This cloud project demonstrates the provisioning of a server, configuring a WordPress site in it from scratch, and creating a image from it for future use.
The AWS services used include... EC2, RDS, and AMI
The steps involved are...
Launch an EC2 instance in a self-configured VPC with all its networking components including subnets, route table, security group (with an inbound rule allowing traffic on port 22 for SSH, and port 80 and 443 for HTTP/ HTTPS)
Create a database instance using RDS.
Access the instance using SSH, and install - APACHE, PHP and WordPress.
Start the Apache service
Unpack the WordPress tar file.
Move the WordPress folder to /var/www dirctory.
Configure Apache to render the index.html file that comes with the WordPress installation.
Change the ownership of WordPress directory to Apache user
Restart Apache
Access the WordPress site using the IP address of the instance