import*; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.*; /** * Purdue CS180 - Summer 22 - Project 5 - Store Class * * This class stores all the fields and methods a seller can * use to operate their store * * @author Ivan Yang, Jun Shern Lim, Shaofeng Yuan * * @version 31st July 2022 */ public class Store { private String storeName; //name of store private String storeDescription; //description of store private String sellerID; //seller associated with store private String storeID; //store's uniqueID private String sellerName; //seller's name private LocalDateTime mostRecentMsgRecvd = LocalDateTime.MIN; //store's most recent message received time private LocalDateTime mostRecentMsgSent = LocalDateTime.MIN; //store's most recent message sent time public Store(String storeName, String storeDescription, String sellerID, String sellerName) { this.storeName = storeName; this.storeDescription = storeDescription; this.sellerID = sellerID; this.sellerName = sellerName; storeID = generateUniqueStoreID(); } public String getSellerName() { return sellerName; } public void setSellerName(String sellerName) { this.sellerName = sellerName; } public void setMostRecentMsgRecvd(LocalDateTime mostRecentMsgRecvd) { this.mostRecentMsgRecvd = mostRecentMsgRecvd; } public LocalDateTime getMostRecentMsgRecvd() { return mostRecentMsgRecvd; } public LocalDateTime getMostRecentMsgSent() { return mostRecentMsgSent; } public void setMostRecentMsgSent(LocalDateTime mostRecentMsgSent) { this.mostRecentMsgSent = mostRecentMsgSent; } public String getStoreName() { return storeName; } public void setStoreName(String storeName) { this.storeName = storeName; } public String getSellerID() { return sellerID; } public void setSellerID(String sellerID) { this.sellerID = sellerID; } public String getStoreDescription() { return storeDescription; } public void setStoreDescription(String storeDescription) { this.storeDescription = storeDescription; } public void setStoreID(String storeID) { this.storeID = storeID; } public String getStoreID() { return storeID; } //Receives a Store object and write its info into the stores file. public void writeStoreToFile() throws IOException { synchronized (MessagingServer.STORES_GATEKEEPER) { File f = new File(Seller.getFileName()); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f, true); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fos); pw.printf("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n", storeName, storeDescription, sellerID, storeID, sellerName); pw.close(); } } //checks if a store name is unique public static boolean isStoreNameUnique(String storeName) throws IOException { try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("stores.txt"))) { String line; line = br.readLine(); while (line != null) { String[] lineSplit = line.split(","); if (storeName.equalsIgnoreCase(lineSplit[0])) { return false; } line = br.readLine(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { //if no file is found, the store must be unique since it's the first store -> return true return true; } return true; } //generates a unique storeID public String generateUniqueStoreID() { String[] splitStoreName = storeName.split(" "); String returnStoreName = String.join("", splitStoreName); return String.format("%s_%s", sellerID, returnStoreName.toUpperCase()); } //returns an integer array list of message counts received by all customers from one store public ArrayList getStoreMessageCounts(ArrayList customers) throws IOException { ArrayList count = new ArrayList<>(); int curCount = 0; for (Customer customer : customers) { synchronized (Objects.requireNonNull(MessagingServer.getCustomerGatekeeper(customer.getID()))) { ArrayList messages = User.getMsg( String.format("%s_%s.txt", storeID, customer.getCustomerID())); if (messages.size() != 0) { for (Message message : messages) { if (!message.getSenderID().equals(storeID)) { curCount += 1; } } } messages = User.getMsg(String.format("%s_%s_new.txt", storeID, customer.getCustomerID())); if (messages.size() != 0) { for (Message message : messages) { if (!message.getSenderID().equals(storeID)) { curCount += 1; } } } } count.add(curCount); curCount = 0; } if (count.size() != customers.size()) { System.out.println("Error occurred in getStoreStats"); return null; } return count; } //returns a string of sorted store statistics public static String[] sortStoreStats(String[] storeStats, ArrayList count, int sortOrder) { // Sorting message with respect to sort order Collections.sort(count); String customerMessages = ""; if (sortOrder == 3) { Collections.reverse(count); } //copy storeStats String[] copyStoreStats = storeStats.clone(); // Putting the messages back into one string and returning it String[] sorted = new String[count.size()]; int indexToRemove = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < copyStoreStats.length; j++) { if (copyStoreStats[j].equals("")) { continue; } String[] split = copyStoreStats[j].split( " "); //compare the value in count to the value in the string if (split[split.length - 3].substring(1).equals(String.valueOf(count.get(i)))) { sorted[i] = copyStoreStats[j]; indexToRemove = j; break; } } copyStoreStats[indexToRemove] = ""; } return sorted; } }