LCYE / util /
"""Numpy version of euclidean distance, shortest distance, etc.
Notice the input/output shape of methods, so that you can better understand
the meaning of these methods."""
import numpy as np

def normalize(nparray, order=2, axis=0):
    """Normalize a N-D numpy array along the specified axis."""
    norm = np.linalg.norm(nparray, ord=order, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
    return nparray / (norm + np.finfo(np.float32).eps)

def compute_dist(array1, array2, type='euclidean'):
    """Compute the euclidean or cosine distance of all pairs.
    array1: numpy array with shape [m1, n]
    array2: numpy array with shape [m2, n]
    type: one of ['cosine', 'euclidean']
    numpy array with shape [m1, m2]
    assert type in ['cosine', 'euclidean']
    if type == 'cosine':
        array1 = normalize(array1, axis=1)
        array2 = normalize(array2, axis=1)
        dist = np.matmul(array1, array2.T)
        return dist
        # shape [m1, 1]
        square1 = np.sum(np.square(array1), axis=1)[..., np.newaxis]
        # shape [1, m2]
        square2 = np.sum(np.square(array2), axis=1)[np.newaxis, ...]
        squared_dist = - 2 * np.matmul(array1, array2.T) + square1 + square2
        squared_dist[squared_dist < 0] = 0
        dist = np.sqrt(squared_dist)
        return dist

def shortest_dist(dist_mat):
    """Parallel version.
    dist_mat: numpy array, available shape
      1) [m, n]
      2) [m, n, N], N is batch size
      3) [m, n, *], * can be arbitrary additional dimensions
    dist: three cases corresponding to `dist_mat`
      1) scalar
      2) numpy array, with shape [N]
      3) numpy array with shape [*]
    m, n = dist_mat.shape[:2]
    dist = np.zeros_like(dist_mat)
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):
            if (i == 0) and (j == 0):
                dist[i, j] = dist_mat[i, j]
            elif (i == 0) and (j > 0):
                dist[i, j] = dist[i, j - 1] + dist_mat[i, j]
            elif (i > 0) and (j == 0):
                dist[i, j] = dist[i - 1, j] + dist_mat[i, j]
                dist[i, j] = \
                    np.min(np.stack([dist[i - 1, j], dist[i, j - 1]], axis=0), axis=0) \
                    + dist_mat[i, j]
    # I ran into memory disaster when returning this reference! I still don't
    # know why.
    # dist = dist[-1, -1]
    dist = dist[-1, -1].copy()
    return dist

def unaligned_dist(dist_mat):
    """Parallel version.
      dist_mat: numpy array, available shape
        1) [m, n]
        2) [m, n, N], N is batch size
        3) [m, n, *], * can be arbitrary additional dimensions
      dist: three cases corresponding to `dist_mat`
        1) scalar
        2) numpy array, with shape [N]
        3) numpy array with shape [*]

    m = dist_mat.shape[0]
    dist = np.zeros_like(dist_mat[0])
    for i in range(m):
        dist[i] = dist_mat[i][i]
    dist = np.sum(dist, axis=0).copy()
    return dist

def meta_local_dist(x, y, aligned):
    x: numpy array, with shape [m, d]
    y: numpy array, with shape [n, d]
    dist: scalar
    eu_dist = compute_dist(x, y, 'euclidean')
    dist_mat = (np.exp(eu_dist) - 1.) / (np.exp(eu_dist) + 1.)
    if aligned:
        dist = shortest_dist(dist_mat[np.newaxis])[0]
        dist = unaligned_dist(dist_mat[np.newaxis])[0]
    return dist

# Tooooooo slow!
def serial_local_dist(x, y):
    x: numpy array, with shape [M, m, d]
    y: numpy array, with shape [N, n, d]
    dist: numpy array, with shape [M, N]
    M, N = x.shape[0], y.shape[0]
    dist_mat = np.zeros([M, N])
    for i in range(M):
        for j in range(N):
            dist_mat[i, j] = meta_local_dist(x[i], y[j])
    return dist_mat

def parallel_local_dist(x, y, aligned):
    """Parallel version.
    x: numpy array, with shape [M, m, d]
    y: numpy array, with shape [N, n, d]
    dist: numpy array, with shape [M, N]
    M, m, d = x.shape
    N, n, d = y.shape
    x = x.reshape([M * m, d])
    y = y.reshape([N * n, d])
    # shape [M * m, N * n]
    dist_mat = compute_dist(x, y, type='euclidean')
    dist_mat = (np.exp(dist_mat) - 1.) / (np.exp(dist_mat) + 1.)
    # shape [M * m, N * n] -> [M, m, N, n] -> [m, n, M, N]
    dist_mat = dist_mat.reshape([M, m, N, n]).transpose([1, 3, 0, 2])
    # shape [M, N]
    if aligned:
        dist_mat = shortest_dist(dist_mat)
        dist_mat = unaligned_dist(dist_mat)
    return dist_mat

def local_dist(x, y, aligned):
    if (x.ndim == 2) and (y.ndim == 2):
        return meta_local_dist(x, y, aligned)
    elif (x.ndim == 3) and (y.ndim == 3):
        return parallel_local_dist(x, y, aligned)
        raise NotImplementedError('Input shape not supported.')

def low_memory_matrix_op(
        x, y,
        x_split_axis, y_split_axis,
        x_num_splits, y_num_splits,
        verbose=False, aligned=True):
  For matrix operation like multiplication, in order not to flood the memory
  with huge data, split matrices into smaller parts (Divide and Conquer).

    If still out of memory, increase `*_num_splits`.

    func: a matrix function func(x, y) -> z with shape [M, N]
    x: numpy array, the dimension to split has length M
    y: numpy array, the dimension to split has length N
    x_split_axis: The axis to split x into parts
    y_split_axis: The axis to split y into parts
    x_num_splits: number of splits. 1 <= x_num_splits <= M
    y_num_splits: number of splits. 1 <= y_num_splits <= N
    verbose: whether to print the progress

    mat: numpy array, shape [M, N]

    if verbose:
        import sys
        import time
        printed = True
        st = time.time()
        last_time = time.time()

    mat = [[] for _ in range(x_num_splits)]
    for i, part_x in enumerate(
            np.array_split(x, x_num_splits, axis=x_split_axis)):
        for j, part_y in enumerate(
                np.array_split(y, y_num_splits, axis=y_split_axis)):
            part_mat = func(part_x, part_y, aligned)

            if verbose:
                if not printed:
                    printed = True
                    # Clean the current line
                print('Matrix part ({}, {}) / ({}, {}), +{:.2f}s, total {:.2f}s'
                    .format(i + 1, j + 1, x_num_splits, y_num_splits,
                            time.time() - last_time, time.time() - st))
                last_time = time.time()
        mat[i] = np.concatenate(mat[i], axis=1)
    mat = np.concatenate(mat, axis=0)
    return mat

def low_memory_local_dist(x, y, aligned=True):
    print('Computing local distance...')
    x_num_splits = int(len(x) / 200) + 1
    y_num_splits = int(len(y) / 200) + 1
    z = low_memory_matrix_op(local_dist, x, y, 0, 0, x_num_splits, y_num_splits, verbose=True, aligned=aligned)
    return z