package edu.upenn.cit594.datamanagement; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import edu.upenn.cit594.ui.UserInterface; import edu.upenn.cit594.util.CovidData; public class JSONCovidReader implements CovidReader { protected static String filename; public JSONCovidReader (String name) { filename = name; } public static ArrayList readCovidJSON() { File jsonFile = new File(filename); if(!jsonFile.exists()) { UserInterface.print("error: covid json file does not exist."); return null; } else if (!jsonFile.canRead()) { UserInterface.print("error: covid json file can not be read."); return null; } //To store the CovidData Object Entries ArrayList covidData = null; //Stores BufferedReader line //String line = ""; try { covidData = new ArrayList(); Object obj = new JSONParser().parse(new FileReader(jsonFile)); JSONArray ja = (JSONArray) obj; for (Object o : ja) { JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) o; //Get zip code long zipCodeLong = (Long) jo.get("zip_code"); int zipCode = (int) zipCodeLong; //if the zipcode is not 5 digits long, then skip row if (String.valueOf(zipCode).length() != 5) { continue; //else, valid zip code } else{ //Get only time stamps that have the proper format String timeStamp = (String) jo.get("etl_timestamp"); //If timestamp is not in specified format (“YYYY- MM-DD hh:mm:ss”), then skip row String pattern = "[0-9]{4}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]) (2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]"; Pattern r = Pattern.compile(pattern); Matcher m = r.matcher(timeStamp); if (!m.find()) {continue;} //Get partially_vaccinated value int partialVax = 0; if (jo.containsKey("partially_vaccinated")) { long partialVaxLong = (Long)(jo.get("partially_vaccinated")); partialVax = (int) partialVaxLong; } //Get fully_vaccinated value int fullVax = 0; if (jo.containsKey("fully_vaccinated")) { long fullVaxLong = (Long)(jo.get("fully_vaccinated")); fullVax = (int) fullVaxLong; } //get boosted value int boosted = 0; if (jo.containsKey("boosted")) { long boostedLong = (Long)(jo.get("boosted")); boosted = (int) boostedLong; } //create new covid row data CovidData covidRow = new CovidData( zipCode, partialVax, fullVax, boosted, timeStamp); //add to CovidData Object ArrayList covidData.add(covidRow); } } } catch (Exception e) { UserInterface.print(e.getMessage()); } return covidData; } }