from __future__ import absolute_import
import torch
import random
import numpy as np
from torch import nn

__all__ = ['DeepSupervision', 'adv_CrossEntropyLoss','adv_CrossEntropyLabelSmooth', 'adv_TripletLoss', 'CrossEntropyLoss', 'TripletLoss']

def DeepSupervision(criterion, xs, *args, **kwargs):
  loss = 0.
  for x in xs: loss += criterion(x, *args, **kwargs)
  return loss

class adv_CrossEntropyLoss(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, use_gpu=True):
    super(adv_CrossEntropyLoss, self).__init__()
    self.use_gpu = use_gpu
    self.crossentropy_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

  def forward(self, logits, pids):
        logits: prediction matrix (before softmax) with shape (batch_size, num_classes)
    _, adv_target = torch.min(logits, 1)

    if self.use_gpu: adv_target = adv_target.cuda()
    loss = self.crossentropy_loss(logits, adv_target)
    return torch.log(loss)

class adv_CrossEntropyLabelSmooth(nn.Module):
      num_classes (int): number of classes.
      epsilon (float): weight.
  def __init__(self, num_classes, epsilon=0.1, use_gpu=True):
    super(adv_CrossEntropyLabelSmooth, self).__init__()
    self.num_classes = num_classes
    self.epsilon = epsilon
    self.use_gpu = use_gpu
    self.logsoftmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)

  def forward(self, logits, pids):
        logits: prediction matrix (before softmax) with shape (batch_size, num_classes)
        pids: ground truth labels with shape (num_classes)
    # n = pids.size(0)
    # _, top2 = torch.topk(logits, k=2, dim=1, largest=False)
    # adv_target = top2[:,0]
    # for i in range(n):
    #   if adv_target[i] == pids[i]: adv_target[i] = top2[i,1]
    #   else: continue
    _, adv_target = torch.min(logits, 1)
    # for i in range(n):
    #   while adv_target[i] == pids[i]:
    #     adv_target[i] = random.randint(0, self.num_classes)

    log_probs = self.logsoftmax(logits)
    adv_target = torch.zeros(log_probs.size()).scatter_(1, adv_target.unsqueeze(1).data.cpu(), 1)
    smooth = torch.ones(log_probs.size()) / (self.num_classes-1)
    smooth[:,] = 0 # Pytorch1.0
    smooth = smooth.cuda()
    if self.use_gpu: adv_target = adv_target.cuda()
    adv_target = (1 - self.epsilon) * adv_target + self.epsilon * smooth
    loss = (- adv_target * log_probs).mean(0).sum()
    return torch.log(loss)

class adv_TripletLoss(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, ak_type, margin=0.3):
    super(adv_TripletLoss, self).__init__()
    self.margin = margin
    self.ak_type = ak_type
    self.ranking_loss = nn.MarginRankingLoss(margin=margin)

  def forward(self, features, pids, targets=None):
          features: feature matrix with shape (batch_size, feat_dim)
          pids: ground truth labels with shape (num_classes)
          targets: pids with certain attribute (batch_size, pids)
      n = features.size(0)

      dist = torch.pow(features, 2).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True).expand(n, n)
      dist = dist + dist.t()
      dist.addmm_(1, -2, features, features.t())
      dist = dist.clamp(min=1e-12).sqrt()  # for numerical stability

      if self.ak_type < 0: 
        mask = pids.expand(n, n).eq(pids.expand(n, n).t())
        dist_ap, dist_an = [], []
        for i in range(n):
          dist_an.append(dist[i][mask[i]].min().unsqueeze(0)) # make nearest pos-pos far away
          dist_ap.append(dist[i][mask[i] == 0].max().unsqueeze(0)) # make hardest pos-neg closer

      elif self.ak_type > 0: 
        p = []
        for i in range(n):
        mask = targets[0][p].expand(n, n).eq(targets[0][p].expand(n, n).t())
        dist_ap, dist_an = [], []
        for i in range(n):
          dist_an.append(dist[i][mask[i] == 0].min().unsqueeze(0))

      dist_ap =
      dist_an =

      y = torch.ones_like(dist_an)

      loss = self.ranking_loss(dist_an, dist_ap, y)
      return torch.log(loss)

class CrossEntropyLoss(nn.Module):
    r"""Cross entropy loss with label smoothing regularizer.
        Szegedy et al. Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision. CVPR 2016.

    With label smoothing, the label :math:`y` for a class is computed by
    .. math::
        (1 - \eps) \times y + \frac{\eps}{K},

    where :math:`K` denotes the number of classes and :math:`\eps` is a weight. When
    :math:`\eps = 0`, the loss function reduces to the normal cross entropy.
        num_classes (int): number of classes.
        eps (float, optional): weight. Default is 0.1.
        use_gpu (bool, optional): whether to use gpu devices. Default is True.
        label_smooth (bool, optional): whether to apply label smoothing. Default is True.

    def __init__(self, num_classes, eps=0.1, use_gpu=True, label_smooth=True):
        super(CrossEntropyLoss, self).__init__()
        self.num_classes = num_classes
        self.eps = eps if label_smooth else 0
        self.use_gpu = use_gpu
        self.logsoftmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)

    def forward(self, inputs, targets):
            inputs (torch.Tensor): prediction matrix (before softmax) with
                shape (batch_size, num_classes).
            targets (torch.LongTensor): ground truth labels with shape (batch_size).
                Each position contains the label index.
        log_probs = self.logsoftmax(inputs)
        zeros = torch.zeros(log_probs.size())
        targets = zeros.scatter_(1, targets.unsqueeze(1).data.cpu(), 1)
        if self.use_gpu:
            targets = targets.cuda()
        targets = (1 - self.eps) * targets + self.eps / self.num_classes
        return (-targets * log_probs).mean(0).sum()

class TripletLoss(nn.Module):
    """Triplet loss with hard positive/negative mining.
        Hermans et al. In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification. arXiv:1703.07737.
    Imported from `<>`_.
        margin (float, optional): margin for triplet. Default is 0.3.

    def __init__(self, margin=0.3):
        super(TripletLoss, self).__init__()
        self.margin = margin
        self.ranking_loss = nn.MarginRankingLoss(margin=margin)

    def forward(self, inputs, targets):
            inputs (torch.Tensor): feature matrix with shape (batch_size, feat_dim).
            targets (torch.LongTensor): ground truth labels with shape (num_classes).
        n = inputs.size(0)

        # Compute pairwise distance, replace by the official when merged
        dist = torch.pow(inputs, 2).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True).expand(n, n)
        dist = dist + dist.t()
        dist.addmm_(inputs, inputs.t(), beta=1, alpha=-2)
        dist = dist.clamp(min=1e-12).sqrt() # for numerical stability

        # For each anchor, find the hardest positive and negative
        mask = targets.expand(n, n).eq(targets.expand(n, n).t())
        dist_ap, dist_an = [], []
        for i in range(n):
            dist_an.append(dist[i][mask[i] == 0].min().unsqueeze(0))
        dist_ap =
        dist_an =

        # Compute ranking hinge loss
        y = torch.ones_like(dist_an)
        return self.ranking_loss(dist_an, dist_ap, y)