variable aws_region { description = "AWS region to deploy the infrastructure" default = "us-east-1" } variable aws_profile { description = "AWS CLI profile to use for authentication" default = "default" } variable vpc_cidr { description = "CIDR block for the VPC" default = "" } variable elb_subnetA { description = "CIDR block for elb subnet A - public" default = "" } variable elb_subnetB { description = "CIDR block for elb subnet B - public" default = "" } variable server_subnetA { description = "CIDR block for server subnet A - private" default = "" } variable server_subnetB { description = "CIDR block for server subnet B - private" default = "" } variable db_subnetA { description = "CIDR block for the database subnet A - private" default = "" } variable db_subnetB { description = "CIDR block for the database subnet B - private" default = "" } variable az_1 { description = "Availability zone 'a' for the default AWS region" default = "us-east-1a" } variable az_2 { description = "Availability zone 'b' for the default AWS region" default = "us-east-1b" } variable my_ip { description = "My IP address" default = "" } variable server_instance_type { description = "EC2 instance type for server" default = "t2.micro" } variable db_instance_class { description = "RDS instance class for the database tier" default = "db.t2.micro" } variable db_username { description = "Username for the RDS instance" default = "" } variable db_password { description = "Password for the RDS instance" sensitive = true } variable db_name { description = "Database name at creation" default = "wp-db" } variable multi_az { description = "Multi-az deployment for RDS" default = true }