import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core'; import { MatDialog, MatDialogConfig } from '@angular/material/dialog'; import { EventDetails } from '../event-details'; import { SearchFormService } from '../search-form.service'; import { Venue } from '../venue'; import { VenueMapModalComponent } from '../venue-map-modal/venue-map-modal.component'; @Component({ selector: 'app-event-detail', templateUrl: './event-detail.component.html', styleUrls: ['./event-detail.component.css'] }) export class EventDetailComponent { @Input() eventDetails!: EventDetails; @Input() venueDetails!: Venue; @Input() eventLoaded: boolean = false; @Input() venueLoaded: boolean = false; @Output() messageBack = new EventEmitter<void>(); constructor(private matDialog: MatDialog, private searchFormService: SearchFormService) { } isFavorite: boolean = false; showOpenHours: boolean = false; showGeneralRule: boolean = false; showChildRule: boolean = false; ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges){ if(changes['eventLoaded'] && changes['eventLoaded'].currentValue){ this.checkFav(); } } backToEventTable(): void { this.showOpenHours = false; this.showGeneralRule = false; this.showChildRule = false; this.messageBack.emit(); } combineStrings(array: string[]): string { var res = ''; for (var i = 0; i < array.length - 1; i++) { res += (array[i] + ' | '); } res += array[array.length - 1]; return res; } stringToUrlComponent(s: string): string { let res = encodeURIComponent(s); return res; } openMap(venueAddress: string) { const dialogConfig = new MatDialogConfig(); dialogConfig.disableClose = true; dialogConfig.hasBackdrop = false; this.searchFormService.getGoogleLocation(venueAddress) .subscribe((location: any)=>{ = location;, dialogConfig) }) } addFav(){ this.isFavorite = true; var fav = { id:, name:, date:, category: this.combineStrings(this.eventDetails.genres), venue: this.eventDetails.venue }; var favorites: any[]; const localFav = localStorage.getItem('favorites'); if(localFav === null){ favorites = []; favorites.push(fav); localStorage.setItem('favorites', JSON.stringify(favorites)); }else{ favorites = JSON.parse(localFav); favorites.push(fav); localStorage.setItem('favorites', JSON.stringify(favorites)); } alert('Event Added to Favorites'); } cancelFav(){ this.isFavorite = false; var favorites: any[]; const localFav = localStorage.getItem('favorites'); if(localFav !== null){ favorites = JSON.parse(localFav); for(var i=0; i<favorites.length; i++){ if(favorites[i].id =={ favorites.splice(i, 1); break; } } localStorage.setItem('favorites', JSON.stringify(favorites)); } alert('Removed from Favorites!'); } checkFav(){ var favorites: any[]; const localFav = localStorage.getItem('favorites'); if(localFav !== null){ favorites = JSON.parse(localFav); for(var fav of favorites){ if( =={ this.isFavorite = true; return; } } this.isFavorite = false; }else{ this.isFavorite = false; } } }