## Gitlet * Gitlet is a local version control system that uses commands similar to Git commands. * Gitlet can add, commit, checkout, etc. * Gitlet also has the ability to create different branches and merge branches in addition to handling different merge conflict scenarios. ### Commands and usage: - **init:** `java gitlet.Main init` - **add:** `java gitlet.Main add [file name]` - **commit:** `java gitlet.Main commit [message]` - **rm:** `java gitlet.Main rm [file name]` - **log:** `java gitlet.Main log` - **global-log:** `java gitlet.Main global-log` - **find:** `java gitlet.Main find [commit message]` - **status:** `java gitlet.Main status` ex: ``` === Branches === *master other-branch === Staged Files === wug.txt wug2.txt === Removed Files === goodbye.txt === Modifications Not Staged For Commit === junk.txt (deleted) wug3.txt (modified) === Untracked Files === random.stuff ``` - **checkout:** 1: `java gitlet.Main checkout -- [file name]` 2: `java gitlet.Main checkout [commit id] -- [file name]` 3: `java gitlet.Main checkout [branch name]` - **branch:** `java gitlet.Main branch [branch name]` - **rm-branch:** `java gitlet.Main rm-branch [branch name]` - **reset:** `java gitlet.Main reset [commit id]` - **merge:** `java gitlet.Main merge [branch name]`