honeyplotnet / readme.md

PyTorch Implementation of "HoneyPlotNet"

HoneyPlotNet is a deep learning architecture that generates realistic and semantically consistent charts for honeyfiles. Our approach is to train a multimodal Transformer language model and multi-head vector quantization autoencoder to generate different components of a honeyplot based on the local document text and caption.

Software Requirements

This codebase was built using Python 3.7 and PyTorch 1.12.1. Use the following script to build a virtual env and install required packages.

python3.7 -m venv $HOME/envs/honeyplots
source $HOME/envs/honeyplots/bin/activate
pip install -U pip

# See https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/ 
pip install torch==1.12.1+cu116 torchvision==0.13.1+cu116 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116

pip install -r requirements.txt

Hardware Requirements

Training was conducted using a single A100 node with 4 GPUs (80GB). Each of the three stages required approximately 8-12 hours.


Default Configuration

In /config/default.yaml, ensure that

  • exp_dir.home -- points to your experiment directory
  • data.path.home -- points to your dataset directory

All other configurations inherit properties from default.yaml.


The dataset combines charts and captions from PubMedCentral. The chart data was originally from the ICPR 2020 chart detection competition. This is automatically downloaded from a S3 bucket during training. It will be saved in your data.path.home config path.


The entry point is main.py which requires specification of mode=['train','eval','generate], stage=['continuous','seq'].

continuous stage trains the Plot Data Model (PDM).

seq stage trains the multimodal Transformer with two decoders. Each decoder is trained seperately and is controled using the model.seq.opt_mode config setting. Each decoder must be trained in this order to replicate results.

  • The first decoder is trained on language tokens (model.seq.opt_mode: 1). This freezes the weights of the second decoder.
  • The second decoder is trained on data tokens (model.seq.opt_mode: 2). This freezes the shared encoder and language decoder.

The following command works for a single GPU.

python main.py -c <CONFIG> -s <STAGE> -m <MODE>

The codebase is built using Pytorch Distributed Package. Depending on your setup, the following is suitable for multiple GPUs:

torchrun --nnodes=<NNODES> \
    --nproc_per_node=<TASKS_PER_NODE> \
    --max_restarts=3 \
    --rdzv_id=<ID> \
    --rdzv_backend=c10d \
    --rdzv_endpoint=$MASTER_ADDR \
    main.py -c <CONFIG> -s <STAGE> -m <MODE>

See official guide on Pytorch Distributed for more information.


Once training is complete for all stages, you can conduct evaluation across all tasks in one run using eval.py.

python eval.py -c <CONFIG> 

Use the config file mvqgan_t5.yaml to replicate results in paper.


Copyright © __________________________. This work has been supported by __________________________.


Please cite our paper, if use this codebase. Thank you.