import { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import { copy, linkIcon, loader, tick } from "../assets"; import { useLazyGetSummaryQuery } from "../services/article"; const Demo = () => { const [article, setArticle] = useState({ url: "", summary: "", }); const [allArticles, setAllArticles] = useState([]); const [copied, setCopied] = useState(""); // RTK lazy query const [getSummary, { error, isFetching }] = useLazyGetSummaryQuery(); // Load data from localStorage on mount useEffect(() => { const articlesFromLocalStorage = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem("articles") ); if (articlesFromLocalStorage) { setAllArticles(articlesFromLocalStorage); } }, []); const handleSubmit = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const existingArticle = allArticles.find( (item) => item.url === article.url ); if (existingArticle) return setArticle(existingArticle); const { data } = await getSummary({ articleUrl: article.url }); if (data?.summary) { const newArticle = { ...article, summary: data.summary }; const updatedAllArticles = [newArticle, ...allArticles]; // update state and local storage setArticle(newArticle); setAllArticles(updatedAllArticles); localStorage.setItem("articles", JSON.stringify(updatedAllArticles)); } }; // copy the url and toggle the icon for user feedback const handleCopy = (copyUrl) => { setCopied(copyUrl); navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyUrl); setTimeout(() => setCopied(false), 3000); }; const handleKeyDown = (e) => { if (e.keyCode === 13) { handleSubmit(e); } }; return ( <section className='mt-16 w-full max-w-xl'> {/* Search */} <div className='flex flex-col w-full gap-2'> <form className='relative flex justify-center items-center' onSubmit={handleSubmit} > <img src={linkIcon} alt='link-icon' className='absolute left-0 my-2 ml-3 w-5' /> <input type='url' placeholder='Paste the article link' value={article.url} onChange={(e) => setArticle({ ...article, url: })} onKeyDown={handleKeyDown} required className='url_input peer' // When you need to style an element based on the state of a sibling element, mark the sibling with the peer class, and use peer-* modifiers to style the target element /> <button type='submit' className='submit_btn peer-focus:border-gray-700 peer-focus:text-gray-700 ' > <p>↵</p> </button> </form> {/* Browse History */} <div className='flex flex-col gap-1 max-h-60 overflow-y-auto'> {allArticles.reverse().map((item, index) => ( <div key={`link-${index}`} onClick={() => setArticle(item)} className='link_card' > <div className='copy_btn' onClick={() => handleCopy(item.url)}> <img src={copied === item.url ? tick : copy} alt={copied === item.url ? "tick_icon" : "copy_icon"} className='w-[40%] h-[40%] object-contain' /> </div> <p className='flex-1 font-satoshi text-blue-700 font-medium text-sm truncate'> {item.url} </p> </div> ))} </div> </div> {/* Display Result */} <div className='my-10 max-w-full flex justify-center items-center'> {isFetching ? ( <img src={loader} alt='loader' className='w-20 h-20 object-contain' /> ) : error ? ( <p className='font-inter font-bold text-black text-center'> Well, that wasn't supposed to happen... <br /> <span className='font-satoshi font-normal text-gray-700'> {error?.data?.error} </span> </p> ) : ( article.summary && ( <div className='flex flex-col gap-3'> <h2 className='font-satoshi font-bold text-gray-600 text-xl'> Article <span className='blue_gradient'>Summary</span> </h2> <div className='summary_box'> <p className='font-inter font-medium text-sm text-gray-700'> {article.summary} </p> </div> </div> ) )} </div> </section> ); }; export default Demo;