Grace-Hash-1 / Join.hpp
 * TODO: Implement partition, probe functions in Join.cpp
#ifndef _JOIN_HPP_
#define _JOIN_HPP_

#include "Mem.hpp"
#include "Bucket.hpp"
#include "Disk.hpp"
#include "constants.hpp"

using namespace std;

	partition function
	disk: pointer of Disk object
	mem: pointer of Memory object
	left_rel: [left_rel.first, left_rel.second) will be the range of page ids of left relation to join
	right_rel: [right_rel.first, right_rel.second) will be the range of page ids of right relation to join

	A vector of buckets of size (MEM_SIZE_IN_PAGE - 1). Each bucket represent a partition of both relation. See Bucket class for more information 
vector<Bucket> partition(
	Disk* disk, 
	Mem* mem, 
	pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> left_rel, 
	pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> right_rel);

	probe function
	disk: pointer of Disk object
	mem: pointer of Memory object
	partition: a reference to a vector of buckets from partition function

	A vector of page ids that contains the join result.
vector<unsigned int> probe(Disk* disk, Mem* mem, vector<Bucket>& partition);
