

This AWS cloud project involves involves the hosting of a website on S3, with high availablility using CloudFront, site security using Certificate Manager, and domain name mangement using Route 53.

The configuration includes...

  1. Uploading of the 3-page website with JavaScript components on an S3 bucket, using the registered domain name for the website as the bucket name.

  2. A hosted zone is created in Route 53.

  3. The nameservers created in Route 53 are copied and pasted in the domain name management section of the domain registrar.

  4. Certificate manager is created and subsequently, CNAME-record created within our hosted zone for the certificate manager.

  5. CloudFront is created to serve cached contents from our website hosted on S3.

  6. A-record is created in Route 53 for our ClodFront distribution.

These entire architecture ensures a secured, highly-available, cost-effective and scalable website hosting.