import boto3 from operator import itemgetter import schedule import time client = boto3.client('ec2') # Define function to create backup def create_backup(): volume_response = client.describe_volumes( Filters=[ { 'Name': 'tag:Environment', 'Values': [ 'Production', ] }, ] ) volumes = volume_response["Volumes"] volume_ids_list = [] for volume in volumes: volume_ids_list.append(volume["Attachments"]["VolumeId"]) for id in volume_ids_list: snapshot = client.create_snapshot( VolumeId=id ) # Delete old backups def delete_old_backups(): snapshot_response = client.describe_snapshots( OwnerIds=[ 'self', ] ) snapshots = snapshot_response["Snapshots"] sorted_snapshots = sorted(snapshots, key=itemgetter('StartTime'), reverse=True) # Remove recent snapshots from the list of sorted snapshots sorted_snapshots.pop(0) sorted_snapshots.pop(1) for snapshot in sorted_snapshots: delete_snapshot_response = client.delete_snapshot( SnapshotId=snapshot["SnapshotId"] ) # Define interval for backup creation schedule.every()"00:00").do( create_backup ) # Define interval for deletion of backups schedule.every()"00:00").do( delete_old_backups ) while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1)