuCreated) return; if (bIsChrome) { chrome.contextMenus.update('changeColors', { checked: changeColors }); chrome.contextMenus.update('always', { checked: always }); } else { browser.contextMenus.update('changeColors', { checked: changeColors }); browser.contextMenus.update('always', { checked: always }); } } function tabsQueryCallback(tabInfo, tabs) { const activeTabId = tabInfo.tabId; let url = null; let activeTabHostname = null; try { url = new URL(tabs[0].url); activeTabHostname = url.hostname; } catch { activeTabHostname = null; } if (url && url.protocol !== 'chrome:' && url.protocol !== 'about:') { saveStorage({ activeTabHostname, activeTabId }, onTabSwitch); } else { saveStorage({ activeTabHostname, activeTabId }); } } // on tab activation get tabid and hostname function tabActivated(tabInfo) { if (bIsChrome) { chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, tabs => tabsQueryCallback(tabInfo, tabs)); } else { browser.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, tabs => tabsQueryCallback(tabInfo, tabs)); } } function tabExecuteScriptCallback(results, state) { let index = state.hosts.indexOf(state.activeTabHostname); if (index > -1) { saveStorage({ always: true }, () => onChangeColors(true)); } else { saveStorage({ always: false }, () => onChangeColors(results[0])); } } function onTabSwitch() { getStorage(null, state => { if (!state.activeTabId) return; if (bIsChrome) { chrome.tabs.executeScript(state.activeTabId, { code: `document.documentElement.classList.contains('${className}')` }, results => tabExecuteScriptCallback(results, state)); } else { browser.tabs.executeScript(state.activeTabId, { code: `document.documentElement.classList.contains('${className}')` }, results => tabExecuteScriptCallback(results, state)); } }); } // ch = changes function onStorageChanged(ch, areaName) { getStorage(null, state => { // if state is empty, return // state can be empty when clearing storage if (Object.keys(state).length === 0 && state.constructor === Object) { return; } // on every change of state, update the context menu updateContextMenu(state.changeColors, state.always); }); } function onUpdateChosenColor(payload) { getStorage(null, state => { switch (state.activeBtn) { case "fore": { updateChosenColor(state.fg, payload); saveStorage({ fg: state.fg, lightness: state.fg.lightness, }, () => onChangeColors(true)); } break; case "back": { updateChosenColor(, payload); saveStorage({ bg:, lightness:, }, () => onChangeColors(true)); } break; case "link": { updateChosenColor(, payload); saveStorage({ li:, lightness:, }, () => onChangeColors(true)); } break; default: break; } }); } function onUpdateStrings() { getStorage(null, state => { switch (state.activeBtn) { case "fore": { createStrings(state.fg); saveStorage({ fg: state.fg, }, () => onChangeColors(true)); } break; case "back": { createStrings(; saveStorage({ bg:, }, () => onChangeColors(true)); } break; case "link": { createStrings(; saveStorage({ li:, }, () => onChangeColors(true)); } break; default: break; } }); } // saves defaults function onReset() { // don't reset: // colorChanger // activeTabId // activeTabHostname const stateToReset = { always, hosts, fg, bg, li, activeBtn, lightness, }; saveStorage(stateToReset, () => { getStorage(null, state => { if (state.changeColors) { sendTabMessage(state.activeTabId, 'update'); } }) }); } function onChangeLightness(lightness) { getStorage(null, state => { switch (state.activeBtn) { case 'fore': { state.fg.lightness = lightness; createStrings(state.fg); saveStorage({ lightness, fg: state.fg }, () => onChangeColors(true)); } break; case 'back': { = lightness; createStrings(; saveStorage({ lightness, bg: }, () => onChangeColors(true)); } break; case 'link': { = lightness; createStrings(; saveStorage({ lightness, li: }, () => onChangeColors(true)); } break; default: break; } }); } // gets or initializes a property, then saves function initState() { let stateToGetOrInitialize = { changeColors, always, hosts, activeTabHostname, fg, bg, li, activeBtn, lightness, }; getStorage(stateToGetOrInitialize, state => { saveStorage(state, createContextMenu); }); } function getStorage(obj, response) { response = response || (() => {}); if (bIsChrome) {, response); } else {, response); } } function saveStorage(obj, response) { response = response || (() => {}); if (bIsChrome) { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) return;{...obj }, response); } else { if (browser.runtime.lastError) return;{...obj }, response); } } function clearStorage(response) { response = response || (() => {}); if (bIsChrome) {; } else {; } } function sendTabMessage(activeTabId, message, payload, response) { if (!activeTabId) return; if (bIsChrome) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(activeTabId, { message, payload }, response); } else { browser.tabs.sendMessage(activeTabId, { message, payload }, response); } } function notify(req, sender, res) { switch (req.message) { case 'updateChosenColor': onUpdateChosenColor(req.payload); break; case 'updateStrings': onUpdateStrings(); break; case 'reset': onReset(); break; case 'changeLightness': onChangeLightness(req.payload); break; case 'changeColors': onChangeColors(req.payload); break; case 'always': onAlways(req.payload); break; default: break; } } /* function showAboutPage(reason) { if (bIsChrome) { chrome.tabs.create({ url: chrome.extension.getURL(`about/about.html?reason=${reason}`) }); } else { browser.tabs.create({ url: chrome.extension.getURL(`about/about.html?reason=${reason}`) }); } } */ /* function onInstalled(object) { // if (object.reason === 'update') { // only do this for major versions with breaking changes // clearStorage(initState); } else if (object.reason === 'install') { /// showAboutPage(object.reason); } } */ if (bIsChrome) { chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener(tabActivated); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(notify);; // chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(onInstalled); } else { browser.tabs.onActivated.addListener(tabActivated); browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(notify);; // browser.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(onInstalled); } initState();